Thursday, 23 August 2007

Session 7: In the Orcs nest, 2


Chat History with Further adventures in the Orc Nest (#grremily/$zemeister;3f5a5f90b61fca9b)

Created on 2007-08-23 21:04:33.


<Ryu: 18:25:02
Will he be camping it up?
Stuart: 18:25:05
Emily is late, possibly off dithering about in some 4' tall kind of way
Stuart: 18:25:18
so I say we start without her
Stuart: 18:25:40
we'll assume that Lotho is resting his aching head while you guys plunge further into the darkness
Stuart: 18:25:50
Ryu, would you like to give a brief summary of last session?
Stuart: 18:25:58
Or have you, as usual, forgotten everything?
Ryu: 18:26:05
Be nice.
Ryu: 18:26:13
We're in the orcs nest
Ryu: 18:26:31
We charged forward and killed the gate guards people.
Ryu: 18:26:39
Now we're deciding which path to take
Ryu: 18:26:49
and the map you've provided is helpful thanks
Andrew Vincent: 18:26:56
Ryu: 18:27:10
Stu's provided a map of the room we're in.
Stuart: 18:27:27
sent file orc nest session1.jpg to members of this chat
Andrew Vincent: 18:27:46
Ryu: 18:28:02
And behind the double doors, there are sounds of big heavy nasty things moving about.
Stuart: 18:28:13
Ryu: 18:28:25
This hill giant's place is filled with more nasty creatures than a Ninja Scroll episode.
Stuart: 18:28:27
sorry, Emma just called me because she completely forgot (for the 3rd day running!) the correct date for this session
Andrew Vincent: 18:28:31
What was/is in room 2
Stuart: 18:28:32
she has caught Edenitis
Ryu: 18:28:47
Hey Stu. Fuck off. Thank you.
Stuart: 18:28:50
room 2 was a Hobgoblin captain of the guard
Stuart: 18:28:51
Stuart: 18:28:57
he is now a dead, ex-captain of the guard
Stuart: 18:29:07
you guys may recall exploring the tower and slaughtering its occupant
Ryu: 18:29:14
Ryu: 18:29:21
Some dunlending was sneaking away
Stuart: 18:29:45
so you are at the t-junction, making a decision about whether to go down the end at the right, or the closer corridor at the left
Stuart: 18:29:59
does anyone (i.e. Ryu or Drake) remember at all the purpose of this incursion?
Ryu: 18:30:21
I've spoken too much, so I'd like to give others a chance. :)
Andrew Vincent: 18:30:41
I could do some sneaking
Drake: 18:30:42
i can't think of a cop out so i admit i forgot
Ryu: 18:30:49
Stuart: 18:30:55
Stuart: 18:31:06
actually were you here wehn we invaded this joint? you missed a session didn't you?
Ryu: 18:31:15
You had to go I think.
Andrew Vincent: 18:31:16
What a great excuse
Stuart: 18:31:26
the purpose was - to find out more details about the secret force which is organising the Orc raids on Dunland
Drake: 18:31:27
i think i missed the one after the dunlending guy
Ryu: 18:31:43
this was all on the blog, wasn't it.
Stuart: 18:31:52
you may recall there are tales of the Orcs working together, their nests all connected by Goblin tunnels
Stuart: 18:32:03
and some sort of floating tribe of independent shaman directing affairs
Stuart: 18:32:08
answerable only to a central power
Ryu: 18:32:09
which was most unusual
Stuart: 18:32:19
(you got that from teh dunlending spy you captured)
Andrew Vincent: 18:32:22
Damn those organised orcs
Ryu: 18:32:27
The Dark Chieftain promised us cheetos if we found out more.
Stuart: 18:32:45
Andrew Vincent: 18:32:45
Isn't the Dark Chieftain a Dunlending?
Stuart: 18:32:48
Ryu: 18:32:51
And something about us now working for two political sides.
Andrew Vincent: 18:32:57
Damn all organised ...
Stuart: 18:33:00
(Drake, in the last session but one the characters met the Dark Chieftain, I think you weren't there)
Drake: 18:33:01
with our own double agent
Stuart: 18:33:05
Stuart: 18:33:08
you have a double agent
Stuart: 18:33:16
he will become relevant after this incursion
Stuart: 18:33:25
you may have more information to assist you in using him to your advantage
Stuart: 18:33:31
so the purpose here is to find whoever is incharge
Stuart: 18:33:35
and beat the shit out of them
Ryu: 18:33:38
Stuart: 18:33:42
7 shades of said shit
Stuart: 18:33:47
until they fess up with teh grand plan
Stuart: 18:33:53
Ryu: 18:33:53
I like the beating of the shit
Andrew Vincent: 18:33:55
I leave that up to the monk...
Stuart: 18:34:04
he's good at it
Stuart: 18:34:05
Stuart: 18:34:17
shall we return to the evils of the underground?
Andrew Vincent: 18:34:23
I'd be happy to scout the halls a bit.
Stuart: 18:34:43
Drake, Ryu, any objections to Oryndiel scouting ahead?
Andrew Vincent: 18:34:49
Unless someone else has a better idea?
Stuart: 18:34:52
(Oryndiel: you can use your familiar to do that)
Drake: 18:35:12
anyone is quieter than me...
Ryu: 18:35:18
go ahead
Stuart: 18:35:23
Stuart: 18:35:30
so Oryndiel you can send your ferret
Andrew Vincent: 18:35:33
Drake could you provide some healing... my arm's dropping off.
Drake: 18:36:08
i'll cast a cure serious
Stuart: 18:36:28
okay Drake roll it
Ryu: 18:36:32
I am truly in the presence of veterans.
Stuart: 18:36:32
do you need to know how much?
Andrew Vincent: 18:36:35
Drake: 18:36:41
Stuart: 18:36:47
Drake: 18:36:53
Stuart: 18:36:54
tell Oryndiel how much better he is then...
Stuart: 18:37:01
Stuart: 18:37:16
so Oryndiel, standing at the crossroads, you can send your ferret left or right
Stuart: 18:37:19
which way first?
Andrew Vincent: 18:37:35
Stu: Can I detect traps through the Ferret?
Stuart: 18:37:40
Stuart: 18:37:43
you have no detect traps skill
Stuart: 18:37:45
that's Lotho
Andrew Vincent: 18:37:57
Oh... how much healling is Cure Serious?
Stuart: 18:38:00
who I will control for crucial tasks like that
Stuart: 18:38:03
Andrew - 15 hps
Stuart: 18:38:07
(Drake wrote it up above)
Stuart: 18:38:18
but you can look for monsters, check the location fo doors, etc.
Stuart: 18:38:39
will you do that?
Andrew Vincent: 18:38:57
Okay - I cast invisibility on the Ferret and let him sneak west
Stuart: 18:39:14
you don't need to waste teh spell - his move silently and hide are excellent, and he is small
Stuart: 18:39:22
make a move silently check for him
Andrew Vincent: 18:39:35
Is that d20?
Stuart: 18:39:38
(that was a general hint to everyone - try not to burn up your pps)
Stuart: 18:39:42
Andrew: 2d10
Stuart: 18:39:50
all skill checks, saves and attacks are 2d10
Stuart: 18:40:01
so in your character sheet you should have a worksheet set aside for your familiar
Stuart: 18:40:11
it should give its move silently skill in there
Andrew Vincent: 18:40:22
Total = 15
Stuart: 18:40:28
Stuart: 18:40:32
so roll 2d10 and add the total
Stuart: 18:40:36
(we always use the total)
Andrew Vincent: 18:40:40
Roll = 14
Stuart: 18:40:43
okay so 29
Stuart: 18:40:48
that's a pretty good roll
Stuart: 18:40:59
your ferret goes snortling and sniffing his way on very light feet to the west
Stuart: 18:41:17
the corridor heads 20' from where you are hidden, then turns north
Stuart: 18:41:27
30' to the north it ends in a flat wall
Stuart: 18:41:39
there is a door to the east just before the dead end
Stuart: 18:41:44
no monsters in the hallway
Andrew Vincent: 18:41:49
Can he listen
Stuart: 18:42:03
first he can make a spot check
Andrew Vincent: 18:42:13
2d10 again?
Stuart: 18:42:14
so 2d10 + spot skill
Andrew Vincent: 18:42:38
9 + 9 = 18
Stuart: 18:42:43
Stuart: 18:42:47
now you can listen at the door
Stuart: 18:42:52
2d10 + listen
Stuart: 18:43:03
if the ferret doesn't have a listen skill written down, use yours
Stuart: 18:43:37
which is in the worksheet labelled "Skills and abilities" about halfway down
Andrew Vincent: 18:43:49
Stuart: 18:43:53
Stuart: 18:43:59
can't hear anything on the other side of the door,
Stuart: 18:44:03
which is a big thick door
Andrew Vincent: 18:44:20
Okay bring him/her back and send him down the east corridor
Stuart: 18:44:23
(remember everyone this is an old hill giant home, so all the corridors are 10' wide and 20' high)
Stuart: 18:44:26
okay so you do that
Stuart: 18:44:45
the ferret goes sliding along low to the ground and snuffles his way along to the east
Stuart: 18:45:04
after 50' or so the corridor turns to the North
Stuart: 18:45:11
but on the south wall at that corner there is a door
Stuart: 18:45:21
to the North the corridor ends after maybe 70'
Stuart: 18:45:22
in a door
Stuart: 18:45:35
what does your little mustelid companion do?
