Chat History with Eregion shenanigons (#grremily/$zemeister;8abe3312d0d0ba25)
Created on 2007-04-22 16:10:45.
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:56:58
- testing...
- Ember: 12:57:09
- fwaff
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:57:14
- right
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:57:38
- so I sent 4 things to both of you...
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:57:43
- 1. your character sheet
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:57:48
- 2. a map of middle earth
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:57:52
- 3. a list of spells
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:57:56
- 4. a list of treasure to sell
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:58:02
- which Ember may not have received
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:58:10
- So Emily you have a list of cleric spells
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:58:18
- Emma has a list of wizard spells
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:58:28
- the character sheets are in Excel
- Ember: 12:58:31
- got em
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:58:33
- there are many worksheets
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:58:56
- #1, "Picture", is your picture
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:59:07
- #2, skills and abilities
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:59:15
- is your abilities and skills
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:59:29
- you may need to use the arrows on the bottom left of the spreadsheet to view all the different sheets
- Stuart Gilmour: 12:59:59
- #3, feats languages adn abilities, should describe all your special crazinesses
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:00:15
- #4, Equipment and magic items, self explanatory
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:00:23
- then you have 2 magic sections
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:00:41
- a section on campaign notes
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:00:53
- I think Oryndiel's contains info about a stash of group treasure which needs to be sold...
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:01:08
- then there is a sheet for your mount (wiht picture)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:01:18
- and a sheet for your famimliar, and your animal companion if you have one
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:01:29
- so Emma's sheet should have a ferret on it
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:01:37
- you there Emily?
- Emily: 13:01:56
- am now, sorry
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:01:59
- 1 minor point of major importance is:
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:02:15
- in your power point box (in the magic sheet)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:02:21
- and your hit point box (in teh skills and abilities sheet)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:02:30
- don't delete the values written there
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:02:39
- rather, you should put your current scores in the boxes which say "current scores"
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:03:01
- If you do delete things, i have the originals here
- Ember: 13:03:13
- Hai!Group treasure includes .... emerald (4100 gp), Bloodstone (50 gp), Amber (65 gp), Full plate armour (1000gp), Banded mail armour (400gps), heavy steel shield of fortification (1200 gps)
- Emily: 13:03:15
- haha mmk
- Ember: 13:03:28
- Hallooo Lotho old chap!
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:03:52
- the list of "treasure to sell" which i sent includes information about the skyship, some stuff you need to sell, and some books and spell books which Ryu needs to discuss
- Emily: 13:03:53
- hello .. erm, i forget yer name
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:04:00
- (Oryndiel...)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:04:20
- Now, emily, you are about to explain to Emma what happened to you and Ryu in Emma's absence
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:04:23
- and vice versa
- Emily: 13:04:28
- ..
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:04:39
- so I should just mention what happened to you after you finished the last adventure and where you are now
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:04:45
- so here goes...
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:05:03
- after you found the Skyship in the Dwarven kingdom, you wandered down to Rivendell to do some research
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:05:05
- on how to use it
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:05:31
- in Rivendell you heard that Oryndiel had gone south with a band of elven Fascists to reclaim teh ancient kingdom of Eregion
- Ember: 13:05:43
- bravo!
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:05:48
- so you thought, "aye, that elf was good for a lark, I'll go catch up"
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:06:05
- and you and Ryu sailed your new skyship to Ost-in-Eidhil, a ruined city in Eregion
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:06:31
- whereat, after a day of hanging in teh sky above town, Oryndiel flew up to your ship on a hippogriff
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:06:50
- and said (and I quote) "Halloooo Lotho old chap!"
- Ember: 13:07:53
- Havin' a bit of de ja vu now, lads.
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:07:56
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:08:04
- this picture is a hippogriff
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:08:08
- are you there Emily?
- Emily: 13:08:18
- yep
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:08:30
- righty ho!
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:08:55
- so perhaps Lotho would like to explain to Oryndiel - over a point of vile ale I've no doubt - exactly how he came to be in possession of a rather elegant skyship?
- Emily: 13:09:48
- Hello Oryndiel, how goes?
- Emily: 13:09:57
- like to come aboard for a pint?
- Ember: 13:10:11
- Do you have Baby-cham?
- Ember: 13:10:48
- Togs away, I'm on board, me old pally!
