Friday, 23 November 2007

Ghosts and Slime...


Chat History with how are you? (#zemeister/$grremily;65e0cc1c37273d57)

Created on 2007-10-25 20:56:40.

God: 18:11:52
who wants to review the events of last session?
TW: 18:12:10
sure that's easy
God: 18:12:27
[WITHOUT complaints about how boring it was...]
TW: 18:12:30
walked around, saved some prisoners, Lotho was a hero (again), found lots of treasure
God: 18:12:46
well, that's an adequate summary I think...
God: 18:12:50
anyone dispute any of the details?
TW: 18:13:02
sweet someone else has to do it next week!
Lotho: 18:13:53
God: 18:14:01
ah, Lotho has returned!
Ember: 18:14:02
All I remember is that the weight of the treasure was heavier than an elephant's scrotum, and I might need to see a tailor soon ...
Ryu: 18:14:02
it's Lotho
God: 18:14:05
bearing beer and food no doubt
Ryu: 18:14:06
TW: 18:14:07
Lotho: 18:14:09
i wasn't in the chat
God: 18:14:10
why a Tailor?
Ember: 18:14:29
my pockets are feeling the strain
God: 18:14:33
Ember: 18:14:35
need resewn
Ember: 18:14:42
What a bottomer!
God: 18:14:43
I believe Ryu had a floating disc for carrying some of the treasure
Ryu: 18:14:48
God: 18:14:48
didn't your cohorts lug it upstairs?
Ryu: 18:15:00
I didn't have enough pp to use it
God: 18:15:07
TW: 18:15:10
cohorts = slave...?
God: 18:15:15
which brings us to our first major topic of the day...
Ryu: 18:15:18
i haven't even learnt it yet
Ember: 18:15:22
Well, my memory is slightly fuzzy, but there's an enormous bulge in my pocket, and it ain't a pencil.
God: 18:15:33
and since you're an elf, it can't be a pistol...
God: 18:15:36
God: 18:15:47
so I have decided to change the rule for power poitns slightly
God: 18:15:53
so you are all going to have to recalculate your power points
God: 18:15:56
It works like this:
God: 18:16:04
power points will be calculated the same way as hit points
God: 18:16:07
God: 18:16:24
every time you gain a level, you roll a die to calculate how many power points you have
God: 18:16:29
for clerics, it's 1d8
God: 18:16:32
for wizards, 1d10
God: 18:16:35
for bards, 1d6
TW: 18:16:41
God: 18:16:46
you add on a bonus for your abilities:
God: 18:16:53
Clerics add wisdom modifier
TW: 18:16:53
God: 18:16:59
wizards add intelligence modifier
God: 18:17:03
bards add charisma modifier
God: 18:17:10
Ryu: 18:17:19
So for the purposes of this exercise, I would be a wiz?
God: 18:17:29
if you are a 6th level cleric, you roll 6d8 + 6*(wisdom modifier)
God: 18:17:42
Ryu: you are a 3rd level wizard, so you roll 3d10+ 3*(int modifier)
TW: 18:17:55
ryu - you're always a wizared, do you forget sometimes?
God: 18:18:04
Because bards are crap at everything, they don't get to roll power points for the first level
Lotho: 18:18:06
so you want us to do this now?
Ryu: 18:18:11
I'm better with bare knuckle fighting
God: 18:18:19
so a 9th level bard rolls 8d6+9*(charisma modifier)
God: 18:18:22
Lotho: yes
God: 18:18:24
TW: 18:18:25
What!!!! God's biased!
God: 18:18:28
here is the tricky bit
God: 18:18:57
if the amount you roll is MORE than the power points you had under the old rule, I want you to add hte difference to your CURRENt power points as well
Ember: 18:18:59
Bloody deities.
God: 18:19:07
if it is LESS: your current pps stay the same
Ember: 18:19:18
Oh NO, maths! 
God: 18:19:19
Ember's opinion ot hte contrary, I am a generous and just Deity
Ember: 18:19:24
runs and hides
God: 18:19:25
God: 18:19:30
before you run and hide
God: 18:19:33
or calculate
God: 18:19:35
please tell me
God: 18:19:38
1) your level and class
TW: 18:19:44
a just deity or just a deity?
God: 18:19:47
2) your appropriate modifier
God: 18:19:57
TW: you are treading a thin line
TW: 18:20:25
God: Bards a proffesional crappiers
Lotho: 18:20:50
cleric 5, wis mod 2
Ember: 18:20:57
wiz 6, int 3
God: 18:21:00
TW: 18:21:03
Tint - Bard 9
TW: 18:21:15
Cha = 3
God: 18:21:23
Lotho: roll 5d8+5*(wis mod)=5d8+5*3=5d8+15
Ryu: 18:21:32
lvl 3 wiz/ lv 6 monk, int mod = 3
God: 18:21:40
Ember: 6d8+6*(int mod)=6d8+18
God: 18:21:46
sorry Lotho: 5d8+10
God: 18:21:56
sorry Ember: 6d10+18
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:22:11
god's been into the cellar too early this evening
God: 18:22:23
Ryu: 3d10+3*(int mod)=3d10+3*3=3d10+9
God: 18:22:42
TW: 8d6+27
Ryu: 18:22:42
24, in my case.
Lotho: 18:22:53
but my wis mod is 2
God: 18:23:27
yeah sorry lotho: 5d8+5*(wis mod)=5d8+5*2=5d8+10
God: 18:24:27
Ryu: your power points under the old rules would have been 15, so write 24 in the section called "power points", and add 24-15=9 to your current power points
Lotho: 18:24:40
so we can have any additional pps now?
God: 18:24:49
Lotho: yes
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:24:50
4, 3, 4, 10, 10, 8 ... +18 = *57*
God: 18:25:18
Ory: write the 57 in your "power points" box, and then the difference between 57 and the old power points figure gets added to your current pps
Ryu: 18:25:43
So that means I'm running on 9 pp at the moment
Ryu: 18:26:05
TW: Professional's spelt wrong.
God: 18:26:25
Ryu: yes
God: 18:26:33
Lotho: what was your total
God: 18:26:34
Bard = Proffesional Crapper: 18:26:36
 crap at everything including spelling - sniff, sniff
God: 18:26:38
TW: have you rolled?
Bard = Proffesional Crapper: 18:26:51
6,3,6,2,5,2,3,4,+27 = 58
Ryu: 18:26:53
bard: Um. There there. There there.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:27:14
Ooooo, Ryu's on SpellWatch tonight. Typos beware! :o 
God: 18:27:24
TW: your new pp total is 58, add the difference between this and the old total to your current pps
Bard = Proffesional Crapper: 18:27:58
old total = 27, old current pps = 8
Ryu: 18:28:01
Ory: I've got an enlightened fist after all. Or I will have.
God: 18:28:10
so now you have 39 pps
Ryu: 18:28:17
My powers of web ejaculation has been restored somewhat.
God: 18:28:32
Ryu, I think that shold be "have been restored somewhat"
Bard = Proffesional Crapper: 18:28:44
Ryu: (rofl)
God: 18:28:50
the auxiliary verb takes the same declension as the subject's case
Ryu: 18:29:06
God: 18:29:17
God: 18:29:20
are you there?
Lotho: 18:29:39
God: 18:29:42
Ryu: 18:29:43
away in kitchen... sudden craving for baked goods
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:29:53
Surely he's just fiddling with his auxiliaries.
God: 18:30:09
Ory: he's a monk, gave up his auxiliaries to join the order
Lotho: 18:30:12
God: 18:30:21
so Lotho, what was your old total pps?
Lotho: 18:30:25
God: 18:30:43
it couldn't have been, surely?
Ryu: 18:30:47
Well, mine is a rather progressive order
Lotho: 18:30:57
Whistling Tinterly: 18:31:02
progressing where?
Lotho: 18:31:17
5d8 +10
Ryu: 18:31:23
God: 18:31:28
your old total pps should be level * max spell level + wis mod= 5*3+2=17
God: 18:31:33
or something similar
Lotho: 18:32:04
i tought we just increased them..