Andrew Vincent: 18:45:55
listen at the door (to the south)
Stuart: 18:46:01
okay roll it
Andrew Vincent: 18:46:13
Stuart: 18:46:20
your ferret can hear
Stuart: 18:46:22
in the room
Stuart: 18:46:30
the sound of a group of orcs arguing over a game of dice
Andrew Vincent: 18:46:42
how many voices?
Stuart: 18:46:46
Andrew Vincent: 18:46:51
ooo... lots
Stuart: 18:46:55
breakfast for a team like yours
Andrew Vincent: 18:46:56
Any thoughts?
Andrew Vincent: 18:47:07
Drake? Ryu
Andrew Vincent: 18:47:08
Stuart: 18:47:09
do you want to send your furry friend up north to listen to the next door?
Stuart: 18:47:18
Drake? Ryu?
Ryu: 18:47:20
Fighting's fine.
Stuart: 18:47:24
Drake: 18:47:30
we should be fine
Ryu: 18:47:40
I'm not being very monkish eh?
Stuart: 18:47:44
do you want to check the northern door before you start the crunching
Stuart: 18:47:47
no not at all Ryu all is fien
Andrew Vincent: 18:47:57
Stuart: 18:48:03
I was expressing silent appreciation of your robust approach to life
Ryu: 18:48:21
Well, checking the north door seems harmless. We'll get to the shit beating in the end I'm sure.
Stuart: 18:48:22
Andrew did you just not see Drake's reply?
Drake: 18:48:47
sorry, verbosity is not one of my vices
Stuart: 18:48:50
the one at 6:47 I mean
Stuart: 18:48:53
or that one?
Andrew Vincent: 18:49:03
Sorry - I got them both
Stuart: 18:49:05
Stuart: 18:49:08
that's good
Stuart: 18:49:15
I don't want tech headaches again
Stuart: 18:49:29
gonna send the ferret north to sniff around the other door?
Andrew Vincent: 18:49:34
Ryu: 18:49:36
Stuart: 18:50:19
the ferret sneaks north, to where your contact with its squirmy little mind becomes a little faded
Stuart: 18:50:26
it looks around a bit, sniffs under the door
Stuart: 18:50:33
make a listen check
Andrew Vincent: 18:50:45
smell... ooo can I use smell as well?
Stuart: 18:50:54
Andrew Vincent: 18:50:56
listen = 20
Stuart: 18:51:05
for the purposes of AD&D it's a smell-free ferret
Stuart: 18:51:11
can't hear anything behind that door
Stuart: 18:51:24
what now kids?
Andrew Vincent: 18:51:33
What's the plan? Fight or sneak?
Stuart: 18:51:42
and which room?
Stuart: 18:51:49
north or south, or the one in the Western corridor?
Ryu: 18:51:57
If we fight, I'd go with the 6 orcs.
Stuart: 18:52:14
so Ryu's vote: southern room, smash shit up
Stuart: 18:52:17
Andrew Vincent: 18:52:24
Can we do it quietly? Wouldn't want them to raise an alarm.
Drake: 18:52:30
follow ryu, patch him up...
Ryu: 18:52:33
zone of silence?
Stuart: 18:52:34
you can do it quickly
Ryu: 18:52:40
just like our first attack?
Andrew Vincent: 18:52:46
Sounds good
Stuart: 18:52:54
until Gremily comes to play the onlyskills of Ryu's you can use are trapfinding and disarming
Stuart: 18:53:05
so you can't use zone of silence unless someone else has it
Ryu: 18:53:12
oh, she has it.
Stuart: 18:53:13
remember you have your 2 cohorts each
Stuart: 18:53:22
(2 second level dunlending fighters)
Stuart: 18:53:26
you could send htem in and shut the door
Ryu: 18:53:29
In that case... hmm. We ARE trying to move around silently.
Stuart: 18:53:42
or put them on guard in the hallway to shoot anyoen who comes running during the battle
Stuart: 18:54:02
alternatively you could try using a spell to knock them out
Stuart: 18:54:06
e.g. Oryndiel has colour spray
Stuart: 18:54:15
open the door
Stuart: 18:54:23
burst forth in a moment's radiant glory
Stuart: 18:54:32
and then clean up like any good butcher
Andrew Vincent: 18:55:13
Sound's like a paln
Stuart: 18:55:14
it's a first level spell
Stuart: 18:55:22
should knock out most Orcs if it's successful
Ryu: 18:55:36
okeley dokeley. I'm fine with that plan too.
Stuart: 18:55:39
Stuart: 18:55:41
Stuart: 18:55:58
do drake and Ryu stand guard near the door withtheir cohorts while Oryndiel bursts in and lets rip?
Ryu: 18:56:21
Stuart: 18:56:24
Drake: 18:56:27
standing weapon drawn
Ryu: 18:56:40
I'll cast
Stuart: 18:56:41
so you all shuffle up as quietly can, but teh Orcs are still arguing over their dice game, so you aren't heard
Stuart: 18:56:47
Ryu will cast what?
Ryu: 18:56:59
blur, mage armour
Stuart: 18:57:03
Stuart: 18:57:08
blur is a spell that lasts 1 minute
Stuart: 18:57:17
don't waste 2pps on 6 orcs which Oryndiel is about to kill in 1 round
Stuart: 18:57:22
keep it for the nasties
Stuart: 18:57:25
also you still have mage armour on
Stuart: 18:57:28
it lasts 3 hours you know
Ryu: 18:57:33
it does? Bonus!
Stuart: 18:57:36
okay Oryndiel
Stuart: 18:57:40
this is how this works
Stuart: 18:57:42
you open the door
Andrew Vincent: 18:57:54
barge in
Stuart: 18:57:57
inside is a 50'l long room, 30' wide
Stuart: 18:58:10
the orcs are crouched in a big huddle on the floor 20' in
Andrew Vincent: 18:58:16
cast colour spray
Stuart: 18:58:20
between them and the wall - their only exit from you -
Stuart: 18:58:23
are 10 beds
Stuart: 18:58:27
rough, ugly beds which stink
Stuart: 18:58:32
and have uncured animal furs for covers
Stuart: 18:58:36
so you cast the spell
Stuart: 18:58:43
to do that you roll 2d10 and add your spellcraft skill
Andrew Vincent: 18:58:46
Stuart: 18:58:58
(it's in the skills and abilities page in the skills section)
Andrew Vincent: 18:58:58
One sec I have to answer the door...
Stuart: 18:59:00
yes, 2d10
Stuart: 18:59:02
Ryu: 18:59:10
the orcs are knocking
Stuart: 18:59:11
that's exactly what the Orcs would have said...
Andrew Vincent: 18:59:33
Stuart: 18:59:38
Ryu: 18:59:40
I think they would sound more like, 'argahahh haaaack
Stuart: 18:59:43
was it the mormons?
Stuart: 18:59:47
Stuart: 18:59:53
roll 2d10 and add your spellcraft skill
Andrew Vincent: 18:59:55
13 + what?
Stuart: 19:00:02
Stuart: 19:00:11
it's in skills and ablities, maybe halfway down
Andrew Vincent: 19:00:13
23 total
Stuart: 19:00:20
Stuart: 19:00:24
that sets the difficulty of their saving throw
Andrew Vincent: 19:00:37
back me up dudes
Andrew Vincent: 19:00:51
if this back fires I'm outer there faster than...
Ryu: 19:01:03
Stuart: 19:01:07
a burst of brilliant light radiates from your outstretched palm, scintillating in many different colours and washing over the orcs
Stuart: 19:01:12
all 6 turn to look at the same time
Stuart: 19:01:18
and are immediately knocked unconscious
Andrew Vincent: 19:01:28
wolffy dinner time
Stuart: 19:01:31
they're unconscious, so you cna kill them all at your leisure
Stuart: 19:01:43
btw Drake, I changed your animal companion to a monitor lizard
Stuart: 19:01:53
for going underground
Stuart: 19:01:59
it could probably eat one of these bastards whole
Ryu: 19:02:05
maybe it should?
Stuart: 19:02:08
do I need to email it to you?
Stuart: 19:02:17
guys: regardless of the method, do you kill these 6 quickly?
Ryu: 19:02:24
Andrew Vincent: 19:02:27
Stuart: 19:02:29
Stuart: 19:02:32
sudden qualms...
Andrew Vincent: 19:02:36
do we need info on the rest of the lair?
Stuart: 19:02:44
probably be useful
Drake: 19:02:47
can we speak their lang.?
Stuart: 19:02:51
do you think pissy Orc guards will know much?
Stuart: 19:02:56
yeah you all speak Black Speech I think
Andrew Vincent: 19:03:08
Well what's behind the next door would be good
Drake: 19:03:09
might know what else is in here
Stuart: 19:03:13
good point
Stuart: 19:03:27
so do you kill all but 1, who you tie up and bugger with a pitchfork?
Andrew Vincent: 19:03:39
Ryu you're the scariest - over to you
Stuart: 19:03:41
(Drake: monitor lizard details: do you need me to send them to you?)
Stuart: 19:03:44
Drake: 19:03:50
i can't keep these pitchforks clean...
Stuart: 19:03:52
you kill 5, tie one up and wake him
Drake: 19:04:09
yeah quick file is ok
Stuart: 19:04:10
he tries to scream but one of you has shoved his mate's severed hand in his gob
Stuart: 19:04:19
(will do in a mo)
Stuart: 19:04:21
Stuart: 19:04:25
he grunts and slobbers
Stuart: 19:04:42
after a bit of threatening with Oryndiel's wolf, the Orc agrees to answer your questions
Stuart: 19:04:59
(remember my rule about interrogation - you kill everyone you interrogate and I will start lying to you)
Stuart: 19:05:04
so what are your questions?