- Emily: 13:10:56
- ummmm... i don't think so, but we can go find a baby so you can make one if you like?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:11:05
- wow... it's just like old times!
- Ember: 13:11:11
- Fine by me, Lothy ol chap.
- Emily: 13:11:35
- so... you know these parts better than I, ... where will we find one?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:11:53
- are you two trying to put off describing your historical experiences?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:11:57
- the vile ale got to you did it?
- Emily: 13:12:19
- that was my excuse .. yes...
- Ember: 13:12:23
- Aye, recap, O Hallowed Master. I have not but a clue of what happened is sessions past.
- Emily: 13:12:28
- so you want to know what i've been up to?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:12:39
- yep
- Ember: 13:12:39
- I'm all ears (pointy).
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:12:54
- Lotho?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:12:55
- do I need to do it?
- Emily: 13:13:16
- I'm afraid I've been drinking so much lately, I can't remember much other than throwing up over the side of this sturdy ship
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:13:27
- right
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:13:28
- well
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:13:37
- here's the story then (in brief, for I have forgotten some too)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:13:40
- it's been a year!
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:14:05
- after Oryndiel left you to join the fascist brotherhood, you returned to the dodgy magician to whom you had originally returned that box
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:14:21
- you may recall that it turned out he was evil, and he sent you after another magic item which was in the box
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:14:45
- particularly, he wnated you to find a lost Dwarven kingdom adn steal from therein the plans of their lightning rail, and also the contents of their treasury
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:14:57
- only it turned out that he was involved in having them destroyed in the first place
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:15:10
- while there you found your mighty-powerful Mornign Star (the "Star of the Underheavens")
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:15:13
- which, incidentally
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:15:19
- a team of Good Dwarves was looking for
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:15:22
- so you killed them too
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:15:24
- nice one, that
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:15:30
- then you killed a mind flayer:
- Emily: 13:15:32
- oops
- Ember: 13:15:35
- Dwarf murderer!
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:15:53
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:15:57
- (that's a mind flayer)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:16:04
- and stumbled on various treasure, including a skyship
- Emily: 13:16:13
- it was an sccident, like you haven't killed things you shouldn't have Oryndiel
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:16:20
- which was strangely embedded inside the viewing gallery of the Dwarven kingdom
- Ember: 13:16:31
- Hee hee! Golly, he looks a bit Davy Jones, don't he?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:16:33
- this skyship was actually the lost skyship of a race of beings claled Githyanki
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:16:36
- (give me a mo)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:16:56
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:17:02
- a race of Astral slavers adn general all out bastards
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:17:08
- who you had the good fortune not to meet
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:17:16
- their swords have the property of Vorpalness
- Ember: 13:17:19
- Narsty parsties.
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:17:23
- that is, they sever a limb every time they hit you
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:17:28
- they also have a ferocious commitment to dieting
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:17:31
- on their slaves
- Emily: 13:17:35
- (not to meet so far)
- Ember: 13:17:39
- Cripes!
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:17:45
- incidentally they were once, many millenia ago
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:17:50
- slaves of the mind flayers
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:17:53
- coincidence or not, I ask ?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:18:02
- that they were both present in this Dwarven kingdom?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:18:02
- anyway,
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:18:08
- you may also recall that there were some wererats
- Ember: 13:18:22
- as opposed to were-nutria?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:18:25
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:18:28
- (the little one at the back)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:18:52
- who were evil dwarves who had allowed the mind flayer into the caverns (at the behest of your erstwhile employer) and then fled
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:18:55
- or something like that
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:18:59
- the details elude me
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:19:01
- so anyway
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:19:05
- the adventure ended there
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:19:12
- in the attached document you have information about what your ship can do
- Emily: 13:19:18
- yes, so I stole the evil employer's ship....
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:19:24
- you had to go to Rivendell to research its origins
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:19:29
- (you killed your employer, as one does)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:19:35
- (and I htink Ryu has his spell book)
- Emily: 13:19:43
- oh, good on us
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:19:46
- which is also in the document "treasure to sell" which I emailed you
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:19:47
- so anyway
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:19:53
- the ship currently is able to
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:19:55
- 1. levitate
- Emily: 13:20:00
- that would have been a fight waiting to happen
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:20:01
- 2. navigate
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:20:02
- 3. teleport
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:20:32
- teleportation requires either a rather nasty navigation skill check, or you can use your ship's navigation powers to mark a point to which you can teleport in future
- Ember: 13:20:38
- does this mean we have a ship? Like in Red Dwarf? Or Firefly? Huzzah!
