The Enlightened Fist
The Enlightened Fist combines the combat powers of the monk with the magical abilities of a wizard. Because of the rigors of studying magic, the Enlightened Fist can no longer concentrate on gaining the special abilities - such as Immunity to Disease and the like - which a monk gains, but will continue to advance in combat powers - unarmed damage, AC bonus, and the like - as a monk. The Enlightened Fist also continues to gain magical powers as a Wizard. In addition, the Enlightened Fist is able to imbue his or her unarmed attacks with the power of his or her spells, with energy damage, or with the effect of any ranged touch spell (such as scorching ray or ray of enfeeblement). The Enlightened Fist can also swap Power Points for Hit Points, effectively channeling arcane power to heal wounds.
The Enlightened Fist essentially swaps some of the more unique monk special abilities for the ability to merge spells with combat, and to continue gaining power as a spell-user without losing the monk's unique unarmed combat skills and supreme defensive power.
The Spellsword
The spellsword is a prestige class best suited to the fighter/wizard. The spellsword sacrifices rapidity of development of magical power for versatility in combat, slowly gaining the ability to cast spells in heavier and heavier armour and to channel his spells through his weapon. By 4th level, for example, a Spellsword can channel any spell into his weapon, so that it can be delivered with the weapon's blow any time in the ensuing 8 hours. Such channelled spells can include lightning bolt, fireball and the like, and the spell can be channelled in the same round as the attack is activated. At high levels this enables the spellsword to cast spells and attack in the same round, and to fight in heavy armour like a warrior - a truly potent combination.
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