Ryu: 19:05:13
be right back
Stuart: 19:05:27
that's not a question...
Stuart: 19:05:29
anyone else?
Andrew Vincent: 19:05:39
who's in charge!!!
Andrew Vincent: 19:05:55
that was the question
Stuart: 19:06:06
Andrew Vincent: 19:06:08
slimy orcs
Stuart: 19:06:11
he grunts and stutters
Stuart: 19:06:12
and says
Stuart: 19:06:39
"my chieftain is skag chieftain lord"
Stuart: 19:06:48
"he eat you and you little beasties"
Stuart: 19:06:52
"he is bad"
Andrew Vincent: 19:07:22
How bad? The badest?
Stuart: 19:07:45
" he bad"
Andrew Vincent: 19:07:52
Yer and I bet he doesn't take orders from anyone?
Stuart: 19:07:53
he beat up 3 hobgoblins one time
Ryu: 19:08:01
at band camp?
Stuart: 19:08:01
skag never take orders
Stuart: 19:08:08
skag give orders to trolls!
Andrew Vincent: 19:08:12
Never? < add pain >
Stuart: 19:08:15
skag give orders to werewolf!
Stuart: 19:08:19
Ryu: 19:08:32
question: so he is in charge of this whole place.
Stuart: 19:08:33
skag held in great awe by shaman who come from below
Stuart: 19:08:40
he in charge of whole place
Stuart: 19:08:49
we make great money from stupid dunlendings
Stuart: 19:08:56
send dunlending children and money below
Stuart: 19:09:09
in the underhalls with my tribe skag tells shamn
Andrew Vincent: 19:09:11
Money from who?
Stuart: 19:09:17
you turn dunlendings into zombie horde
Stuart: 19:09:20
to destroy dunlnedings
Ryu: 19:09:24
Shaman from below? What do you mean.
Stuart: 19:09:25
then he send horde to his friends
Stuart: 19:09:35
there be tunnels below this old castle
Stuart: 19:09:38
we camp there
Stuart: 19:09:44
below those tunnels be older tunnels
Stuart: 19:09:49
wot the goblins made
Stuart: 19:09:57
the shaman comes here from those tunnels
Ryu: 19:10:00
This shaman... he isn't an orc?
Stuart: 19:10:05
he is Orc
Andrew Vincent: 19:10:07
How many of you (slimy orcs) are there?
Stuart: 19:10:10
but he is from New Tribe
Stuart: 19:10:16
me not know
Stuart: 19:10:20
many many
Stuart: 19:10:22
more than 10!!!
Ryu: 19:10:24
[aside: New Tribe?]
Andrew Vincent: 19:10:31
Not Scag tribe?
Stuart: 19:10:36
Not Skag tribe
Stuart: 19:10:40
Shaman come from New Tribe
Stuart: 19:10:44
Tribe of Broken Teeth
Stuart: 19:10:48
Broken Teeth is special tribe
Stuart: 19:10:51
they bring plan
Stuart: 19:10:55
we give money and zombies
Stuart: 19:11:01
they come back with magic
Stuart: 19:11:06
then they send us new Tribe Shaman
Stuart: 19:11:09
he always here
Stuart: 19:11:12
control the zombies
Andrew Vincent: 19:11:27
plan? < pain >
Stuart: 19:11:28
but most zombies we send away to New Tribe
Stuart: 19:11:32
Stuart: 19:11:34
Stuart: 19:11:37
I not know plan
Stuart: 19:11:44
my plan is guard the entrance
Stuart: 19:11:48
in case bad people come
Stuart: 19:12:01
(he looks a bit embarrassed at this - hasn't done such a good job...)
Ryu: 19:12:05
Does the shaman stay below or is he in one of the rooms here?
Stuart: 19:12:15
he in rooms on Western side
Drake: 19:12:17
who else do you see each day?
Stuart: 19:12:22
werewolf man
Stuart: 19:12:23
he bad
Andrew Vincent: 19:12:31
And werewolf man's room?
Stuart: 19:12:38
go through door north of here
Stuart: 19:12:50
he be in room on other side with his mates
Andrew Vincent: 19:12:56
Ryu: 19:12:59
How many mates? More than 10?
Stuart: 19:13:00
stupid elf get eaten
Stuart: 19:13:02
less than 10
Stuart: 19:13:10
stupid easterling get eaten
Stuart: 19:13:13
werewolf man is bad
Stuart: 19:13:16
bad bad wolf
Stuart: 19:13:27
he is friends with trolls
Ryu: 19:13:38
Are the trolls on this level?
Stuart: 19:13:43
in big room in middle
Stuart: 19:13:47
trolls stupid and smell bad
Stuart: 19:13:50
eat stupid easterlings
Ryu: 19:13:52
more than 10?
Stuart: 19:13:58
less than 10!
Andrew Vincent: 19:14:09
Where's the tunnels?
Stuart: 19:14:11
when skag is more powerful, we have more than 10 trolls!
Stuart: 19:14:14
Andrew Vincent: 19:14:19
where's the stairs?
Stuart: 19:14:31
you kill shaman and his spider riders, you go downstairs
Ryu: 19:14:31
Are there any other creatures on this level?
Stuart: 19:14:38
there be warg battalion
Stuart: 19:14:43
back of castle
Stuart: 19:14:52
wargs eat stupid easterling and his stupid dress
Ryu: 19:15:05
Perhaps. But we're here and they're not.
Andrew Vincent: 19:15:12
Ryu: 19:15:15
He means me.
Ryu: 19:15:29
Are the storerooms or treasure rooms on this level?
Stuart: 19:15:36
only treasure of people
Stuart: 19:15:41
treasure room is in tunnels
Stuart: 19:15:47
there be storerooms for warg gear and food
Ryu: 19:15:50
What do you mean, treasure of people? Slaves?
Stuart: 19:15:57
maybe once trolls kill you they will hang you in there
Stuart: 19:16:05
werewolf man's treasure
Stuart: 19:16:12
shaman's treasure
Stuart: 19:16:27
sneaky dunlending's treasure
Stuart: 19:16:35
you stupid aren't you!
Andrew Vincent: 19:16:48
I'm done - anyone else?
Stuart: 19:16:48
and you smell bad!
Ryu: 19:16:51
What treasure does the shaman have on this level?
Stuart: 19:16:57
Ryu: 19:17:01
Ad oh - <pain>
Stuart: 19:17:02
i not tlak to shaman
Stuart: 19:17:09
I lie on ground when shaman comes near
Stuart: 19:17:13
or he tell skag I rude
Stuart: 19:17:16
and skag feed me to trolls
Stuart: 19:17:26
trolls big and smell bad
Stuart: 19:17:38
eat stupid elves
Ryu: 19:17:52
And orcs that get captured?
Andrew Vincent: 19:17:53
Put a sock in it - shut him up
Stuart: 19:18:03
(Drake: currently you use the medium monitor lizard, not the large one)
Stuart: 19:18:07
Stuart: 19:18:14
do you kill this orc or just tie him up?
Andrew Vincent: 19:18:55
We can tie him up, until we leave - and take him with us. Give to Dunderlings as evidence?
Stuart: 19:19:10
he hears you say that and doesn't like the sound of it!
Ryu: 19:19:15
To the dark chieftain perhaps.
Stuart: 19:19:23
but there's nothing he can do - you've stuck his mate's fist in his mouth, and he's tied up
Stuart: 19:19:34
Ryu: 19:19:36
Can we knock him out?
Drake: 19:19:42
if we get caught, we will tell who told us....
Stuart: 19:19:42
you can have Lotho's cohorts escort him to the skyship
Ryu: 19:19:56
heh. cool.
Stuart: 19:19:59
Stuart: 19:20:00
Andrew Vincent: 19:20:03
Ryu: 19:20:04
Drake: 19:20:05
(make sure he hears that)
Stuart: 19:20:21
Ryu: 19:20:21
And if he misbehaves, feed him to the trolls.
Stuart: 19:20:24
add 50xps each
Stuart: 19:20:36
(hardly worth it!)
Stuart: 19:20:42
and then head to the Northern door?
Andrew Vincent: 19:20:57
to the wolf? Hmm... I don't know.
Ryu: 19:20:59
that's the werewolf den?
Stuart: 19:21:06
Ryu: 19:21:09
well, it's either that or trolls.
Stuart: 19:21:10
that's the werewolf den
Andrew Vincent: 19:21:20
Or the sharman.
Stuart: 19:21:25
Stuart: 19:21:29
nice series of choices eh?
Stuart: 19:21:35
you don't kow where the shaman is
Ryu: 19:21:41
they've got treasure
Andrew Vincent: 19:21:51
Ahh... the font of joy
Ryu: 19:22:03
Oh, and the wargs. don't forget them
Stuart: 19:22:04
Drake, your preference?
Ryu: 19:22:29
The stairs to the shaman are through the warg rooms.
Stuart: 19:22:37
no they aren't
Drake: 19:22:43
any magic users to take care of?