- Emily: 13:20:40
- .. and Ryu can do all that?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:20:52
- teleportation, however, requires gemstones worth 1000gps per 100km teleported
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:21:07
- these gemstones are consumed in the teleportation process,a nd turned into glass
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:21:13
- later you may also be able to use the souls of humans
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:21:16
- we will get to that...
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:21:32
- Ryu has navigation skills; you have boat pilot skills (check your "skills and abilities" sheet)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:21:41
- your ship gains new powers when you reach 11th level
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:21:56
- Questions?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:22:22
- I had a picture of the ship but it is embedded in a 9Mb document
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:22:24
- can't yet find one online
- Ember: 13:22:37
- do we have a supply of fuel gemstones at the mo?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:22:44
- um
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:22:50
- have a look in your treasure sheets to see the answer to that
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:23:01
- yes, in response to your unspoken thoughts, Oryndiel
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:23:04
- it is expensive
- Emily: 13:23:13
- not that i can see
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:23:43
- you have a 4100 gp emerald
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:23:52
- that will get you from Gondor to the Grey havens, ,most likely
- Emily: 13:24:37
- can't see that in my treasure list
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:24:47
- Emma copied and pasted earlier
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:24:49
- it's above
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:24:52
- Emma has had half a chu-hi though
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:24:57
- so sense has been vanquished
- Ember: 13:25:23
- so, as I see it, the skyship is rather expensive when we need to use special skills?
- Ember: 13:25:30
- like invisibility and the like?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:25:30
- yep
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:25:34
- but the levitation is free
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:25:42
- and you can then use normal sailing to travel
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:25:46
- it's easy like that
- Ember: 13:25:50
- so we have to be frugal with the gems then.
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:25:54
- yep
- Ember: 13:25:56
- Okie-doke.
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:25:57
- or loot a lot of dwarves
- Ember: 13:26:13
- here tis again :Current stash of group treasure: emerald (4100 gp), Bloodstone (50 gp), Amber (65 gp), Full plate armour (1000gp), Banded mail armour (400gps), heavy steel shield of fortification (1200 gps)
- Emily: 13:26:26
- went back for it
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:26:29
- right
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:26:33
- so, now,
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:26:42
- Oryndiel will (ove ra second pint of vile ale)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:26:47
- explain to Lotho why, exactly
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:26:51
- she is hanging out with Elven fascists
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:26:57
- (is there any other sort, I hear the hobbit ask)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:27:01
- and riding a hippogriff
- Ember: 13:27:24
- through the mists of memory, all I remember is that I'm helping them set up a repubic for Elvish Sorts ...
- Ember: 13:27:40
- ... I helped some lizard men and they gave me a bunch of hippogriffs ...
- Ember: 13:28:01
- ... and my companion, Drake, a Friar Tuck type of bloke, helped me out a bit too.
- Ember: 13:28:24
- (saved me from some snaggle-toothed arachnid)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:28:34
- indeed
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:28:46
- There is a small group of elves who aim to reclaim the kingdom of Eregion
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:29:05
- if we look at our map of middle earth
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:29:07
- it is located
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:29:21
- in the area called Hollin
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:29:25
- West of the Misty Mountains
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:29:34
- North of Dunland
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:29:45
- and bordered to the South by the Glanduin
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:30:02
- and to the West by the river Loudwater
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:30:05
- where these two rivers meet is Tharbad
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:30:13
- the old city that was once the capital of all this area
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:30:18
- and where you guys adventured together before
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:30:29
- (recall teh tower, and the ambush you set there, and the subsequent slaughter?)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:30:39
- Eregion was
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:30:40
- in the 2nd Age
- Ember: 13:30:42
- Aye aye, good times.
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:30:46
- (i.e. about 2000years ago)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:30:50
- An Elven Kingdom
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:30:54
- but it was ravaged by Sauron
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:30:58
- and fell into ruin
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:31:11
- after his final and complete and utter destruction (?...)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:31:22
- Sauron's forces fled from their various layers
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:31:25
- sorry
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:31:26
- lairs
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:31:34
- and many of the elves left Middle Earth
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:31:37
- however, some elves
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:31:41
- have gotten a bit...