God: 18:32:06
sings the birthday song for Eden
God: 18:32:22
Lotho: what were your total PPs under the old rule?
Ryu: 18:32:23
yay me. thanks
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:32:26
(party) For he's a jolly good mo-oo-oonk! (party)
Lotho: 18:32:46
it was 19, now is 35. right?
God: 18:32:48
(party) For he's a jolly good mo-oo-oonk! (party)
God: 18:32:51
God: 18:33:02
so your new total is 35, adn your new Current pps is the old current pps +16
Ryu: 18:33:10
(beer) for everybody
Whistling Tinterly: 18:33:15
Karoke - happy b'day?
God: 18:33:24
happy b'day Mr. Eden!
Lotho: 18:33:30
i've added the extra 6
God: 18:33:33
Are you old enough to drink now?
Ryu: 18:33:36
thank you for the card by the way...
God: 18:33:41
Lotho: 35 - 19 is 16
Ryu: 18:33:53
god: old enough, and making up for lost time.
God: 18:33:59
good work
Lotho: 18:34:01
um. oh. k
God: 18:34:01
Lotho: 18:34:09
okay, so now i have 22
God: 18:34:12
God: 18:34:20
also Lotho you have a pearl of power which adds 1 pp to your total
God: 18:34:32
so you should add that on to your total pps too (so they become 36)
God: 18:34:34
God: 18:34:44
there is one noticeable effect of this change in rules which you should remember
God: 18:34:49
this noticeable effect is:
God: 18:35:02
every time you gain a level you gain your ability modifier added on to your pps
God: 18:35:04
God: 18:35:20
if your ability modifier should increase, it gets added retrospecitvely across all the levls you have
God: 18:35:29
so if you are a wizard, and your intelligence increases by 4
God: 18:35:37
your intelligence modifier will increase by 2
God: 18:35:45
so then you gain an extra 2pps PER LEVEL YOU POSSESS
Ryu: 18:35:52
God: 18:35:53
e.g. Ory would gain an extra 10pps
God: 18:36:03
It just so happens that there are spells which have this effect
Whistling Tinterly: 18:36:11
How does temporary skill increases affect pps? i.e. cast a spell to gain pps to cast lots more spells.
God: 18:36:12
e.g. fox's cunning increases intelligence by 4
Ryu: 18:36:13
that nucking futs. Wow.
God: 18:36:32
TW: there is no spell to icnrease pps
God: 18:36:33
God: 18:36:48
the spell expires after a certain period of time
Whistling Tinterly: 18:36:50
fox's cunning would increase pps for a wiz!
God: 18:36:55
at which point you have to lose the pps you gained
God: 18:37:12
if you don't have enough pps the sudden loss in pps will cause you to go into negative pps
God: 18:37:14
this isn't possible
God: 18:37:22
so you lose hps instead - at a rate of 2 for 1
Whistling Tinterly: 18:37:37
aaahhh... the hidden catch.
God: 18:37:39
For example, before a big battle Ryu casts fox's cunning on himself
God: 18:37:54
he gains 6 pps (3 levels of wizard * 2 for the increase in intelligence)
God: 18:38:00
he uses all his pps in the battle
God: 18:38:04
then he has 0 pps
God: 18:38:07
after a few hours the spell wears off
God: 18:38:15
and suddenly he loses 6pps
God: 18:38:21
because you can't have negative pps
God: 18:38:25
he loses 12hps instead
God: 18:38:34
do we all understand this?
Ryu: 18:38:41
Lotho: 18:38:44
Ryu: 18:38:47
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:38:47
Whistling Tinterly: 18:38:47
God: 18:38:53
God: 18:38:56
God: 18:39:07
I shall go toilet and then we can start!
God: 18:39:25
while I am off wrestling with my incorporeal functions, please open the map of the area we toured last session...
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:41:54
*oops* I have mislaid said trusty parchment.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:42:03
Please resend God, by express pigeon
God: 18:43:44
righty ho
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:43:50
Arigaato, god (bow) 
God: 18:43:51
does everyone have their map open?
Ryu: 18:44:05
open and waiting
Whistling Tinterly: 18:44:12
Whistling Tinterly: 18:44:46
God: Do I have any experience with this area?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:44:59
Cor, like the Northern Bird in the top corner. 
Whistling Tinterly: 18:45:20
Ory: ???
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:45:23
(Are we looking at the Orc Caverns map?)
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:45:36
(In his delerium, God has sent me the wrong map)
Ryu: 18:46:10
northern bird in the top corner?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:46:56
(a pretty woman depicts the north-pointing compass, but I don't think tis on yer map Ryu, different map)
Lotho: 18:47:04
dungeons or hill giant?
Ryu: 18:47:11
I've got dungeons open
God: 18:47:12
Lotho: dungeons
God: 18:47:27
everyone should have a map fo the dungeons open, labelled "Hill Giant stronghold" at the bottom
Ryu: 18:47:28
Hey TW: Check out Basilisk anime
God: 18:47:39
you have explored all the grey area
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:47:54
Onward to slime!
God: 18:47:57
that is, the regular, stone-worked areas carved by Giants
Whistling Tinterly: 18:48:00
R: Okay - thanks - just finished FM Alchemist
Ryu: 18:48:22
tw: FM Alchemist rocks out with its cock out, does it not?
God: 18:48:23
the tunnel at the bottom near the rightt, which opens into rooms 20 and 19, is the only part left unexplored
God: 18:48:38
I agree with TW and Ryu
God: 18:48:46
I keep trying to get ory to watch it but he refuses
Ryu: 18:48:55
hat?? why??
Ryu: 18:49:03
what?? why??
God: 18:49:17
hat?? why not?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:49:37
I wondered about the hat. Well, because there's other things to watch, like Heroes and... stuff.
God: 18:49:46
(we have much stuff to watch)
God: 18:49:56
(we blew a few weeks on the Tripods - that was good!)
God: 18:49:58
Whistling Tinterly: 18:50:06
ha ha ha...
God: 18:50:07
shall we return to the task at hand?
Ryu: 18:50:16
God: 18:50:46
you have explored the whole of the grey area, icluding looting the treasure chamber at room 12
Whistling Tinterly: 18:50:55
Yay Lotho!
God: 18:51:02
the goodies having been incorporated into your character sheets
Lotho: 18:51:15
huh tw?
God: 18:51:27
your task is to find hte remainder of the slaves, and the Orc leader, so you can free them and question him
God: 18:51:37
where do you wish to go in order to do this?
Lotho: 18:51:46
what happened to the slaves we had last time?
Whistling Tinterly: 18:51:48
L: you did some specy trap removal at the treasure room
Ryu: 18:51:55
Where are we now?
Ryu: 18:52:04
room 12 did you say?
God: 18:52:13
Room 1
God: 18:52:37
you have looted and searched the whole area, and your cohorts have met you at room 1 (remember htey were escorting some freed slaves to the ship)
God: 18:52:54
your only remaining areas are 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
God: 18:52:59
i.e. the natural caverns to the east
God: 18:53:14
these can only be reached through the tunnel which crosses from west t oeast below room 1
Whistling Tinterly: 18:53:24
Tint scratches his head and tries to remember if he came down here before joining the group.
God: 18:53:35
TW: you sneaked through here
God: 18:53:50
you couldn't easily find treasure so you went up a level
Whistling Tinterly: 18:53:58
with my eyes closed or open?
God: 18:54:05
you remember there was something scary in the natural caverns, but you ran through too fast to see what
Whistling Tinterly: 18:54:28
aaha... running away. I'm good at that!
God: 18:54:41
Ryu: 18:54:46
Well, that's ominous.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:54:52
God: 18:54:55
do you want to go back and investigate from ... behind ... the cover of your new friends?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:55:18
an investigation from behind sounds fun! :P
Whistling Tinterly: 18:55:26
heros leading from behind - like all good generals
God: 18:55:28
not with a mere pencil it ain't...