Stuart: 19:22:48
the warg rooms are at the back of the building
Stuart: 19:22:54
ah Drake, only the shamans
Stuart: 19:22:59
but you don't know where htey are
Andrew Vincent: 19:23:04
Stuart: 19:23:08
Stuart: 19:23:12
there's quite a bit to the west
Stuart: 19:23:44
Stuart: 19:23:48
they're quite a bit to the west
Stuart: 19:23:56
but you can work your way back easily enough
Stuart: 19:24:09
just go back down to the entry way and choose a different exit from that room
Stuart: 19:24:16
either hte double doors or the single door to the far west
Drake: 19:24:18
can we spend 5 minutes searching here?
Stuart: 19:24:27
in this room?
Drake: 19:24:43
at least listening through the room walls
Andrew Vincent: 19:24:46
what's everyone's preference?
Stuart: 19:24:56
Drake the room walls are 5' of stone
Andrew Vincent: 19:25:03
preference: troll - sharmans - werewolf
Stuart: 19:25:10
the ferret has already listened at the end of hte hall, and heard nothing
Stuart: 19:25:17
Ryu, Drake, your preference?
Ryu: 19:25:27
I go with andrew.
Ryu: 19:25:33
er, Ory
Drake: 19:25:37
follow ory
Stuart: 19:25:40
Stuart: 19:25:43
so how to find the trolls?
Stuart: 19:25:58
do you want to go back the way you came and try the other exits from the entry chamber?
Andrew Vincent: 19:26:06
West corridor
Stuart: 19:26:14
Stuart: 19:26:21
so first of all you search this room
Ryu: 19:26:21
My guess is that the double door from the entry room leads to trolls
Drake: 19:26:32
what was the circular pit in entr?
Stuart: 19:26:41
so do you want to checkthe west corridor and then go back?
Stuart: 19:26:52
Drake, there is no circular pit
Ryu: 19:27:01
I think it's a barrel Drake.
Stuart: 19:27:06
do you mean the little brown circle marked "B" ?
Stuart: 19:27:11
It's a water barrel
Stuart: 19:27:13
nothing in it
Drake: 19:27:23
ok fair enough
Stuart: 19:27:31
so do you check the west corridor first?
Andrew Vincent: 19:27:31
I think the first corridor the ferret was in (west) was leading to 'middle room' == trolls
Ryu: 19:27:40
oh. ok
Stuart: 19:27:51
so you go back there?
Ryu: 19:27:53
make it so No 1.
Stuart: 19:28:05
Stuart: 19:28:16
fist you search this room as Drake suggested and find atotal of 71gps and 11sps
Stuart: 19:28:28
divide 'em in 3 and add 'em to your sheets
Andrew Vincent: 19:28:34
I could disguise myself as... say the captain... and walk ahead.
Stuart: 19:28:41
odd numbers can be dispensed with and given to your cohorts
Stuart: 19:28:52
using a spell Andrew?
Andrew Vincent: 19:28:58
Stuart: 19:29:09
I'll check it's duration
Stuart: 19:29:11
just a mo
Stuart: 19:29:31
for you 50 minutes
Stuart: 19:29:34
so quite a useful spell
Stuart: 19:29:40
you wanna use that?
Andrew Vincent: 19:29:41
Stuart: 19:29:43
Stuart: 19:29:48
you odn't need to roll anything
Stuart: 19:29:54
just knock off the pps
Stuart: 19:29:58
you head back to the west corridor
Andrew Vincent: 19:30:01
Do we want to do a Star Wars - I have a prisoner trick?
Ryu: 19:30:02
how do you know when to roll and when not?
Stuart: 19:30:12
it's a God thing Ryu
Ryu: 19:30:26
So you just make it up, like the Bible.
Stuart: 19:30:32
who wants to work the prisoner trick?
Stuart: 19:30:39
(Ryu, don't tempt the Smiter)
Andrew Vincent: 19:30:59
Ryu would be a good choice - easily into the middle of the fight
Ryu: 19:31:05
Andrew Vincent: 19:31:13
Be nice to God
Drake: 19:31:19
good for me - choose ryu
Ryu: 19:31:22
Why? God's always mean to me.
Ryu: 19:31:33
*sigh* ok.
Stuart: 19:31:38
that's very fatalistic for a monk!
Stuart: 19:31:46
Stuart: 19:31:55
so Ory disguises himself as a hobgoblin guard captain
Stuart: 19:32:04
you all head back to the west and then turn north when the corridor turns north
Stuart: 19:32:15
it ends in a dead end, and to the right there is a door
Andrew Vincent: 19:32:22
Stuart: 19:32:28
the door is 10' before the dead end
Stuart: 19:32:30
you listen
Stuart: 19:32:35
roll listen checks kids
Andrew Vincent: 19:33:00
Ryu: 19:33:03
Stuart: 19:33:24
Drake: 19:33:25
Stuart: 19:33:28
Stuart: 19:33:33
none of you can hear anything in the room
Stuart: 19:33:34
go in?
Ryu: 19:33:45
might as well.
Stuart: 19:33:48
Stuart: 19:33:50
the door is unlocked
Stuart: 19:33:52
you open it
Andrew Vincent: 19:33:52
Stuart: 19:34:03
... God pauses....
Andrew Vincent: 19:34:34
Ryu and I go in, Drake + animals + cohort wait. If there's a fight - bust in.
Ryu: 19:34:41
Drake: 19:34:42
stay out of sight with cohorts until i hear something
Stuart: 19:34:44
Stuart: 19:34:53
so you open the door and drag your prisoner into ....
Stuart: 19:35:08
an 80' long, 30' wide storeroom
Stuart: 19:35:11
full of crates of food
Stuart: 19:35:12
Stuart: 19:35:13
Stuart: 19:35:17
that sort of stuff
Stuart: 19:35:28
it's piled high with enormous amounts of stuff
Stuart: 19:35:35
searching the whole room could take hours
Stuart: 19:35:39
there is no sign of anyone living in here
Andrew Vincent: 19:35:44
damn - shall we try this again with the werewolfs?
Stuart: 19:35:52
but you can do a search check to look for nasties hiding further away in the room
Andrew Vincent: 19:36:17
Stuart: 19:36:21
roll it
Stuart: 19:36:24
2d10 etc.
Andrew Vincent: 19:36:25
Andrew Vincent: 19:36:30
Stuart: 19:36:31
spot will do
Stuart: 19:36:33
yes spot
Andrew Vincent: 19:36:59
Ryu: 19:37:04
I'd like to try the double doors from the entry room though, if possible. 24
Stuart: 19:37:05
nothing in here
Stuart: 19:37:07
just crates
Andrew Vincent: 19:37:19
fine by me
Stuart: 19:37:26
Stuart: 19:37:34
it only takes a minute to walk back there
Andrew Vincent: 19:37:40
( stu do I need to remind you about the passive secret door search = elf)
Stuart: 19:37:48
Stuart: 19:37:50
you did
Drake: 19:37:50
can cohorts grab any better weapons here?
Stuart: 19:37:56
make a spot check outside that room
Andrew Vincent: 19:38:00
(subtle huh!)
Ryu: 19:38:05
Stuart: 19:38:16
roll it!
Stuart: 19:38:18
Stuart: 19:38:22
Andrew Vincent: 19:38:22
Stuart: 19:38:24
Ryu: 19:38:25
what about what Drake said?
Stuart: 19:38:35
Drake: no
Stuart: 19:38:43
there is a secret door at the end of the hallway
Stuart: 19:38:48
where the dead end is
Andrew Vincent: 19:38:50
How about lots of flamable stuff - good against trolls
Stuart: 19:38:56
you can't hear anything through it
Stuart: 19:38:57
Stuart: 19:39:10
if you search for 10 minutes you will be able to find 3 flasks of alchemists' fire
Stuart: 19:39:21
(the secret door is stone)
Stuart: 19:39:34
so, standing with your 3 flasks of alchemists' fire at the secret door
Stuart: 19:39:44
what is the plan?
Andrew Vincent: 19:40:20
okay - same plan - everyone hide in store room, me and my 'prisoner' open the door
Ryu: 19:40:32
Stuart: 19:40:34
and then once the battle starts...
Stuart: 19:40:43
Drake bursts in with the cohorts, teh lizard and the wolf..
Stuart: 19:40:44
Andrew Vincent: 19:40:56
Or we retreat?
Ryu: 19:40:57
Oryendiel's pretty butch in this session.
Stuart: 19:41:07
Ryu... I wouldn't count on it
Drake: 19:41:12
less innuendo tho'....
Stuart: 19:41:17
I wager when the fightin' starts he'll be backing up and using arrows...
Ryu: 19:41:18
Stuart: 19:41:23
leaving the main job to you
Andrew Vincent: 19:41:25
Sorry - feeling out of charactetr
Stuart: 19:41:28
Stuart: 19:41:30
Stuart: 19:41:37
you open the secret door?