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:31:43
- stern...
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:32:02
- and think that they should stay in Middle earth and reclaim their old stomping grounds while the humans are still recovering from teh war of the ring
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:32:11
- particularly, the Dunlendings to the South have been weak since the war
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:32:27
- and so the elves see a chance to reclaim land which previously would have been under heavy threat from teh Dunlendings
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:32:36
- they asked young Oryndiel to help out
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:32:38
- and she did
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:32:41
- running little errands for them
- Emily: 13:32:42
- so where are we now? in comparision to Hollin?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:33:02
- See the little marshy patch at the confluence of the two rivers?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:33:18
- just East of the edge of that marshy patch, where the river first jags upwards
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:33:23
- is the ruin of Ost-in-Eidhil
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:33:25
- currently being rebuild
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:33:26
- t
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:33:32
- that's where you are
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:33:50
- Emily
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:34:02
- if you follow the Misty Mountains north from hollin you will come to Rivendell
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:34:07
- just north of Rivendell are the trollshaws
- Emily: 13:34:09
- mmk
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:34:18
- that is where you did all the Dwarfy kingdom adventuring
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:34:22
- and slaughtering of good dwarves
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:34:25
- betraying of employers
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:34:31
- stealing of ancient treasures
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:34:34
- despoiling of tombs
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:34:59
- stealing of other people's slaveships
- Ember: 13:35:13
- and puking on them from above
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:35:21
- from said sturdy ship
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:35:24
- btw
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:35:29
- since I don't have a picture to show you yet
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:35:41
- I should say that githyanki ships are as torturously slender and graceful as they are
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:35:44
- so your ship is long and slim
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:35:47
- two-masted
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:35:50
- made of white bone
- Ember: 13:36:05
- Does it have a figurehead of some willowy seamaid?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:36:08
- from some impossibly large creature (have I mentioned how BIG everything is on the Astral Plane, hence this ship comes?)
- Emily: 13:36:11
- ... and with stuff carved all over it
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:36:14
- Yes
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:36:18
- but it's not a seamaid
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:36:22
- it's a Mind Flayer's head
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:36:24
- carved in ebony
- Ember: 13:36:28
- Noice.
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:36:33
- with ruins all over it
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:36:42
- this doubles as a battering ram
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:36:43
- btw
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:36:50
- the ship has 3 decks
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:36:58
- all rather narrow and low-ceilinged
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:37:04
- despite the githyanki's height
- Emily: 13:37:09
- so was it made by the mind flayers or their slaves?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:37:10
- the bottom deck is a slave hold
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:37:20
- the githyanki made it
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:37:25
- and after freeing themselves from slavery ....
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:37:28
- became slavers
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:37:30
- so it goes
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:37:44
- they hate mind flayers with an absolute passion
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:37:58
- greater than even the passion of hobbits who have seen mind flayers eating dwarves brains
- Emily: 13:38:02
- i'll get on well with them then :)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:38:06
- (btw Emma, I should mention that Mind Flayers eat brains)
- Ember: 13:38:15
- EEK!
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:38:26
- well, if being enslaved and forced to do horrible things forever counts as "getting on well"
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:38:32
- anyway
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:38:41
- so if Githyanki see your ship they will want to talk
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:38:42
- and then slay
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:38:45
- if Mind Flayers see your ship
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:38:49
- they will want to attack
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:38:49
- and then eat
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:38:52
- brains
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:39:08
- It would be advisable therefore to always have a few spare potions of Freedom of Movement hanging about
- Emily: 13:39:12
- why would Githyanki want to talk?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:39:26
- they will think you are Githyanki when they see your ship
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:39:31
- then they will get a bit peeved
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:39:38
- because iether you are a very fat, very short githyanki, Lotho
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:39:40
- or a dirty thief
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:39:44
- and either class of being must die
- Ember: 13:39:54
- *eep*
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:39:58
- they aren't forgiving of divergence from racial norms
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:40:06
- I should remind you Lotho
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:40:19
- that the Mind Flayer you met was piss weak but for one mighty power, which was its ability to paralyse you using its mind
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:40:28
- and then suck out your brains at its leisure
- Emily: 13:40:39
- mm, i think i recall being paralysed more than once
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:40:40
- which is why you probably want to always have a potion of freedom of movement hanging about
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:40:52
- even hobbits need a bit of brain
- Emily: 13:40:59
- note: i don't seem to have any "freedom from movement" potions or spells atm
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:41:04
- well
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:41:09
- that's convenient
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:41:15
- this brings us to the issue of selilng stuff
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:41:25
- I will give you a brief description of Ost in Eidil
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:41:36
- and then you can tell me what stuff you want to sell, and if you want to buy anything
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:41:44
- So,
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:42:08
- Ost-in-Eidhil lies on a small rise just North of hte Glanduin river, where it makes a sudden hairpin bend away from Dunland.