Whistling Tinterly: 18:55:57
send in the ferret(s)
Ryu: 18:56:02
a behind investigation, penetrating deep into the unknown and virgin territory
Whistling Tinterly: 18:56:07
or was that marines?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:56:13
If we go to the Caves, I bet god's planning some Descent-style scariness
God: 18:56:15
flanking the enemy with a penetrating move...
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:56:22
God: 18:56:29
Ory, you are too wussy by half
Ryu: 18:56:31
Descent. That is one fucking scary film.
Lotho: 18:56:38
i'm sure there will be monsters galore
Whistling Tinterly: 18:56:39
run tint run
God: 18:56:41
Ryu: it certainly was
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:56:46
Indeed. God had to sleep with the light on afterwards.
God: 18:57:00
but still the grey men came for me..
God: 18:57:04
God: 18:57:14
can you guys make a decision or something ...?
Ryu: 18:57:20
Well, maybe we should explore by numbers. How about 19?
Whistling Tinterly: 18:57:26
greay men with blue hands? - two by two, hand of blue.
Ryu: 18:57:39
God: 18:57:40
scarier, much scarier, TW
Whistling Tinterly: 18:58:00
19 sounds like a lucky number to me
God: 18:58:05
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:58:25
19 sounds logical.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 18:58:36
Then up, up and away!

God: 18:58:41
Lotho: 18:58:45
Whistling Tinterly: 18:58:50
bah logic is for stuffy wizards... hmm....
God: 18:59:14
you walk down the tunnels heading south and then turning East, until you come to the point where the tunnel splits into 3
God: 18:59:28
the floor here is scattered with rubble, as if the ceiling has been a little unstable of late
God: 18:59:38
surely this has no relationship to anything which might happen ahead...
Ryu: 19:00:04
Is the path to 17 blocked?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:00:07
Bloody cave-in's all we need.
God: 19:00:08
you head down the right-hand side tunnel, which heads down a little until it opens, after maybe 60', into a large, dark cavern
Whistling Tinterly: 19:00:08
do we get scary background music?
God: 19:00:22
no, the path to 17 is not blocked
God: 19:00:40
you have already explored it though - it leads to a kind of meeting area
Ryu: 19:00:50
oh yes
God: 19:00:53
the tunnel which heads to this stronghold from the south was once unblocked
God: 19:01:09
room 17a was a place for people to meet and exchange goods, like a kidn of market place
God: 19:01:12
it is long disused
God: 19:01:14
Whistling Tinterly: 19:01:17
is it recently blocked?
God: 19:01:24
TW: no
God: 19:01:27
a very old rockfall
God: 19:01:36
so you enter room 19
God: 19:01:41
it is quite wide and dark
God: 19:01:45
the ceilings are high
God: 19:02:07
there are many outcroppings of rock from the walls and ceilings, which cast thick shadows around the cavern from your lanterns
God: 19:02:22
even with teh lanterns on here it is very difficult to see clearly to any distance
Whistling Tinterly: 19:02:23
what's our plan of investigation? Do we have a standard scouting routine?
God: 19:02:30
water drips from the ceilings and runs down the wall
God: 19:02:39
in the distance you can hear the sound of water running
God: 19:02:48
do you want to separate to search the area?
Lotho: 19:02:51
is there any light?
God: 19:03:13
Lotho: you cna cast a light spell, or a more powerful light spell (e.g. daylight, if you are able to)
God: 19:03:21
I am assuming oneof you has alight spell on at all times
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:03:22
Can I see at all well with my elfin viz?
God: 19:03:26
and maybe someone is carrying a torch
God: 19:03:42
Ory: you can see a bit further, but it is still confusing because of all the rocky protrusions and the shadows flickering
Lotho: 19:03:54
mm, not sure we want to attract the attention, guess we have to though
God: 19:03:56
do you split up to search, or stay together?
Ryu: 19:04:02
liste check?
God: 19:04:08
everyone make a listen check
Whistling Tinterly: 19:04:09
I'd like to cast detect thoughts
God: 19:04:17
actually: spot check
God: 19:04:19
TW: cast it
Ryu: 19:04:28
Whistling Tinterly: 19:04:48
spellcraft 28
Lotho: 19:05:55
spot 22
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:06:24
spot 19
Whistling Tinterly: 19:06:34
detecting thoughts |-(
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:06:38
listen 12
God: 19:06:44
TW: with this group? Nothing registers
Ryu: 19:06:46
Ryu: 19:06:56
Whistling Tinterly: 19:06:58
God: 19:07:03
you can't sense any thoughts within the vicinity
God: 19:07:12
none of you can hear anything
Ryu: 19:07:15
undead don't have thoughts do they?
God: 19:07:16
or see anything
God: 19:07:21
Ryu: no
Ryu: 19:07:24
Whistling Tinterly: 19:07:50
big empty spaces also don't have thoughts either... just being optimistic
God: 19:08:03
none of you can hear anything
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:08:04
oops, spot 23; listen 22. My brain is fizzling.
God: 19:08:06
or see anything
God: 19:08:36
so when the three thin, wispy, completely silent creatures drift out of hte darkness and attack Ory, Lotho and Ryu, you are all completely unready
God: 19:08:54
these creatures are like thin, wispy illusions
Ryu: 19:09:03
oh my fucking god
God: 19:09:13
the only part of them which shows even the faintest hint of radiance is their eyes
God: 19:09:23
which glow with a cold, limpid blue light that is not very comforting
God: 19:09:34
they reach for you with incorporeal hands
God: 19:09:44
you can see through their forms to the rocks behind
God: 19:10:03
Ryu, Ory, Lotho: tell me your armour class WITHOUT any armour, or dexterity bonus
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:10:44
God: 19:10:50
Ory: one touches you
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:10:50
(in combat and saves)
Lotho: 19:11:04
God: 19:11:08
you take 4hps damage
God: 19:11:15
Lotho: that would be about right
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:11:16
Ryu: 19:11:24
17 (unarmoured, without dex but with everything else)
God: 19:11:25
Ory: make a fortitude saving throw, please
Ryu: 19:11:28
base 10
God: 19:11:53
Lotho, you also cannot include your wisdom bonus or your special monk bonusses
God: 19:12:01
you are surprised, so you can't dodge
God: 19:12:17
Lotho: one creature touches you, doing 1 hps damage
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:12:18
God: 19:12:21
make a fortitude saving throw
God: 19:12:33
Ory: the touch is cold, and you can feel its magical power, but it does no more harm
God: 19:12:39
Ryu: what is your AC?
Ryu: 19:12:47
Ryu: 19:12:56
no no
Ryu: 19:12:58
sorry, 11
Ryu: 19:13:10
that's unarmoured surprised right?
God: 19:13:11
that's right, 11
God: 19:13:13
you get hit too
God: 19:13:22
2 hps damage, make a fortitude saving throw
Ryu: 19:13:42
God: 19:13:44
Anyone watching this little affair can make a Knowledge(arcana) or Knowledge(religion) check to work out what these creatures are
God: 19:13:54
Ryu: you too are unaffected by their nasty magical touch
God: 19:13:58
so just take the damage
God: 19:14:00
God: 19:14:07
what is your fortitude saving throw?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:14:17
making arcana check
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:14:35
22 arcana check
God: 19:14:42
Ory: these are wraiths
God: 19:14:44
Whistling Tinterly: 19:14:47
Arcana = 26 (natural 19 - damn)
God: 19:14:50
evil nasty undead
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:14:53
God: 19:14:54
who you hate
God: 19:14:59
your favoured enemy
Lotho: 19:14:59
dunno, where is it/
Lotho: 19:15:01
God: 19:15:03
who you get damage bonusses against
God: 19:15:17
Lotho, it should be in the "skills and abilities" sheet, between armour class and skills
Lotho: 19:15:42
total? 11
God: 19:15:59
Ryu: 19:16:06
"How does one fight against air?"