Ryu: 19:41:39
Stuart: 19:41:43
Andrew Vincent: 19:41:47
Stuart: 19:41:59
the secret door grinds noisily open, and you step through into a huge, dim and smoky room
Andrew Vincent: 19:42:15
Stuart: 19:42:15
the part of the room you have entered is 80' north-south
Stuart: 19:42:23
and 120' east west
Stuart: 19:42:32
there is another branch of the room extending to the south
Stuart: 19:42:46
you are standing in the southeastern corner of the 80x120 part
Stuart: 19:42:59
there are 2 lines of pillars running down the middl eof the room
Stuart: 19:43:06
and 2 huge tables
Stuart: 19:43:14
maybe 60' apart from one another
Stuart: 19:43:16
giant size tables
Stuart: 19:43:22
in the middle of the room is a massive firepit
Stuart: 19:43:26
which is the cause of the smokiness
Stuart: 19:43:36
ther eis a chimney but lots ofthe smoke is trapping in the room
Stuart: 19:43:42
a huge spit stands over teh fire
Stuart: 19:43:50
and is slowly turning due to the efforts of a dog
Stuart: 19:44:04
which is trapped in a type of wheel at one end (liek one of those wheels mice run in)
Stuart: 19:44:09
the dog is a "spit puppy"
Stuart: 19:44:13
only it's a labrador
Stuart: 19:44:17
full grown adn very muscular
Stuart: 19:44:30
the spit is turning slowly to roast a full-size dunlending
Stuart: 19:44:42
who may not be dead, but could just be twitching from explosions of fat
Ryu: 19:44:46
Stuart: 19:44:49
crouched each side of the firepit is a troll
Stuart: 19:45:01
they are looking with more than a little interest at you
Stuart: 19:45:08
Oryndiel, what do you do?
Andrew Vincent: 19:45:34
Hey one of you come with me
Stuart: 19:45:49
Stuart: 19:45:56
they grunt and stand up and shuffle towards you
Stuart: 19:46:02
seeing you are the hobgoblin, one says
Stuart: 19:46:07
Andrew Vincent: 19:46:39
Need help hanging prisoner - you (point at one) come with me
Stuart: 19:46:44
Stuart: 19:46:53
Oryndiel needs to make a bluff skill check
Ryu: 19:46:55
I make scared noises
Stuart: 19:46:57
2d10 + bluff skill
Stuart: 19:47:01
you bet you would
Andrew Vincent: 19:47:22
(oops bluff not my thing)
Andrew Vincent: 19:47:25
Stuart: 19:47:35
Stuart: 19:47:43
the Troll doesn't even hesitate
Stuart: 19:47:47
he steps forward
Stuart: 19:47:50
Stuart: 19:47:55
grunts to his fellow
Stuart: 19:47:57
Stuart: 19:48:02
says something in black speech
Andrew Vincent: 19:48:02
do we understand?
Stuart: 19:48:08
deep and slurry so you can't catch it
Stuart: 19:48:11
and then says
Stuart: 19:48:16
Stuart: 19:48:21
"do i get to eat it?"
Ryu: 19:48:29
Andrew Vincent: 19:48:36
I turn and head back into the store room with Ryu
Stuart: 19:48:46
troll looks like this
Stuart: 19:48:48
Stuart: 19:49:03
the troll comes to the secret door, bends down and forces itself through
Ryu: 19:49:04
ugly and butt naked.
Stuart: 19:49:07
takes a few seconds
Stuart: 19:49:17
do you close the door?
Andrew Vincent: 19:49:28
Ryu: 19:49:34
's an idea
Stuart: 19:49:35
door grinds shut
Stuart: 19:49:38
Stuart: 19:49:43
as it grinds shut, what do you do?
Stuart: 19:49:52
the troll is standing near the entry to the storeroom
Stuart: 19:50:02
between you and the secret door
Stuart: 19:50:07
do you (Oryndiel)
Stuart: 19:50:15
wnat to place Ryu between you and it so you can use arrows?
Andrew Vincent: 19:50:25
We walk into the storeroom and as it's squeesing through the door, hit it with everything
Stuart: 19:50:27
(remember you have flame arrow currently cast on your arrows)
Stuart: 19:50:38
do you tell it to go first with Ryu?
Stuart: 19:50:44
then you can fire arrows from outside the door
Ryu: 19:50:54
well let me cast me protective spells then
Stuart: 19:50:57
Andrew Vincent: 19:51:00
Nice idea
Stuart: 19:51:07
you start casting protective spells it might get the idea that something is up
Andrew Vincent: 19:51:16
Nice idea bout it going first
Stuart: 19:51:22
do you tell it to?
Andrew Vincent: 19:51:35
Stuart: 19:51:39
it reaches out
Stuart: 19:51:40
Stuart: 19:51:42
grabs ryu
Stuart: 19:51:46
tears him easily from your grasp
Stuart: 19:51:49
kicks open the door
Ryu: 19:51:50
Stuart: 19:51:52
throws him in
Stuart: 19:51:58
says "this gonna be fun"
Stuart: 19:52:01
and steps in after him
Stuart: 19:52:11
it then comes to an abrupt halt
Stuart: 19:52:20
as it realises that Ryu isn't actually properly tied up
Stuart: 19:52:27
you all get to act first
Stuart: 19:52:29
what do you do?
Ryu: 19:52:46
Are you asking me?
Stuart: 19:52:54
all of you
Stuart: 19:53:02
actually first all of you roll initiative
Ryu: 19:53:30
Andrew Vincent: 19:53:33
Stuart: 19:53:39
Andrew Vincent: 19:53:50
7 + ?
Stuart: 19:53:56
plus your initative bonus, which is written just below abilities on your skills and abiliities sheet
Stuart: 19:53:57
Stuart: 19:54:04
you are looking straight at this big fat bastard
Stuart: 19:54:08
lizard on one side of you
Drake: 19:54:08
Stuart: 19:54:10
wolf on the other
Stuart: 19:54:15
Andrew Vincent: 19:54:19
Stuart: 19:54:38
okay as ever
Stuart: 19:54:40
Ryu you go first
Stuart: 19:54:41
what do you do?
Stuart: 19:54:47
remember you have that stunnign fist ability
Stuart: 19:54:49
could be handy now
Ryu: 19:55:08
Cast shocking grasp?
Stuart: 19:55:21
up to you
Ryu: 19:55:31
can I cast two spells at once?
Stuart: 19:55:33
Stuart: 19:55:43
also this creature has no body armour
Stuart: 19:55:57
so it is going to be just as hard to hit with shocking grasp as with your punch
Ryu: 19:56:18
Ok. Stunning fists
Stuart: 19:56:25
flurry of blows, I presume?
Ryu: 19:56:28
Stuart: 19:56:32
roll 'em
Ryu: 19:56:50
2d10 + unarmed strike?
Stuart: 19:56:59
your flurry of blows bonus, whatever that is
Ryu: 19:57:11
Stuart: 19:57:14
and then 2 more
Stuart: 19:57:26
(remember you have 3 attacks with flurry of blows)
Ryu: 19:57:27
sorry, it was 19 + 2 more is 21
Ryu: 19:57:33
oh silly me
Stuart: 19:57:35
no Ryu
Stuart: 19:57:38
you get three attacks
Stuart: 19:57:42
first one is at +10
Stuart: 19:57:45
second at +10
Stuart: 19:57:48
third at +5
Stuart: 19:57:54
roll 'em all
Ryu: 19:57:59
19, 18, 14
Stuart: 19:58:03
Stuart: 19:58:21
the troll is looking at you wiht a stunned expression on its face when you step forward and smash it hard in the belly
Stuart: 19:58:28
a heavy punch and then a kick to the groin
Stuart: 19:58:38
roll damage for 2 attacks (so 2d8+6 total)
Stuart: 19:58:48
(the third attack misses, it catches it on its arm)
Ryu: 19:59:15
10, 23
Stuart: 19:59:31
Stuart: 19:59:35
you can't roll 23
Stuart: 19:59:46
the total damage is 2d8+6
Stuart: 19:59:51
that is 1d8+3 per attack
Stuart: 20:00:17
so I will assume the total is 23?
Stuart: 20:00:22
atctually it can't be
Stuart: 20:00:27
how did you get 23?
Stuart: 20:00:37
btw your stunnign fist fails
Stuart: 20:00:40
Trolls are tough
Ryu: 20:00:42
I got 7 on one roll, and 7 on another roll.
Stuart: 20:00:48
Stuart: 20:00:50
so 20
Ryu: 20:00:52
Stuart: 20:00:58
Stuart: 20:01:12
but it's 2d8 for the combined total of all yoru attacks
Stuart: 20:01:15
1d8 per attack
Ryu: 20:01:16
oh ok
Stuart: 20:01:20
not 2d8 per attack
Stuart: 20:01:28
Stuart: 20:01:36
next is Drake, the Lizard, and hte cohorts
Stuart: 20:01:58
I will roll for the cohorts
Stuart: 20:02:10
let's assume they're firing arrows eh?
Drake: 20:02:32
Stuart: 20:02:39
what do you do Drake?
Andrew Vincent: 20:02:51
Any way to use the alchemist's fire?
Drake: 20:02:53
attack with blade
Stuart: 20:03:00
okay roll
Stuart: 20:03:05
roll all your attacks at one time
Stuart: 20:03:11
Andrew: you have the ability to fire flame arrows
Stuart: 20:03:17
they do as much damage as alchemists fire
Andrew Vincent: 20:03:22
For the cohorts
Stuart: 20:03:24
but you can fire more every round I think
Stuart: 20:03:26
Stuart: 20:03:34
yes if you like 3 of them can throw alchemists' fire
Drake: 20:03:58
Stuart: 20:04:10
Stuart: 20:04:14
Drake both your blows hit
Stuart: 20:04:18
roll for damage
Drake: 20:04:28
w cold dmg?
Stuart: 20:04:33
Stuart: 20:04:36
each hit is 2d6+1
Stuart: 20:04:54
Andrew do the cohorts throw fire?
Drake: 20:05:18
5 8
Stuart: 20:05:23
Andrew Vincent: 20:05:25
I was thinking about on their arrows - throwing might hit others
Stuart: 20:05:35
they can't do that andrew
Stuart: 20:05:37
only the flasks
Stuart: 20:05:56
Drake - you step around Ryu tothe side and take two hard, deep hacks at the Troll's side
Andrew Vincent: 20:05:58
Will the flasks splash us?