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:42:33
- The original buildings of Ost in eidhil mostly collapsed a thousand years ago, but some of their bases remained
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:42:40
- and are now bieing rebuilt by Elves and Dwarves
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:42:44
- the Dwarves come from Moria
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:42:46
- and other such places
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:43:12
- The original buildings were tall, graceful towers rising impossibly high, and surmounted by many walkways, balconies and minarets
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:43:25
- very splendid Flash Gordon-esque sort of graceful architecture
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:43:44
- Around the old city of Ost in Eidhil
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:43:50
- lies a large expanse of ruined stone buildings,
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:43:56
- which are currently being rebuilt
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:43:59
- and are interspersed with tents
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:44:01
- wood huts
- Emily: 13:44:02
- flash gordon is graceful?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:44:06
- and other temporary accomodation
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:44:14
- no, the towers in the movei were
- Ember: 13:44:15
- do they sell postcards?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:44:17
- from memory
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:44:19
- no they don't
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:44:33
- around the outside of Ost-in-Eidhil is a new, modern stone wall
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:44:40
- large enough to defend but built quite quickly
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:44:43
- so not quite castle-like
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:44:55
- there are two entrances, one ot the West (towards the marshes)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:45:01
- and one to the North
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:45:06
- there is also a river dockyards
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:45:11
- which is heavily guarded and fortified
- Emily: 13:45:20
- guarded by whom?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:45:23
- in the middle of the rise in the centre is a large, graceful castle, mostly rebuilt
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:45:29
- by elves, Dwarves and Human mercenaries
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:45:34
- there are many Dwarves in Ost-in-Eidhil
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:45:42
- mostly stonemasons or warriors
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:45:58
- Oryndiel has an apartment in one of the towers ofthe castle, a graceful and slender tower
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:46:03
- her apartment is on two levels,
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:46:14
- connected by a spiral staircase which ascends the outside of the tower
- Ember: 13:46:19
- Oh, I forgot about that. will have to water the potplants!
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:46:29
- and is lined on the outside by glass walls with filigrees of silver to hold them in place
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:46:34
- very much like something from teh Louis Tiffany museum
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:46:44
- the pot plants are from the forest of Mirkwood
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:46:48
- and are a little creepy
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:46:56
- the whole apartment sways in the breeze
- Emily: 13:47:02
- meep
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:47:03
- and has a commanding view of Dunland
- Ember: 13:47:07
- Yes, I'll never forget when one "interfered" with the housemaid.
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:47:16
- (there is no such thing as tectonic plate theory in Middel Earth)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:47:20
- it's hard to find good help, eh
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:47:26
- anyway
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:47:39
- so to the South of the river is DUnland, over which your ship and Oryndiel's apartment look
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:47:46
- you can see the smoke of very distant towns
- Emily: 13:47:54
- so the lack of theory explaining them, means theres no earthquakes?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:47:59
- I should remind you both that some itme ago you adventured there
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:48:02
- yes, no earthquakes
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:48:04
- except from teh spell
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:48:10
- which you will learn many years from now
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:48:13
- it's a good spell
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:48:15
- anyway..