God: 19:16:14
so roll 2d10 and add that total to do a fortitude saving throw
Lotho: 19:16:46
God: 19:16:51
God: 19:16:57
you don't feel any special effects from the touch either
Whistling Tinterly: 19:17:00
clerics are generally pretty good against undead, also fire
God: 19:17:01
now you guys can act
God: 19:17:05
everyone roll initiative
Ryu: 19:17:13
Whistling Tinterly: 19:17:29
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:17:29
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:17:32
God: 19:18:09
Lotho, your initiative?
God: 19:18:17
should be just below your skills and abilities
Lotho: 19:18:18
um, 10
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:18:20
oops, 7, still poxy!
Lotho: 19:18:22
Lotho: 19:18:24
God: 19:18:38
Lotho: roll 2d10 and add "initiative"
Lotho: 19:18:44
God: 19:18:57
God: 19:18:59
they go first
God: 19:19:15
'cause you guys are slow
God: 19:19:24
they attack again, pale blue eyes sparkling in the dim light
God: 19:19:56
their chill touch slides easily through Ryu and Ory's thin clothing, but Lotho manages to avoid another touch
God: 19:20:06
Ryu: 2hps damage, make a fortitude save
God: 19:20:12
Ory: 1 hps damage, make a fortitude save
God: 19:20:17
what is everyone going to do?
Ryu: 19:20:19
God: 19:20:26
(Lotho, remember, you can TURN undead)
Ryu: 19:20:37
cast protection from evil
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:20:42
God: 19:20:47
Ryu: a terrible chill seeps through your bones, and you lose 3 points of constitution
God: 19:20:59
Tint, you act next, what do you do?
Whistling Tinterly: 19:21:21
inspire courage +2 attacks +2 damage for everyone.
God: 19:21:22
Ryu: losing 3 points of constitution puts you on 8
God: 19:21:31
that means that you lose 9 hit points
God: 19:21:41
and your fortitude saving throw is reduced by 1
Ryu: 19:21:45
on top of two?
God: 19:21:52
it is best not to right this down but to remember it
God: 19:21:54
Ryu: yes
God: 19:22:07
losing constitution causes hit points to decrease
God: 19:22:09
Lotho: 19:22:10
um, how do i turn undead?
God: 19:22:14
Tint starts singing his song
God: 19:22:23
Lotho: you roll 2d10 and add your charisma modifier
God: 19:22:25
God: 19:22:32
then you roll 2d6+ level + cha mod
Ryu: 19:22:38
collapses to one knee, breathing heavily, his eyes sunken
God: 19:22:41
make those 2 rolls, and i will tell you what happens
Whistling Tinterly: 19:22:51
God: 19:22:56
(these creatures are like weak versions of the ring wraiths)
Lotho: 19:23:29
15, 16
God: 19:24:21
Lotho steps forward and does some kind of religious declaration: "by the power of greyskull!" or "may the fates drive you forth"
God: 19:24:39
moments later, 2 of the 3 wraiths drift off into the darkness, hissing and wailing
God: 19:24:42
only 1 remains
God: 19:24:59
Lotho, those 2 wraiths will flee as far as they can for the next few minutes
God: 19:25:11
you can try again next round on the remaining wraith
Ryu: 19:25:11
they'll be back no doubt
God: 19:25:24
Next is Ryu: what do you do?
Ryu: 19:25:38
tumble out of the bloody way if possible
God: 19:25:46
Ryu: why do that?
God: 19:25:50
someone has to hit this fucker
God: 19:25:54
if not you, then who?
Lotho: 19:25:57
then they come back for more?
God: 19:26:08
the one who remained behind is already here
Lotho: 19:26:10
can they be killed?
God: 19:26:11
demanding more
God: 19:26:14
Lotho: yes
Ryu: 19:26:19
Only ghost-touch weapons can hurt them righ?
Lotho: 19:26:19
Ryu: 19:26:20
God: 19:26:23
Ryu, no
God: 19:26:29
your fists act as magic weapons
God: 19:26:32
you can hit htis thing
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:26:37
is itching to cast Magic Circle against Evil
Ryu: 19:26:39
okay then, flurry of blows
God: 19:26:48
Ory casts Magic Circle against Evil
God: 19:26:52
Ryu, roll your attacks
Ryu: 19:27:22
21 23 15
Ryu: 19:27:30
oh wait, without TW's bonus?
God: 19:27:44
with TW's bonus
Ryu: 19:27:49
then the numbers stand
Whistling Tinterly: 19:27:53
(music)+2 (music) +2 (music) +2 (music)
God: 19:28:19
okay you hit 3 times
God: 19:28:25
a powerful kick, and then a flurry of punches
God: 19:28:31
roll the damage (with +2)
Ryu: 19:28:47
Ryu: 19:28:57
Ryu: 19:29:04
Lotho: 19:29:05
can i hit with morningstar? or is some firey touch better?
God: 19:29:12
Lotho: morningstar would be fine
God: 19:29:22
but it doesn't matter, because Ryu's punches just disembodied it
God: 19:29:36
the last punch tears the wraith in half, and it dissipates into the darkness, dead and gone
God: 19:29:43
do you want to go hunt down the remaining 2?
Ryu: 19:29:45
so much for believing what I read on the internet...
God: 19:30:01
Lotho: you have a spell called minor restoration which can restore lost ability points
God: 19:30:13
you can cast that on Ryu now to give him back his constitution loss
Ryu: 19:30:44
yes please
God: 19:31:21
TW has used a song, so it is probably good to make the most of this chance and chase down the other 2
Whistling Tinterly: 19:31:29
Are the suckers very far away?
God: 19:31:37
as far away as they can go
God: 19:31:44
but probably still in this cavern
Whistling Tinterly: 19:31:48
Which way?
God: 19:31:58
it would have ot be north, into room 21
God: 19:32:02
that is the furthest they can go
God: 19:32:13
Lotho, are you there?
Lotho: 19:32:19
whos points i wanna restore?
God: 19:32:27
Ryu lost 3 constitution points to the Wraith
God: 19:32:32
Minor restoration will restore them
Ryu: 19:32:57
If you could thanks...
Lotho: 19:33:08
looks for it
Lotho: 19:33:30
lesser restoration? lv 2?
Lotho: 19:33:44
i guess i need to roll something?
God: 19:34:27
1d4 to see how many points of constitution he gets back
God: 19:34:40
you can keep casting it till he gets them all back
God: 19:34:42
2pps per casting
Lotho: 19:34:45
Ryu: 19:34:59
I think I'm fully restored
God: 19:35:01
okay Ryu your constitution goes back to its starting value
God: 19:35:04
you regain 9hps
Ryu: 19:35:10
God: 19:35:19
so do you guys set off to find the remainign 2?
Ryu: 19:35:27
Thanks Lotho!
Ryu: 19:35:36
If we can find them...
Ryu: 19:35:39
hard to spot
Whistling Tinterly: 19:35:39
let's get 'em
God: 19:36:12
okay, so you head towards room 21
God: 19:36:30
you have to pass through a large, empty cavern with many stony protrusions and stalctites
God: 19:36:32
water drips around you
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:36:37
I unsheath my magic silver sword in readiness
God: 19:36:54
in hte North Eastern corner, a small stream enters and then leaves the cavern
God: 19:37:04
after a short but careful walk you reach room 21
God: 19:37:12
it is pitch black inside, and the entrance is narrow
God: 19:37:16
who goes first?
Whistling Tinterly: 19:37:40
always a hard question, that one
Ryu: 19:37:54
The ferret!
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:37:55
puts up hand.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:38:19
I hate undead, and want to lop their zombie heads off!
God: 19:38:28
Ory surges forward
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:38:34
Grrrrrrrr (devil) 
God: 19:38:35
and enters the room, casting a light spell as he goes
God: 19:38:42
inside, the two undead are cowering against the far wall
Whistling Tinterly: 19:38:45
ooo I want to see this -- lopping off of headless heads
God: 19:38:52
seeing themselves trapped and unable to flee they attack
Lotho: 19:38:55
follows close behind
God: 19:39:05
roll initiative, everyone
Ryu: 19:39:16
HAH - 2.