Stuart: 20:06:01
both times you hit, and it screams in pain
Stuart: 20:06:04
yes they will Andrew
Andrew Vincent: 20:06:09
read - likely to splash us?
Stuart: 20:06:12
but they will do splash damage
Stuart: 20:06:15
not much damage
Ryu: 20:06:15
i can tumble out of the way
Andrew Vincent: 20:06:17
Cohorts = arrows
Stuart: 20:06:19
1 hp each flask
Stuart: 20:06:23
unless they fumble and hit you
Stuart: 20:06:27
Stuart: 20:06:33
so cohorts = arrows?
Andrew Vincent: 20:06:37
Drake: 20:06:47
i would dodge *into* dmg - bad dex
Stuart: 20:06:49
2 hit the troll
Stuart: 20:06:52
Stuart: 20:07:03
the troll is now angry
Stuart: 20:07:06
it rips at Ryu
Ryu: 20:07:10
he's angry NOW?
Stuart: 20:07:24
what's your armour class Ryu?
Stuart: 20:07:45
mage armoured, unsurprised, no barkskin
Ryu: 20:07:58
Under "Armour"?
Stuart: 20:08:02
Ryu: 20:08:04
Stuart: 20:08:08
Stuart: 20:08:19
Stuart: 20:08:22
it's the total
Stuart: 20:08:24
on the right
Ryu: 20:08:26
Stuart: 20:08:28
Stuart: 20:08:48
the troll flails at you with its huge, rending claws, but you slip away from one claw
Stuart: 20:08:53
the other rakes across your chest
Ryu: 20:08:57
Stuart: 20:09:08
10hps damage
Stuart: 20:09:11
now hte lizard
Stuart: 20:09:18
Drake, wanna roll for your lizard?
Drake: 20:09:51
Stuart: 20:10:02
that's a hit! It slithers in and savages the troll's leg
Stuart: 20:10:04
Drake: 20:10:19
crit hit?
Stuart: 20:10:26
what'd you roll?
Stuart: 20:10:30
(the actual dice)
Drake: 20:10:33
Stuart: 20:10:38
Stuart: 20:10:39
roll again
Stuart: 20:10:48
to see if you do double damage
Drake: 20:10:48
Stuart: 20:10:51
Stuart: 20:10:53
Stuart: 20:10:54
I mean
Drake: 20:11:00
Stuart: 20:11:10
that's a critical
Stuart: 20:11:13
so roll doubel damage
Drake: 20:11:13
*I* dont believe it
Ryu: 20:11:20
Stuart: 20:11:25
your lizard's harder than you!
Drake: 20:11:28
Stuart: 20:11:34
Stuart: 20:11:42
oaky now it's Oryndiel the Slowcoach's turn
Stuart: 20:11:45
watcha gonna do?
Andrew Vincent: 20:11:47
how's that troll looking?
Stuart: 20:11:51
Andrew Vincent: 20:12:06
Fire fire arrows - 2
Stuart: 20:12:21
note you have the rapid shot skill, you can choose to fire 3 flame arrows if you want
Andrew Vincent: 20:12:36
yup that's an idea
Stuart: 20:12:48
In the skills and abilities section, combat bonusses, you have two choices - flame arrows or rapid shot
Stuart: 20:12:59
the rapid shot bonus is +8, +8,+3
Andrew Vincent: 20:12:59
flame arrows + rapid shot
Stuart: 20:13:02
Stuart: 20:13:04
roll 3 attacks
Andrew Vincent: 20:13:08
within 30'?
Stuart: 20:13:12
Stuart: 20:13:13
Stuart: 20:13:20
flame arrows at point blank range
Stuart: 20:13:22
Andrew Vincent: 20:13:24
13 25 17
Stuart: 20:13:28
Stuart: 20:13:33
only 1 hits
Stuart: 20:13:41
(you have to fire carefully to avoid hitting the others)
Stuart: 20:13:49
it strikes well in the middle of the troll's neck though
Stuart: 20:13:53
so roll damage
Andrew Vincent: 20:13:59
Stuart: 20:14:06
(and add 1 for within 30')
Andrew Vincent: 20:14:13
I did
Stuart: 20:14:17
how much was fire?
Andrew Vincent: 20:14:20
Stuart: 20:14:27
Drake: 20:14:29
sorry - urgent toilet break...
Stuart: 20:14:33
the troll falls flat on its face
Stuart: 20:14:39
flames creeping along its back
Stuart: 20:14:44
it is unconscious
Stuart: 20:14:48
Stuart: 20:14:53
it immediately springs back to its feet
Stuart: 20:15:01
some of its lighter wounds sealign up before your eyes
Andrew Vincent: 20:15:01
Stuart: 20:15:08
Stuart: 20:15:11
it's a troll
Stuart: 20:15:16
almost all that damage was not fire
Stuart: 20:15:19
so it gets back up
Stuart: 20:15:20
Stuart: 20:15:21
Stuart: 20:15:25
you go first
Andrew Vincent: 20:15:30
cohorts = alchemist fire!
Ryu: 20:15:33
so fire damages it?
Ryu: 20:15:34
Stuart: 20:15:36
Stuart: 20:15:40
normal weapons damage it too
Stuart: 20:15:43
but it regenerates hps
Stuart: 20:15:45
Stuart: 20:15:49
it still looks in pretty bad shape
Ryu: 20:15:58
flurry of blows
Stuart: 20:16:01
Ryu: 20:16:36
20, 19, 20
Stuart: 20:16:40
3 hits
Stuart: 20:16:41
roll damage
Stuart: 20:16:54
you level a blistering series of kicks at its head as it is still struggling to its feet
Ryu: 20:16:57
4, 5, 7
Stuart: 20:17:06
Stuart: 20:17:12
it falls back over like a sack of heavily kicked shit
Stuart: 20:17:15
and lies twitching
Ryu: 20:17:20
have at you sirrah!
Stuart: 20:17:23
you can see its damage healing before your eyes though
Andrew Vincent: 20:17:25
burn the bugger
Ryu: 20:17:30
yes! burn it!
Stuart: 20:17:31
gonna pour on some alchemists' fire?
Andrew Vincent: 20:17:35
Drake: 20:17:40
Stuart: 20:17:42
how many flasks?
Ryu: 20:17:55
drake: you're in time for the burning of the troll.
Andrew Vincent: 20:18:00
how many did we find?
Stuart: 20:18:03
Andrew Vincent: 20:18:13
sounds like a plan
Stuart: 20:18:21
but you can throw other flammable materials on once you get a fire going with them
Ryu: 20:18:26
Ryu: 20:18:28
Stuart: 20:18:31
(they won't be enough in and of themselves to kill it)
Stuart: 20:18:34
so do you use all 3?
Andrew Vincent: 20:18:54
all 3 - I have some more
Stuart: 20:18:58
Stuart: 20:19:03
that troll is, quite literally, toast
Stuart: 20:19:12
you pile on some sackcloth, a few books, some wood
Andrew Vincent: 20:19:14
i shut the door to keep the smoke in
Stuart: 20:19:19
it gets to burning quite nicely
Stuart: 20:19:23
gonna go do in the other one now?
Ryu: 20:19:32
there were two, weren't there?
Stuart: 20:19:36
Ryu: 20:19:46
Stuart: 20:19:51
they're much easier to fight when they're separated!
Andrew Vincent: 20:20:23
Drake do you have any spell that might slow it down?
Stuart: 20:20:47
Drake - you have that first level fire scimitar spell too, which would mean all yoru attacks did fire damage
Drake: 20:21:05
snare maybe?
Drake: 20:21:11
let me check
Stuart: 20:21:19
It's likely the battle will go the same way though - you overwhelm it early on with so many attacks, and then burn it once it is unconscious
Stuart: 20:22:03
snare won't do it unless you can lure the troll out
Drake: 20:22:29
most of my stuff counts on the monster moving into it...
Stuart: 20:22:32
which may not work a second time
Stuart: 20:22:38
with one left though...
Stuart: 20:22:41
you could just charge it..
Stuart: 20:22:42
Drake: 20:22:43
sleet storm might do it, but its costly
Stuart: 20:22:53
that damage won't last Drake
Drake: 20:23:07
true, but a few rounds...
Andrew Vincent: 20:23:22
I could cast invisibility on Ryu - and he can surprise it, we run in and finish it off
Drake: 20:23:30
nothing really focussed, sorry
Ryu: 20:23:38
I've got invisibility actually.
Stuart: 20:23:40
Andrew: do you need the invisibility?
Stuart: 20:23:50
you dealt with this one in a straight up battle
Andrew Vincent: 20:23:52
probably not
Stuart: 20:24:09
you could just open the secret door and rush it
Stuart: 20:24:18
roast it like the dunlending
Ryu: 20:24:22
I've got fire shurikens. yay.
Ryu: 20:24:29
let's rush it.
Andrew Vincent: 20:24:37
man with the plan
Stuart: 20:24:40
Stuart: 20:24:43
in you go!
Stuart: 20:24:55
you go activate the door
Stuart: 20:25:02
what's the order of entry?
Stuart: 20:25:05
Ryu first?
Ryu: 20:25:08
Stuart: 20:25:08
then Ory?
Stuart: 20:25:11
then Drake?
Stuart: 20:25:16
then the cohorts?