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:48:24
- so you adventured in South Dunland, recovering a Dunlending chieftain's axe
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:48:36
- he told you in brief about a new Dunland leader, called "the Dark Chieftain"
- Emily: 13:48:37
- 1 qn: I'm 4th level cleric, so can cast level 3 spells right?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:48:43
- level 2 I think
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:48:45
- gimme a mo, I'll check
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:48:51
- just let me finish this explanation
- Emily: 13:48:56
- ..k
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:48:56
- so you heard about this Dark Chieftain
- Ember: 13:49:01
- right
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:49:06
- who has been growing in power and is slowly uniting the Dunlendings into one kingdom
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:49:19
- the elves in Eregion think that next year (after the witner)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:49:30
- he may have the requisite power to reclaim Eregion for Dunland
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:49:41
- so they ahve two plans (only one of which they have made clear)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:49:45
- plan 1 (the publicly available plan)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:49:54
- is to fortify Eregion and fight them off
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:49:59
- or come to an arragement
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:50:03
- plan 2 (the sneaky one)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:50:12
- is to rile up the Dunlendings agains the Rohirrim
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:50:25
- and try and get them to invade Rohan to reclaim their ancestral lands
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:50:38
- thus giving you guys another 5 or 10 years to claim Eregion
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:50:45
- but that's by the by
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:50:58
- for now, you have a few days' hard earned rest, in which you can sell shit
- Emily: 13:51:09
- (I want to find out when I'll be able to use level 4 spells... there's a "freedom of movement" one)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:51:09
- so look at the document I sent, and also at your list of stuff, and decide what to sell
- Emily: 13:51:41
- are any of the other stones useful to us (i.e. the ship)?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:51:44
- you can currenlty use level 2 spells. level 4 spells become available when you are a 7th level cleric
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:51:52
- all gemstones are useful on the ship
- Emily: 13:51:54
- bah humbug
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:52:05
- so you can use 20 50gp stones or 1 1000gp stone
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:52:08
- it makes no odds
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:52:16
- note that
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:52:22
- the whole gem is consumed
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:52:30
- so don't use the 4100 gp gem until you need to do 4000 gps of stuff
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:52:37
- however
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:52:44
- you don't need to use all the 4000 gps at once
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:52:49
- so you stuff the gem in te furnace, as it were
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:52:57
- and it stays there until all 4000 gps are used up
- Ember: 13:52:59
- there's all this shite we can sell Irregular pearl (10gps)
Tapestry (600 gps)
+1 light mace,x2
Oil of bless weapons (all weapons do holy damage for 1 hour)
Scroll (charm person, Touch of Idiocy, Enlarge Person)
+1 Full Plate, x2
Masterwork Chain Armour
Exploding bullets (5) (2d6 damage on all within 10’; DC 17 for half damage) - Stuart Gilmour: 13:53:01
- so it's never eally wasted
- Ember: 13:53:12
- so we could sell all htis and keep the gems for fuel
- Emily: 13:53:19
- haha, enlarge person
- Emily: 13:53:28
- i want to keep Touch of Idiocy
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:53:30
- Ember, do you want to learn those spells and add them to your spellbook
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:53:33
- Lotho
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:53:37
- you can't use Touch of Idiocy
- Emily: 13:53:47
- awww
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:53:54
- oh btw
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:53:58
- your ship ahs a captain's cabin
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:54:02
- in which the tapestry could hang
- Emily: 13:54:14
- why would we want to hang it?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:54:17
- and Lotho, you can use a sling, so you might find those exploding bullets useful
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:54:20
- art sweety darling, art
- Emily: 13:54:21
- it is special, or good for hiding behind?
- Ember: 13:54:24
- enlarge person, enlarge ember, enlarge member. All a bit rude, really.
- Emily: 13:54:30
- pft, I'm a hobit
- Emily: 13:54:32
- bb
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:54:34
- someone's paying attention...
- Ember: 13:54:36
- does the tapestry have any magical qualities?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:54:40
- nah
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:54:46
- but it's a good quality Druzhak
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:54:54
- he was a Dwarven abstract artist of 400 years ago
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:55:25
- (there is no other sort of Dwarven artist, except a movement of "Dwarven realism" which is like the Socialist Realist sculptures, only shorter)
- Ember: 13:55:32
- ok, I bagsy the charm person spell
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:55:42
- alright
- Emily: 13:55:52
- can't you do that anyway?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:55:54
- do you want to do some spellcraft checks to see if you can add any of those spells to your spellbooks?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:56:05
- Yes, she's not paying attention
- Ember: 13:56:15
- I need all the charisma I can get, little boy.