Whistling Tinterly: 19:39:17
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:39:37
Lotho: 19:39:51
God: 19:39:52
Ryu you can't get 2
God: 19:39:59
roll 2d10 and add your initiative bonus
God: 19:40:02
yours has to be at least 2
Ryu: 19:40:27
right you are. 24
God: 19:40:28
TW you go first, but you are singing, right?
God: 19:40:37
Ryu, how can you go from 2 to 24?
Ryu: 19:40:50
2d10 equals a d20?
Ryu: 19:40:58
I only noticed it tonight
God: 19:41:02
Ryu, 2d10 means "2 ten sided dice"
God: 19:41:06
so roll 2d10
God: 19:41:09
add your initiative
Ryu: 19:41:15
17 then
Whistling Tinterly: 19:41:23
I'll shoot one of them with my trusty crossbow.
God: 19:41:41
TW: is your crossbow magical?
Lotho: 19:41:43
it's not the same, cause with 2d10 you can't get 1, so it's better
Whistling Tinterly: 19:41:47
yup +1
God: 19:41:53
okay roll your attacks
Ryu: 19:42:27
Lotho: ooh. good point.
Whistling Tinterly: 19:42:29
couple of questions - I should get 2 per round, but is that correct with the crossbow?
God: 19:42:50
TW: I think you get 1
God: 19:42:52
roll it
Whistling Tinterly: 19:42:52
Also do I add by strength bonus (cough cough - negative 2)
God: 19:42:56
Whistling Tinterly: 19:43:29
5 + 10 (ability + magic) + 2 (song) = 17
God: 19:43:31
Ryu: also due to the Central Limit Theorem, you are more likely to roll average numbers than with a d20, which has an equal chance of every number between 1 and 20
God: 19:43:37
TW: you hit, roll damage
Whistling Tinterly: 19:43:55
God: 19:44:02
the Wraiths attack Ory, 1 hits for 1 hp, it's cold fingers sinking through the mage armour to touch Ory's leg
God: 19:44:07
Ory: roll fortitude save (+2)
God: 19:44:29
then roll your attacks
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:44:33
11 fort
God: 19:44:41
somewhere in the darkness, TW's crossbow bolt shatters on a wall
Ryu: 19:44:42
Hmm. Undead molestation.
God: 19:44:52
Ory: the chill soaks through your bones
God: 19:44:58
take 5 constitution points away
Whistling Tinterly: 19:45:07
ooo... nasty...
Ryu: 19:45:33
Bloody wraiths
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:45:45
my constitution withers to a mere 5
God: 19:45:53
you lose 27 hps
God: 19:46:04
no make that 30hps
Lotho: 19:46:23
Lotho: 19:46:28
how do we kill them?
Ryu: 19:46:40
Magical items
God: 19:46:44
Ory sinks to the ground, unconscious
Ryu: 19:46:44
weapons I mean
God: 19:46:53
Ryu, you are next in the line of fire
God: 19:46:55
what do you do?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:46:55
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrkk! -7 hit points ;( 
Ryu: 19:47:01
flurry of blows
God: 19:47:07
roll 'em Ryu
Whistling Tinterly: 19:47:08
(music)+2 (music)+2 (music)
God: 19:47:21
Lotho, you can get Ory back to consciousness quickly by casting Lesser Restoration
God: 19:47:29
you are not in combat so it should be easy to cast
Lotho: 19:47:30
what level spells can i do again?
Lotho: 19:47:33
God: 19:47:34
Lotho, up to 3
God: 19:47:35
Ryu: 19:47:42
19, 25, 20
Lotho: 19:47:48
lesser is only up to 4
God: 19:47:56
Ryu, all 3 attacks hit, roll damage
Lotho: 19:47:57
don't i want to cure his hit points?
Lotho: 19:48:04
more than constitution?
Ryu: 19:48:10
7, 10, 14
God: 19:48:13
Lotho: restoring his constitution restores the hit points he lost due to losing the constitution
God: 19:48:32
Ryu charges forward and pummels one of the Wraiths, so that it is broken apart into insubstantial wisps
God: 19:48:37
it disappears in the darkness
God: 19:48:41
Your go Lotho, what do you do?
Lotho: 19:49:19
Lotho: 19:49:24
lesser restoration
God: 19:49:25
God: 19:49:42
Lotho casts lesser restoration on Ory, bringin his Constitution up to 7
God: 19:49:57
Ory regains 10hps
God: 19:50:03
and surges back to his feet!
God: 19:50:14
TW, it's your go, what do you do
God: 19:50:15
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:50:19
]:) I'm back!
Ryu: 19:50:34
Lotho: 19:50:34
ory: i could try it again, but i have a feeling this is just the beginning..
Whistling Tinterly: 19:50:37
ptwang - into the eye socket
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:50:40
T'anks, Loth :)
God: 19:50:49
TW: roll
God: 19:50:55
Lotho: Ory only has 3hps
Whistling Tinterly: 19:51:01
God: 19:51:04
casting another restoration will probably get him back up to 23
God: 19:51:07
TW: you hit
Lotho: 19:51:11
so i should do it again?
God: 19:51:11
roll damage
Lotho: 19:51:13
Whistling Tinterly: 19:51:14
God: 19:51:21
the quarrel strikes through the eye and disappears into darkness
God: 19:51:25
the wraith attacks Ryu
Lotho: 19:51:27
lesserrest: 4
God: 19:51:29
and hits
God: 19:51:41
2hps damage Ryu
God: 19:51:46
and make a fortitude saving throw
Ryu: 19:51:54
God: 19:51:59
next is Ory's action, what do you do?
God: 19:52:05
Ryu: the chill is merely bone-numbing, no extra damage
Whistling Tinterly: 19:52:06
head lopping
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:52:10
Go postal with my magic sword.
Whistling Tinterly: 19:52:13
go ory
God: 19:52:13
roll 'em Ory
God: 19:52:27
remember to include the +2 for TW and the +2 for the magic circle against evil
Whistling Tinterly: 19:52:53
magic circle for attack as well as defense?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:53:04
26, 17
God: 19:53:13
Ory, 2 hits, roll for damage
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:53:43
oops, 30 and 21
God: 19:53:51
2 hits, roll for damage
Whistling Tinterly: 19:54:12
damn I thought that was damage 30 + 21
Ryu: 19:54:34
hehe - if only
God: 19:54:57
God: 19:55:00
but almost the same...
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:55:03
15, 16
God: 19:55:05
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:55:05
soz guys
God: 19:55:14
Ory slides in from where he was crawling back to his feet
God: 19:55:28
stabs his holy silver sword through the wraiths belly, and then cuts off its head
God: 19:55:34
which drifts away in insubstantial nothingness
God: 19:55:38
all enemies dead
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:55:40
God: 19:55:50
at the end of the round, Lotho restores Ory to full Constitution, so Ory you are back to 23 hps
God: 19:55:53
well done team
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:55:59
God: 19:56:05
500xps each
Ryu: 19:56:08
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:56:25
t'anks god!
God: 19:56:31
you have cleared out rooms 19-21.
God: 19:56:47
Now the only 2 exits from this area are through the river
God: 19:56:52
in the North East corner
God: 19:57:04
You can see that in both directions there is a little pathway along the sideof the river
Lotho: 19:57:19
God: 19:57:21
the Northernmost tunnel has a sign, carved in bone, hanging from a stalactite just in front of the cavemouth
God: 19:57:30
it says "Prisoner Disposal Only" in black speech
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:57:35
Lotho: 19:57:49
the other way isn't signposted?
God: 19:57:53
Ryu: 19:58:14
Hmm. Prisoner disposal?
Ryu: 19:58:22
Feed area?
Lotho: 19:58:24
why not.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 19:58:48
will they already be dead?