Andrew Vincent: 20:25:24
Wolf with me
Stuart: 20:25:32
lizard with Drake
Stuart: 20:25:35
cohorts use arrows?
Stuart: 20:25:49
or do they charge in for melee?
Drake: 20:26:11
Stuart: 20:26:15
Stuart: 20:26:23
so you can control your own cohorts
Stuart: 20:26:30
one attacks with a melee weapon, the other a bow
Stuart: 20:26:33
shall we commence?
Drake: 20:26:43
Stuart: 20:26:46
Stuart: 20:26:49
you open the door
Stuart: 20:26:55
Ryu steps inside
Stuart: 20:27:01
followed by Ory and the WOlf
Stuart: 20:27:06
and then Drake and his lizard
Stuart: 20:27:10
the Troll looks up
Stuart: 20:27:12
sees Ru
Stuart: 20:27:17
figures that something very wrong is up
Stuart: 20:27:19
Stuart: 20:27:20
and charges
Ryu: 20:27:25
hello muthafukka
Stuart: 20:27:27
everyone roll initiative
Ryu: 20:27:50
Drake: 20:27:53
Andrew Vincent: 20:28:07
22 (what about for wolf + cohorts)
Stuart: 20:28:11
same as yours
Stuart: 20:28:21
Ory and the wolf and Ory's two cohorts act first
Stuart: 20:28:24
what do you do?
Andrew Vincent: 20:28:43
Fire 3 flame arrows -
Stuart: 20:28:46
Stuart: 20:28:55
becaus you act first no-one is in melee, so you get no penalty for firing into melee
Stuart: 20:28:57
roll 'em
Drake: 20:28:57
sorry phone
Andrew Vincent: 20:28:58
further than 30'?
Stuart: 20:29:04
you can wait till it's inside 30'
Andrew Vincent: 20:29:14
Stuart: 20:29:31
roll 'em Andrew
Andrew Vincent: 20:29:34
20 13 15
Stuart: 20:29:37
Stuart: 20:29:46
your first arrow hits, the other 2 fire wide and sizzle
Stuart: 20:29:51
the first is aglancing blow
Stuart: 20:29:54
what's the damage?
Andrew Vincent: 20:30:05
15 ( 6 flame)
Stuart: 20:30:14
Stuart: 20:30:17
good hit!
Stuart: 20:30:29
now roll your attacks for 2 cohorts (1 melee, 1 missile) and hte wolf
Andrew Vincent: 20:30:30
Stuart: 20:30:48
(they are on your character sheet, far right worksheets labelled cohort 1 and cohort 2)
Andrew Vincent: 20:30:57
total melee + bonus?
Stuart: 20:31:06
total melee + 2d10
Andrew Vincent: 20:31:29
What's the bonus next to Hand Axe for?
Stuart: 20:31:36
use that one
Stuart: 20:31:49
and the bonus next to shortbow for the missile cohort
Andrew Vincent: 20:32:08
14 12 (melee first)
Stuart: 20:32:13
Stuart: 20:32:23
the cohort charges in and takes a wild swing with his hand axe, but misses
Stuart: 20:32:26
the arrow also fires wild
Stuart: 20:32:27
Stuart: 20:32:39
teh troll is charging in a determined fashion for Ryu, btw
Ryu: 20:32:56
well, you know, flurry of blows.
Andrew Vincent: 20:33:00
Stuart: 20:33:08
okay wolf leaps up and bites the trolls face
Stuart: 20:33:11
roll for damage!
Stuart: 20:33:19
teh troll bats it aside and keeps charging at Ryu
Andrew Vincent: 20:33:25
Stuart: 20:33:26
who can now roll his flurry of blows
Andrew Vincent: 20:33:31
pllus chance to trip?
Stuart: 20:33:36
oh yeah
Stuart: 20:33:38
if you like
Stuart: 20:33:43
actually no
Stuart: 20:33:48
the troll is bigger than the wolf
Stuart: 20:33:50
so no go
Stuart: 20:33:52
Ryu: 20:33:53
13, 16, 16
Stuart: 20:33:56
Stuart: 20:34:04
Ryu launches a devastating groin kick with flip
Stuart: 20:34:19
and misses wildly, but leaps to the side and delivers two nasty punches to the kidney
Stuart: 20:34:23
roll damage for 2 hits Ryu
Ryu: 20:34:31
11, 10
Stuart: 20:34:42
now roll attacks for your two cohorts, one melee and one missile
Drake: 20:35:09
Stuart: 20:35:19
Drake, it's your turn
Drake: 20:35:31
Stuart: 20:35:32
the troll has reached Ryu but is staggered by a bevee of strikes from all sides
Ryu: 20:35:38
20, 21
Stuart: 20:35:38
it's your go
Stuart: 20:35:48
Ryu, your cohorts both hit
Stuart: 20:35:59
one with a melee weapon to the side (what weapon, btw?) and one with a shortbow
Stuart: 20:36:02
roll damage!
Stuart: 20:36:09
Drake roll your attack
Drake: 20:36:10
16 12
Ryu: 20:36:15
scimitar and shortbow
Stuart: 20:36:18
first strike hits
Stuart: 20:36:21
Ryu: damage?
Ryu: 20:36:24
7, 6
Stuart: 20:36:30
Drake has slithered in to the side and whacked it one
Stuart: 20:36:33
Drake, damage?
Drake: 20:36:35
Stuart: 20:36:41
Drake's damage floors it
Stuart: 20:36:57
Drake this means your cohorts can hack at it some more, doing maximum damage with their melee weapons, and so can your lizard
Stuart: 20:37:18
who is going to be first to pour some alchemists' fire onto it?
Andrew Vincent: 20:37:33
push it into the fire pit
Stuart: 20:37:37
Ryu: 20:37:39
Yay! fire pit!
Stuart: 20:37:50
you wanna do that without concerning yourself about doing more damage before?
Stuart: 20:38:00
not afraid it'll wake up while you're dragging it?
Drake: 20:38:11
hack one more round
Stuart: 20:38:14
Andrew Vincent: 20:38:14
thumping it on the head repeatedly!
Stuart: 20:38:18
some hacking occurs
Stuart: 20:38:23
large chunks of troll flesh fly about
Stuart: 20:38:31
then you drag it over and roll it into the fire pit
Stuart: 20:38:35
that makes a very bad smell
Stuart: 20:38:45
but the troll is definitely done for
Stuart: 20:38:47
good work!
Stuart: 20:38:50
well done separating them!
Stuart: 20:39:17
450 xps each
Stuart: 20:39:37
and eachof your cohorts gets 250 xps
Stuart: 20:40:03
that fight ended so fast that barely any noise was made
Stuart: 20:40:37
do you want to search this room?
Stuart: 20:40:46
The room itself is a kind of mushroom shape
Stuart: 20:40:59
the head of the mushroom being the 80' x 120' rectangle
Stuart: 20:41:19
and the stalk being a 40' by 80' corridor heading south
Stuart: 20:41:32
that corridor ends in double doors, which probably open out to the entry way
Stuart: 20:41:51
on the East and West ends of hte main square part of the room (where you stand) is a set of double doors
Stuart: 20:42:08
the room itself is scattered with rubbish
Stuart: 20:42:26
there is a pile of sleeping furs and straw against the northern edge of the room
Stuart: 20:42:42
and there is a sliding door next to the double doors on the East side of the room
Stuart: 20:42:51
that sliding door is very fragile - more of a screen than a door
Stuart: 20:42:56
so what do you do?
Ryu: 20:43:13
Stuart: 20:43:18
Andrew Vincent: 20:43:22
Ory would like to listen at the doors - and casually check for secret doors
Stuart: 20:43:24
search rolls: 2d10 + search
Stuart: 20:43:27
Stuart: 20:43:35
Ory do a listen and a spot check please
Stuart: 20:43:38
Drake? Search?
Ryu: 20:44:01
I have crap searching skills. 12
Drake: 20:44:09
search the sleeping areas
Stuart: 20:44:10
that's crap!
Stuart: 20:44:12
Stuart: 20:44:18
in the sleping areas are:
Stuart: 20:44:29
4000 sps
Stuart: 20:44:33
2 emeralds
Andrew Vincent: 20:44:34
listen 21
Stuart: 20:44:35
2 agates
Stuart: 20:44:36
a shield
Ryu: 20:44:37
toilet break
Andrew Vincent: 20:44:39
spot 20
Stuart: 20:44:41
a potion
Drake: 20:44:42
Stuart: 20:44:43
and a scroll
Stuart: 20:44:50
Andrew: you don't see squat
Stuart: 20:44:53
Drake same
Andrew Vincent: 20:44:53
Ory search as well?
Stuart: 20:44:59
if you like
Andrew Vincent: 20:45:13
Search = 20
Stuart: 20:45:18
nothing intersting here
Stuart: 20:45:20
no secret doors
Drake: 20:45:21
regular shield?
Stuart: 20:45:25
just the aforementioned treasure
Stuart: 20:45:29
Drake; detect magic?
Drake: 20:45:49
if we get everything together, then cast
Stuart: 20:45:54
Stuart: 20:46:00
the shield, the potion, the scroll, all magic
Stuart: 20:46:03
gems aren't
Stuart: 20:46:11
would you like to do an Appraise check on the gems?
Stuart: 20:46:26
(anyone can do this)
Andrew Vincent: 20:46:32
Stuart: 20:46:39
Lotho ain't around
Drake: 20:46:41
ok 17, no skill
Stuart: 20:46:46
it's just the three of you
Andrew Vincent: 20:46:55
total = 14
Stuart: 20:47:00
Ory, Ryu, wanna try same?