- Emily: 13:56:21
- haha
- Ember: 13:56:35
- Eden's here!!!
- Emily: 13:56:38
- *drinks to that*
- Ember: 13:56:39
- Late, of course.
- Emily: 13:56:54
- wellwell
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:56:56
- I have added Mr. Lynkster
- Emily: 13:57:12
- emma appears offline, and lynkster appears questionable.
- lynkster: 13:57:19
- Am I late?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:57:20
- he is certainly that
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:57:21
- yep
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:57:22
- very
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:57:24
- like 2 hours
- lynkster: 13:57:45
- Whoops. It says 1pm.
- Emily: 13:57:53
- where does it say that?
- Ember: 13:58:02
- nanni?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:58:09
- nani?
- lynkster: 13:58:13
- Time of start
- Ember: 13:58:18
- I'm invisible in case my daddums tries to chat me ;)
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:58:22
- it's 2pm here Eden
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:58:26
- which means that it's 3pm where you are
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:58:35
- you are in Sydney right?
- lynkster: 13:58:42
- Yep
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:58:44
- anyway
- Emily: 13:58:47
- ... nominally
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:58:48
- we have been talkingshit for an hour
- Ember: 13:58:55
- poo bum and wee
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:58:57
- so you haven't missed much
- lynkster: 13:59:05
- Sorry! I thought we were meant to start at 3pm (3pm here
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:59:11
- so do you guys want to sell all the stuff in the list that is not gems?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:59:25
- including the tapestry?
- Emily: 13:59:31
- well, i can't learn the spells can I?
- Emily: 13:59:42
- I think we should perhaps keep the tapestry
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:59:46
- no
- Emily: 13:59:48
- and what about the bless weapons oil?
- Stuart Gilmour: 13:59:50
- Ryu and Oryndiel can
- Emily: 13:59:52
- and exploding bullets?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:00:03
- the bless weapons oil is probably only relevant if you have no magic weapons
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:00:03
- so cool
- Emily: 14:00:26
- i have a magic morningstar, anyone else want a blessed weapon?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:00:37
- I think everyone has a magic weapon
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:00:42
- Eden
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:00:52
- you should have in your email
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:00:56
- a character sheet
- Ember: 14:00:57
- Exploding bullets sound novel. Why don't we snaffle them up, keep the gems and other baggsied things, and sell the rest
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:01:00
- a list of treasure to sell
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:01:11
- which includes a spell book you found and may want to ransack to improve your own spellbook
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:01:12
- a map of middle earth
- Emily: 14:01:15
- cept does anyone have a gun for the bullets?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:01:17
- and a list of wizard spells
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:01:20
- Lotho!
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:01:23
- bullets are for a sling!
- Emily: 14:01:29
- oh
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:01:33
- sheessh...
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:01:44
- all nerds are meant to know that...
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:01:47
- So Eden
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:01:58
- you need to go check your character sheet
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:02:04
- you will see you have many worksheets in it
- Emily: 14:02:12
- do i hvaI don't appear to have a sling
- Ember: 14:02:16
- so let's keep bullets, tapestry, gems, and shop the rest.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:02:19
- each contains separate details about your characters
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:02:20
- okay
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:02:22
- Lotho
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:02:23
- slings are cheap
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:02:27
- like, 1gp
- lynkster: 14:02:30
- yesss... looks like I was reading my work email which said 4pm Oz time
- lynkster: 14:02:43
- And then there's the gmail which said 1pm Oz time.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:02:51
- yes, they would have been ,
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:02:52
- like
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:02:54
- start and finish times
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:02:56
- anyway
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:03:01
- let's discuss that over beer at another time shall we
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:03:06
- in the meantime...
- Emily: 14:03:06
- .. so it's all stuart's fault :)
- Ember: 14:03:22
- Let's buy slings and that floaty spell thingy.
- Emily: 14:03:26
- okay
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:03:29
- who wants to do the Appraise check to work out what the +1 maces are worth, and the +1 armour
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:03:29
- ?
- Emily: 14:03:30
- .. floaty spell?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:03:32
- floaty spell?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:03:36
- someone's been on the chu-hi
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:03:46
- Freedom of Movement?