Whistling Tinterly: 19:58:49
Weren't the prisoners supposed to be turned into undead? Zombies? or something
Ryu: 19:59:03
Still bad news either way
God: 19:59:20
TW: sent away elsewhere to be turned into undead. Prisoners retained here are used as spider food
Ryu: 19:59:47
We must have cleared all spiders... or have we?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:00:06
so we could rescue some slaves ...  and squish more arachnids.
God: 20:00:09
TW: you didn't go into that cave, you ran through this area
God: 20:00:15
you came through the other tunnel mouth
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:00:18
Bet Shelob is lurking somewhere down here ...
God: 20:00:21
which leads to teh Orc chieftain and his remaining soldiers
God: 20:00:30
you don't know what is in "prisoner disposal"
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:00:39
shall we sniff it out, lads?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:00:52
Or ferretty can at least have first sniff.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:00:57
But this could be bad for ferreties.
Ryu: 20:01:16
let's check it out
Whistling Tinterly: 20:01:24
listen check anyone?
Ryu: 20:01:29
Ryu: 20:01:44
Lotho: 20:01:55
listen 23
God: 20:01:58
Ryu: can't hear anything
God: 20:02:00
no-one can
God: 20:02:04
do you enter the tunnel
Whistling Tinterly: 20:02:04
listen = 14
God: 20:02:05
Whistling Tinterly: 20:02:21
God: 20:02:28
do you send the ferret ahead?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:02:45
ory it's your ferret - what do you say?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:02:52
Only if he sneaks gingerly and comes back at any sign of trouble *worried*
God: 20:03:10
Ory: make a move silently check for your ferret
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:03:19
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:03:41
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:04:17
eeep ... god's taking ages to type...  must be bad !
God: 20:04:24
your ferret stalks into the tunnel, creeping along the narrow pathway in the darkness. The tunnel curves around, and has a slight breeze flowing down it above the water. The ferret can smell a rank and acrid stench on the breeze, like the smell of dissolving bodies
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:04:36
can it see owt?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:04:43
ooo... smelly
God: 20:05:16
Ory: nothing
God: 20:05:18
it can see nothing
God: 20:05:33
after a short distance it reaches the tunnel exit, which opens into a much larger cave
God: 20:05:38
it cannot see into this cave
God: 20:05:42
but the stench is strong
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:05:55
I call ferretty back\
Ryu: 20:05:55
the stench is strong with this one.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:06:00
as he can't see much
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:06:03
and it's stinky
God: 20:06:13
God: 20:06:18
he retreats, and returns to your side
God: 20:06:27
do you guys go in where ferrets fear to tread?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:06:33
Do we need to?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:06:52
I don't think anything of value will be hidden there
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:06:59
the smell says it all
Whistling Tinterly: 20:07:05
The pub is just upstairs
Ryu: 20:07:07
I cleave to the will of the group
Whistling Tinterly: 20:07:21
I will to the cleave(age) of the group
God: 20:07:22
(Ryu will cleave to anything with a big enough pencil...)
God: 20:07:27
so you retreat from the tunnel?
Ryu: 20:08:02
we stil have to find the slaves, I can go in
Lotho: 20:08:05
Whistling Tinterly: 20:08:08
Could we send down a fireball to ignite the methane and see what runs out
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:08:10
By the way, I'm on 23 hit points (full is 27)
Lotho: 20:08:12
i'll go too
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:08:16
can anyone heal me the rest of the way?
Ryu: 20:08:33
I've got a few heal potions
Ryu: 20:08:41
how badly are you hurt?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:08:54
Oo, 4 hit points worth.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:09:00
Of pain.
Ryu: 20:09:04
Is that it?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:09:09
Whistling Tinterly: 20:09:14
Ory Prince of Pain
Lotho: 20:09:18
i have a scroll of cure moderate
Ryu: 20:09:21
Very emo
God: 20:09:30
cure moderate: 2d8+2 hps
Ryu: 20:09:35
I've got light
God: 20:09:39
maybe a little wasted in Ory's current conditions
Lotho: 20:09:44
it's not worth it
God: 20:09:47
light is better, why don't you use that?
Lotho: 20:09:49
wait till you're more hurt ory
Whistling Tinterly: 20:09:58
okay ory first
God: 20:10:11
Lotho: cure light wounds is 1pp, and does 1d8+your level healing
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:10:15
light, please
Whistling Tinterly: 20:10:25
<tint last ... checking over his shoulder>
Lotho: 20:10:34
well, since my level is 5, it cures him completely
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:10:35
if you're willing for a shilling, that is.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:10:41
or we can just move along ...
Lotho: 20:10:45
i think you should wait till you need it more
Ryu: 20:10:48
move along...
God: 20:10:55
... nothing to heal here...
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:10:58
God: 20:11:04
alright, so you all enter the tunnel
God: 20:11:05
who is first?
God: 20:11:09
second, etc.?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:11:10
anyone interested in that fireball idea?
Lotho: 20:11:17
mm, i'm happy to go first
Ryu: 20:11:23
wait wai
Ryu: 20:11:23
Ryu: 20:11:26
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:11:34
I can do fireball
Lotho: 20:11:34
and kill whatever is still alive in there?
God: 20:11:42
could be slaves...
Lotho: 20:11:43
isn't the idea to save people?
Ryu: 20:11:43
lotho has a point
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:11:47
cd it bring the roof down too?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:11:52
and crush us?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:12:02
This is slave disposal - how likely will there be live slaves left?
God: 20:12:03
Ory: not likely
God: 20:12:08
this area is too secure fo rthat
God: 20:12:19
well, if you want to do it...
Whistling Tinterly: 20:12:32
bah... lets head in, fireballs can wait
Ryu: 20:12:47
Whistling Tinterly: 20:12:53
I could send in an illusion of a fireball to see what runs out
God: 20:13:07
TW: that's an interesting idea
God: 20:13:11
could work...
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:13:19
most curious ...
Whistling Tinterly: 20:13:57
illusion of the gases catching fire, a series of small explosions, to encourage anyone to make a quick exit (possibly into the river).
God: 20:14:06
okay, roll spellcraft
Whistling Tinterly: 20:14:23
God: 20:14:49
you send in your illusion, which explodes spectacularly, showering sparks and fire and all manner of nastiness around the room
God: 20:14:53
you wait a few moments
God: 20:14:55
maybe 2 or 3 rounds
God: 20:14:57
nothing comes out
Whistling Tinterly: 20:15:04
Ryu: 20:15:15
nice idea though
Whistling Tinterly: 20:15:23
shall we enter?
Ryu: 20:15:45
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:15:46
God: 20:15:53
please tell me your order of entry
Lotho: 20:16:14
looks around..
Lotho: 20:16:19
k, m first
Lotho: 20:16:27
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:16:28
I'll cover loth
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:16:32
Whistling Tinterly: 20:16:43
tint 4th
God: 20:16:48
Ryu 3rd?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:16:51
Ryu: 20:16:56
God: 20:17:10
Lotho: 20:17:25
move silently 22
God: 20:17:35
Lotho and Ory lead the way down the tunnel, till you come to the cavern opening
God: 20:17:43
your dim light reveals a large cavern with a stream running through it
Lotho: 20:17:56
and the smell
Lotho: 20:17:57
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:18:10
God: 20:18:11
what little of it you can see appears to be completely empty, no sign or sound of prisoners, no sign of bodies or any objects loose on the floor
God: 20:18:25
it has high ceilings which disappear into the gloom
Whistling Tinterly: 20:18:27
God: 20:18:31
you can't see them
God: 20:18:34
there is a bad smell though
God: 20:18:37
do you enter?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:18:38

Whistling Tinterly: 20:18:58
Looking up the walls
Lotho: 20:19:10
can we shine a light upwardS?