Ryu: 20:47:10
Ryu: 20:47:13
Stuart: 20:47:17
Stuart: 20:47:21
Drake concludes
Stuart: 20:47:28
1 emerald = 600gps
Stuart: 20:47:40
1 emerald = 5900gps
Stuart: 20:47:45
agates are 10gps each
Stuart: 20:48:07
the shield and potion you need to use an identify spell on
Drake: 20:48:13
very dissimilar emeralds?
Stuart: 20:48:16
the scroll either Ryu or Ory can read
Stuart: 20:48:19
Drake: very
Stuart: 20:48:23
one is clearly worth a lot
Andrew Vincent: 20:48:36
ory casts identify
Stuart: 20:48:40
Stuart: 20:48:49
shield: +1 steel shield of arrow deflection
Stuart: 20:48:55
potion: owl's wisdom
Andrew Vincent: 20:49:15
does ident also work on scrolls?
Stuart: 20:49:22
(useful for Drake's power points, Ory's ranger spell power points, of which he currently has zero, or Ryu's Armour Class)
Stuart: 20:49:26
the scroll: grease
Stuart: 20:49:37
(1st level wizard spell)
Stuart: 20:49:47
you can choose to learn the spell from the scroll into your spellbook if you want
Stuart: 20:49:52
so who takes the shield?
Drake: 20:50:31
can i use a shield? it should affect my spells...
Stuart: 20:50:38
Drake: no problem at all
Drake: 20:50:38
Stuart: 20:51:03
it adds 2 to AC, and once a round you get a chance to deflect an arrow wiht it as a free action
Drake: 20:51:16
if anyone else wants it....?
Ryu: 20:51:22
Andrew Vincent: 20:51:29
Stuart: 20:51:32
Andrew: usually Oryndiel records treasure for the group, but today you had best not do that in case Emma has a more up to date list
Stuart: 20:51:37
okay it's yours Drake
Stuart: 20:51:45
who wants the potion of Owl's wisdom?
Drake: 20:51:48
Andrew Vincent: 20:51:55
Drake: 20:51:57
sorry not potion
Stuart: 20:51:57
If Ory takes it he will probably gain +2 Ranger pps
Stuart: 20:52:04
which means he can use 2 first level ranger spells
Andrew Vincent: 20:52:14
but it's not permanent
Stuart: 20:52:15
if Ryu takes it he probably will get +2 to AC
Stuart: 20:52:23
that's right
Ryu: 20:52:24
Is the effect permanent?
Ryu: 20:52:29
Stuart: 20:52:30
you'd have to use the spells within 2 hours I think
Stuart: 20:52:38
but Ryu, that's a big bonus in combat
Stuart: 20:52:43
your AC would become 26
Stuart: 20:52:45
that's insane
Ryu: 20:52:51
well, I'll take it then.
Stuart: 20:52:54
Stuart: 20:53:14
does anyone wnat the grease scroll?
Andrew Vincent: 20:53:26
Stuart: 20:53:29
Stuart: 20:53:39
do you want to learn it into your spellbook or use it as a magic item?
Andrew Vincent: 20:53:41
Can I add it to my list?
Stuart: 20:53:45
Andrew Vincent: 20:53:49
Stuart: 20:53:51
you need to make a spellcraft skill check
Stuart: 20:53:54
roll it...
Andrew Vincent: 20:54:08
Can I cast fox's cunning first
Stuart: 20:54:14
if you like...
Andrew Vincent: 20:54:17
Stuart: 20:54:20
I wouldn't waste teh pps though
Stuart: 20:54:26
your spellcraft is like +9
Stuart: 20:54:36
you need 16 to learn it
Andrew Vincent: 20:54:38
okay - without foxs'
Stuart: 20:54:41
roll it
Andrew Vincent: 20:54:44
Stuart: 20:54:47
Stuart: 20:54:54
add it to the 1st level section of the list
Stuart: 20:55:01
we should probably stop there, shouldn't we
Andrew Vincent: 20:55:03
Stuart: 20:55:13
in 5 minutes Leon turns into a pumpkin
Ryu: 20:55:27
does he?
Andrew Vincent: 20:55:30
Can we fry him?
Stuart: 20:55:30
I have to go clean my whole house...
Drake: 20:55:31
Stuart: 20:55:36
not from Amsterdam
Stuart: 20:55:47
well done boys
Stuart: 20:55:56
you did a good job dividing the trolls up and then dividing them up
Stuart: 20:55:59
good work!
Stuart: 20:56:15
Andrew can you email me your character sheet, so I can confirm changes with Emma
Stuart: 20:56:16
Stuart: 20:56:18
Stuart: 20:56:22
when is our next session?
Stuart: 20:56:24
Drake: 20:56:25
next time is first calendar thursday september?
Stuart: 20:56:35
yes that would be right
Drake: 20:56:41
maybe 5th or 6th?
Stuart: 20:56:42
is that an okay date for you?
Stuart: 20:56:50
Drake: 20:56:50
me, yes
Stuart: 20:56:53
I can't do that date
Stuart: 20:56:57
I am at a conference in Kobe
Andrew Vincent: 20:57:00
that's two weeks
Stuart: 20:57:08
so it has to be either next week, or in 3 weeks
Stuart: 20:57:25
which is better for you Leon?
Drake: 20:57:26
next week i'm prebooked
Stuart: 20:57:31
and 3 weeks?
Drake: 20:57:47
, 2nd calander thurs is bad also
Stuart: 20:57:50
Stuart: 20:57:54
Ryu can you do next week?
Ryu: 20:58:15
Stuart: 20:58:17
Andrew, are you eager to join this campaign on an ongoing basis?
Drake: 20:58:17
i might be able to wrangle a saturday at an internet cafe...
Drake: 20:58:34
sorry, new tin of worms
Andrew Vincent: 20:58:36
Yup I'm keen
Stuart: 20:58:41
Stuart: 20:58:43
we could do this then:
Stuart: 20:58:48
play next week
Stuart: 20:58:51
Andrew plays Drake
Stuart: 20:59:05
(assuming that Emily or Emma is free)
Stuart: 20:59:06
Andrew Vincent: 20:59:08
ooo... multi char chaos
Stuart: 20:59:12
4 weeks from now
Stuart: 20:59:19
we do a session with Drake present
Stuart: 20:59:22
Stuart: 20:59:23
with Leon present
Ryu: 20:59:27
Where IS Emily?
Stuart: 20:59:35
and Andrew comes along in the form of a character of his own creation
Stuart: 20:59:39
how does that sound?
Drake: 20:59:44
ok - i'll try to get the chara sheet updated and mailed to Stuart next 2-3 days
Andrew Vincent: 20:59:50
I'm easy
Stuart: 20:59:54
so Andrew
Andrew Vincent: 21:00:08
just let me know where and when
Stuart: 21:00:14
we'll give you one more session standing in for someone else, then you can make a person of your own
Stuart: 21:00:21
that will depend on the others
Andrew Vincent: 21:00:26
no worriew
Stuart: 21:00:29
I'll check and get back to you on Sunday
Stuart: 21:00:37
(I'm not at my PC for the next 2 days)
Drake: 21:00:37
turning orange and (more) rotund - must go
Drake: 21:00:40
bye all
Stuart: 21:00:44
okay see you Leon
Ryu: 21:00:45
bye Leon
Andrew Vincent: 21:00:48
Stuart: 21:00:50
thanks for playing!
Stuart: 21:01:05
so boys assume Thursday next week, but I'll check with the others
Stuart: 21:01:10
stay tuned!
Andrew Vincent: 21:01:13
Stu: I have some questions about char sheet
Stuart: 21:01:19
Stuart: 21:01:20
fire away
Andrew Vincent: 21:01:22
Who do I send it to?
Stuart: 21:01:27
me will be fine
Stuart: 21:01:33
you can mail it to both of us though
Andrew Vincent: 21:01:43
I haven't added any of the treasure (apart from Grease)
Stuart: 21:01:45
mail it to both of us actually
Stuart: 21:01:47
that's cool
Andrew Vincent: 21:01:52
Stuart: 21:01:55
Emma probably has a secret seaprate list on her own sheet
Andrew Vincent: 21:02:04
Ryu: 21:02:05
seaprate? sea pirate?
Stuart: 21:02:06
so we'll need to update that in case your sheet is not hte most recent
Stuart: 21:02:16
seaprate ... hmmm
Stuart: 21:02:31
sea prat ... special type of yachtsman
Stuart: 21:02:41
any other char sheet questions Andrew?
Stuart: 21:02:55
I am going to adjust teh sheets soon, and include buttons to do your dice rolling for you
Andrew Vincent: 21:03:03
hmm... there is no description of grease in the wis list, you'll have to add it.
Stuart: 21:03:10
yeah that's cool
Andrew Vincent: 21:03:22
that's it
Andrew Vincent: 21:03:30
thanks for the game
Stuart: 21:03:32
I should probably institute a system of "collecting" everyone's sheets every week - just like in real life
Andrew Vincent: 21:03:43
Stuart: 21:03:45
thanks for playing! Nice to talk too, we should sort out our headphone issues soon
Andrew Vincent: 21:03:52
Stuart: 21:03:53
Andrew Vincent: 21:03:58
until next week;
Stuart: 21:04:03
okay, until next week!
Stuart: 21:04:06
I'm off now
Stuart: 21:04:10
so see you both soon!

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