God: 20:19:12
everyone make a spot check
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:19:13
casts Magic Circle Against Evil in readiness for baddies
Lotho: 20:19:25
Whistling Tinterly: 20:19:28
Ory - spiders aren't evil
God: 20:19:42
TW: Shelob is
Whistling Tinterly: 20:19:42
unless you're a tasty fly
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:19:44
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:20:00
(I cast it against general evil)
Whistling Tinterly: 20:20:05
spot = 8
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:20:06
(assuming there's more undead and the like)
God: 20:20:15
Okay Lotho and Ory there is nothing to be seen near the entrance. Do you enter to examine further?
Lotho: 20:20:22
Whistling Tinterly: 20:20:23
ooo undead spiders - don't give god any ideas
God: 20:20:34
can you both please tell me your armour class when surprised?
Ryu: 20:20:36
undead spider wraiths
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:21:06
Lotho: 20:21:14
God: 20:21:19
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:21:26
God: 20:22:25
you both feel the gust of air pushing down on you, and smell the stench, and maybe hear a faint slapping sound, and jump back into the tunnel just in time. In front of you - right where you were standing - a massive block of gelatinous slop hits the ground. It is maybe a 20' cube of solid, ugly gelatinous nastiness, with a slowly decaying corpse still trapped inside
God: 20:22:42
picture here:
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:22:44
corpse jelly!
God: 20:22:54
it just missed you!
God: 20:23:01
what do you do?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:23:09
fireball anyone?
God: 20:23:15
(the website is dodgy, so sorry if it doesn't load)
Ryu: 20:23:17
I think we're behindf it
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:23:24
Like, ew. Halloween jellies, anyone?
Ryu: 20:23:44
death flavour
Lotho: 20:23:47
God: 20:23:48
what do you all do? It is oozing slowly towards you
Ryu: 20:23:50
you've got to be kidding me
God: 20:23:52
very slowly, mind
Lotho: 20:24:00
ah.. it's going to decay us isn't it?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:24:03
I have a fireball.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:24:05
Shall I ball?
God: 20:24:08
Lotho: that's the plan
Whistling Tinterly: 20:24:12
pin cushion time
Lotho: 20:24:15
but then it'll platter over us ory
Ryu: 20:24:29
what's it called?
Lotho: 20:24:34
we need a vaccum
Lotho: 20:24:44
Lotho: 20:24:45
God: 20:24:51
Ory: if you want to fireball it you need to get them off soon
God: 20:24:59
no need for initiative - it is too slow to act first
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:25:02
casts a fireball at wandering jelly
God: 20:25:06
Ryu: gelatinous cube
God: 20:25:16
Ory: roll 6d6 damage
God: 20:25:48
Tint: roll your crossbow
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:25:51
God: 20:25:56
anyone else want to do anything?
Ryu: 20:26:10
scorching ray I suppose
Whistling Tinterly: 20:26:14
God: 20:26:15
Ory sends a streak of fire off into the corner, and it explodes, eviscerating a large chunk of the beast's side
God: 20:26:18
TW: you hit
God: 20:26:27
the crossbow splats on the surface and is absorbed
God: 20:26:33
Ryu, roll damage: 4d6
Whistling Tinterly: 20:26:41
God: 20:26:42
(you can't miss, it's like hitting a barn)
God: 20:26:45
God: 20:26:50
TW: roll damage (you still did damage)
Ryu: 20:26:52
Lotho: 20:26:53
i could build up the wall
Lotho: 20:26:57
God: 20:27:04
Lotho: 20:27:06
internet just dropped out
Lotho: 20:27:09
this could be a problem.
God: 20:27:09
Lotho, what do you do?
Lotho: 20:27:17
build a wall?
God: 20:27:24
Lotho, if you have a wall power, build a wall
God: 20:27:29
do you mean wall of firre?
Lotho: 20:27:34
God: 20:27:40
Whistling Tinterly: 20:27:46
bicks and morter
Lotho: 20:27:51
stone shape?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:27:53
+ 3 weeks of work
Lotho: 20:27:54
whats the floor?
God: 20:28:00
Lotho, floor is stone, so that will work
God: 20:28:09
you can shape the tunnel closed, adn it shouldn't be able to get through
Lotho: 20:28:09
can i wall in the thing then?
God: 20:28:13
Lotho: 20:28:21
but will that stop us from getting in?
God: 20:28:23
God: 20:28:33
any gap and it will squeeze through like only ooze can
Lotho: 20:28:34
um, do i want to do that folks?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:28:35
leave a little hole to shoot fire balls though
Lotho: 20:28:47
but can't i raise the floor up in a cube around the goo?
Lotho: 20:28:56
what do fire balls do?
God: 20:29:02
It'll ooze over it - it was on the ceiling
God: 20:29:05
fireballs damage it
Lotho: 20:29:05
i missed a bit remember
Ryu: 20:29:28
Is the cube yelling "Cube!!"?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:29:32
ory can you cast flame arrows on my crossbow bolts?
God: 20:29:40
Ryu: more "slurprrrrslurpsplodge"
Lotho: 20:29:41
Lotho: 20:29:45
i have wall of fire
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:29:56
aye tint
God: 20:30:08
Lotho: it moves slowly, by the time it crosses a wall of fire it could be in a world of pain
Whistling Tinterly: 20:30:37
cubic pain - piccaso anyone?
Lotho: 20:30:53
but if it's that big, we're really not going to kill it (?) befor eit reaches us are we?
God: 20:31:03
only one way to find out...
Whistling Tinterly: 20:31:21
we can keep backing away and feeding it with fire
Lotho: 20:31:22
so it's alive?
Lotho: 20:31:27
wall of fire then
God: 20:31:27
Lotho: 20:31:30
God: 20:31:46
okay, Lotho conjures up a wall of fire over the tunnel entrance, which the cube promptly slimes into
God: 20:31:53
em: roll 2d8 damage
God: 20:32:02
Ory, do you cast flame arrow on TW's bolts?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:32:04
think of it as a big slime mold - smelling us and thinking what yummy dinner has just walked in.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:32:06
Lotho: 20:32:11
heh, 8
God: 20:32:15
TW: you have fire arrows now
Lotho: 20:32:24
wall of fire seems pretty pissweak
God: 20:32:28
the ooze slimes away from the fire wall, back into the cavern
Whistling Tinterly: 20:32:30
exploding pin cushion time
God: 20:32:37
it is scared to go through, given its speed
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:32:41
Let's go explodey!
God: 20:32:45
there is a wall of flames between you and it
God: 20:32:47
TW, roll
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:32:47
Lotho: 20:32:50
aw, the wall can't move?
God: 20:33:01
Lotho, don't think so
Whistling Tinterly: 20:33:05
Lotho: 20:33:07
tw, maybe your arrows cna be lit as they go throug the wall
God: 20:33:18
you hit
God: 20:33:22
roll damage
Whistling Tinterly: 20:33:27
how much?
God: 20:33:51
usual +1d6
Whistling Tinterly: 20:33:52
ory you want to join me, you're the archery expert
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:34:06
I can't yet, cos I've just cast.
God: 20:34:09
roll it tint
Ryu: 20:34:14
I have shurikens... will they light on fire if I chuck 'em through the wall?
God: 20:34:18
the ooze is sliming away from the wall
God: 20:34:20
Ryu: no
God: 20:34:24
but throw 'em if you want
Whistling Tinterly: 20:34:30
Well I did 9 last time, and 6+3 this time
God: 20:34:36
God: 20:34:53
your crossbow bolt zips through the wall, explodes on the surface of the ooze, and slides partially inside
God: 20:35:11
the ooze stops moving, and begins to slowly fall apart, like a jelly melting in the sun
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:35:19
God: 20:35:22
as it does so, the smell it releases is truly disgusting
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:35:32
Wanna buy some pegs?
God: 20:35:37
occasional tendrils of a particularly foul gas explode when they touch teh wall
Whistling Tinterly: 20:35:41
do the gases explode on the fire wall?
Ryu: 20:35:44
Whistling Tinterly: 20:35:53
hee hee
Whistling Tinterly: 20:36:04
Ryu: 20:36:06
like something crawled up its arse and died. repeatedly.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:36:17
Like someone edened.
Ryu: 20:36:20
You wanna buy some pegs Dave?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:36:33
God: 20:36:34
okay everyone
Lotho: 20:36:35
hey dave
Ryu: 20:36:36
ory: yea like someone ede- hey!
God: 20:36:45
you wait for the wall to burn out, by which time the cube is just a big oozing mass.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:36:47
hee hee hee
God: 20:36:51
Do you want to go in and explore?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:37:07
Don't touch the mucusy stuff!
Whistling Tinterly: 20:37:13
rescue the slaves... yuck
Ryu: 20:37:26
might as well
God: 20:37:29
God: 20:37:32
you enter the cave
Ryu: 20:37:36
so how many exp points do we get>
God: 20:37:45
you wander around a bit but it is pretty clear - this room has been scoured clean by that cube
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:37:54
Greedy Ryu!
God: 20:38:01
you get 80 xps each for killing it, btw
Whistling Tinterly: 20:38:04
anything interesting in the cube?
Ryu: 20:38:09
there you go
God: 20:38:14
presumably when they throw prisoners in here those prisoners don't escape
God: 20:38:31
you can't see anything intresting in the cube, but you can scrabble through it if you are desperate...
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:38:54
Lotho: 20:38:57
no thanks
Whistling Tinterly: 20:39:02
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:39:05
Don't want to get my mink wet, thanks.
Ryu: 20:39:10
what he said
God: 20:39:19
God: 20:39:26
so you all retreat back to the main cavern
God: 20:39:32
there is only one pathway left - the other stream
God: 20:39:38
it too has a narrow path, heading East
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:40:17
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho (music) 
Ryu: 20:40:19
if we must
God: 20:40:27
God: 20:40:39
what order do you enter in?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:40:42
Did I come from there? Racking memory
Ryu: 20:41:01
I'll go in first
God: 20:41:06
TW: yes, the orc leader and the remains of his tribe are down the other end
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:41:30
I cover R's a$$.
Whistling Tinterly: 20:41:33
Hmm... we could do the disguise trick again.
Whistling Tinterly: 20:41:45
But this time Lotho could check to see if there are any alarms on the way.
God: 20:41:48
explain your plan Tint
Whistling Tinterly: 20:42:20
Cast disguise on the 4 of us - look like the captain + some orks, or perhaps the minotour
Lotho: 20:42:23
hi again
God: 20:42:40
Lotho doesn't trust the disguise trick anymore?
Ryu: 20:42:41
Lotho - dropped out?
Ryu: 20:42:55
toilet break
Whistling Tinterly: 20:43:14
G/L: why not?
Lotho: 20:43:19
Lotho: 20:43:40
i can disguise?
God: 20:43:45
TW can
God: 20:43:54
you would have ot pretend to be a prisoner, like last time
Whistling Tinterly: 20:44:23
Or I can cast illusions on everyone to look like orcs
Lotho: 20:44:41
God: 20:44:47
well kids, do you want to try the illusion - an orc band coming from above?
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:45:23
Sounds spiff to me, boys!
Ryu: 20:45:46
Ok. I can cast disguise on myself too by the way
God: 20:46:03
Lotho dropping out again?
Lotho: 20:46:04
my internet connection is being a bastard
God: 20:46:07
Whistling Tinterly: 20:46:14
Or we could do the fire ball trick which is shorter and a lot more painful
God: 20:46:30
TW: by "trick" do you mean walk in and let off fireballs?
Lotho: 20:46:42
maybe you can pretend i have come down with narcoplexy (sp?)
Ryu: 20:46:52
God: 20:46:58
thank you ryu...
Whistling Tinterly: 20:47:12
yup - diguise as orcs with nice fireball tricks
God: 20:47:18
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:47:19
I could get my balls out. I have 35 power points, which beats last session (muscle) 
God: 20:47:31
TW: you wanna roll spellcraft for the illusion then?
God: 20:47:40
Then you can just waltz on down there and start killin' shit
Whistling Tinterly: 20:48:33
Alter self for myself + illusions on Ory & Loth (these will just be visual, you wont smell like an orc).
God: 20:48:44
good thing too...
Whistling Tinterly: 20:48:51
Ryu looks after himself
God: 20:48:58
roll your spellcraft checks for alter self and illusion
God: 20:49:05
Ryu, roll a spellcraft check for disguise self
Ryu: 20:49:37
God: 20:49:39
TW: does your illusion cover the cohorts as well?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:50:00
25, 20
God: 20:50:01
Lotho, do you want to cast any protection or enhancement spells on yourself while they put up their illusions?
God: 20:50:46
Lotho, you dropping again?
Whistling Tinterly: 20:50:48
The illusions are big areas (lots of levels now), but perhaps it is best to cast one per person - I have lots of points and they are 1st level
God: 20:51:05
okay here is what we will do then
God: 20:51:15
since it is nearly 9pm and Lotho is droppingn out almost continuously
God: 20:51:19
we will stop for tonight
God: 20:51:24
and restart next session
Whistling Tinterly: 20:51:29
God: 20:51:36
remember this tactic kids, and next session we'll restart where we left  off
Ryu: 20:51:45
God: 20:51:46
otherwise Lotho will miss the whol ebattle and/or we'll be here late
God: 20:51:58
God: 20:52:02
that's it for tonight
God: 20:52:07
well done all
Lotho: 20:52:13
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:52:13
But before we go, birthday cake for Eden! (^)  (party)  (^)  (party)  (^) 
God: 20:52:16
Whistling Tinterly: 20:52:16
lunch time... nighty night everyone
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:52:28
Nighty night!! (*) 
Ryu: 20:52:30
bye TW
Lotho: 20:52:32
Whistling Tinterly: 20:52:33
(^) - burn those b'day cakes
God: 20:52:34
happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you... happy lunchtime to Andrew!
Lotho: 20:52:36
Lotho: 20:52:40
Whistling Tinterly: 20:52:47
Ryu: 20:52:53
God: 20:52:53
Em: we're going to stop for tonight due to the lateness and the dropping out ness
God: 20:52:56
See you Andrew!
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:52:57
... and he smells like a poo! (music)
God: 20:53:19
Ryu: 20:53:19
hey Emma
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:53:24
hey ryu
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:53:25
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:53:28
Ryu: 20:53:34
What size do you wear in t-shirts?
Lotho: 20:53:37
ah :/
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:53:41
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:53:46
prolly M
Ryu: 20:53:49
Lotho: 20:53:51
dunno whats up with it :/ was doing it all yesterday and paul rebooted the modem an hr ago
Ryu: 20:53:56
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:54:04
skype has been having lotsa probs methinks
God: 20:54:19
there are 9 million people on
Ryu: 20:54:19
Skype has expanded their services
God: 20:54:28
maybe it is having problems handling an extra 1/2 a person
God: 20:55:00
okay we are going to sign off
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:55:05
I'm a sicky with lots of snot.
God: 20:55:07
so we cna go watch the chaser and be boring
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:55:11
Must watch Chaser then bed :)
God: 20:55:15
Emma is pouring snot all over the joint
Ryu: 20:55:16
Lotho: 20:55:19
God: 20:55:20
like a gelatinous cube
Lotho: 20:55:21
have fun
Ryu: 20:55:22
I might watch Dexter
Ryu: 20:55:26
bye guys
God: 20:55:31
Ah, Dexter.. we have that to watch too.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:55:31
cubist snot. high art.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:55:34
Ryu: 20:55:42
Dexter - fun!
Lotho: 20:55:44
i've been watching Entourage
God: 20:55:45
good night all! See you in 2 weeks?
Lotho: 20:55:48
God: 20:55:52
Lotho, what is Entourage?
Lotho: 20:56:01
tv show. american.
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:56:02
besides the facebook version ...
God: 20:56:16
God: 20:56:22
well, I shall investigate.
God: 20:56:24
see you all soon!
Lotho: 20:56:27
Ory the Poncy Elf Bloke: 20:56:28
byiiiee! (hi) 

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