- Emily: 14:03:48
- what do you ahve to roll?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:03:53
- 2d10
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:03:55
- and add them up
- Ember: 14:03:56
- Oh, yes, that's the one ...
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:04:00
- Eden, do you have dice?
- lynkster: 14:04:16
- Physical dice? No.
- Emily: 14:04:18
- 11/20
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:04:26
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:04:29
- use htat link
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:04:32
- 11/20?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:04:36
- do you mean you rolled 11?
- Emily: 14:04:39
- yes
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:04:41
- And the total is 20?
- Emily: 14:04:51
- unless that
- Emily: 14:04:57
- s not 2x10
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:05:14
- okay kids, brief note for hte not-quite-nerdy-enough
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:05:16
- 2d10 means
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:05:20
- roll 2 10 sided dice
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:05:20
- and add them up
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:05:28
- so 2d8 = roll 2 8 sided dice
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:05:29
- and add them up
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:05:30
- etc.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:05:33
- So Em
- Emily: 14:05:35
- yes, so the total is out of 20 bah
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:05:38
- yep
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:05:40
- cool
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:05:48
- so now can you add your appraise total to that?
- Emily: 14:06:04
- 14
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:06:07
- you can find it in "skills and abilities", in the skills table, it is 3
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:06:07
- oh
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:06:08
- thanks
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:06:21
- that means that each suit of armour is worth 8000gps
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:06:29
- now who wants to roll forthe maces?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:06:48
- anyone...
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:06:49
- anyone..
- Ember: 14:06:54
- ok me
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:07:07
- Ember has volunteered to roll for the maces
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:07:09
- but has no dice
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:07:14
- and is now scrambling around the house squealing
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:07:19
- give us a moment please!
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:07:43
- Eden
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:07:48
- do you understand your character sheet?
- lynkster: 14:07:53
- No
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:07:59
- right
- lynkster: 14:08:03
- I'm completely nonplussed.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:08:07
- working from left to right
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:08:11
- you should have a worksheet called "Picture"
- Emily: 14:08:13
- (why arn't we using voice btw?)
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:08:17
- which has a picture of you
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:08:19
- this is easier Lotho
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:08:20
- I think
- Ember: 14:08:28
- too echoey methinks
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:08:28
- then you should have "skills and abilities"
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:08:40
- if you can't find those sheets
- lynkster: 14:08:45
- oh my. He's hot.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:08:48
- use the left-pointing arrow on the bottom left of the sheet
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:08:49
- oh right
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:08:53
- you found it
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:08:56
- Emma has found her dice
- Ember: 14:09:17
- 8
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:09:22
- plus your appraise skill?
- Ember: 14:09:28
- erm..
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:09:32
- (in the skills and abilities worksheet)
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:09:35
- (in the skills table)
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:09:38
- first on the list
- Ember: 14:10:18
- 11
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:10:19
- okay
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:10:26
- so the maces are worht 6000gps each
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:10:28
- good roll there
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:10:39
- so you sell them, you get a totla of ... 28000gps
- Emily: 14:10:57
- ccan't detect sarcasm so well this way
- Emily: 14:11:08
- so who writes that down?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:11:09
- plus the rest should be another 2600 gps for the stuff Ember had
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:11:11
- then
- Ember: 14:11:41
- shall I record it in a Kitty Log?
- Ember: 14:11:56
- I can be the Kitty Tracker if ye like.
- Emily: 14:12:19
- we selling the 10gp pearl, and the bless weapons oil?
- Ember: 14:12:58
- aye, unless Ryu wants it. he suits pearl.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:13:03
- yep
- lynkster: 14:13:05
- Ok.
- lynkster: 14:13:08
- ?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:13:10
- 510 for that plus the masterwork armour
- lynkster: 14:13:25
- What?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:13:25
- so the total amount you have should be 31110 gps
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:13:29
- that's a lot of money!
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:13:32
- Eden
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:13:38
- various treasure which either you and Emily
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:13:38
- or emma
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:13:41
- had accrued
- Emily: 14:13:42
- you wanna keep it Oryndiel?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:13:46
- has been listed and is now being sold
- lynkster: 14:13:57
- Am I taking the pearl now or have I missed the point?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:14:04
- I think itw as just sold
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:14:07
- it was worht 10gps
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:14:25
- If you look at the list of "treasure to sell" (in the word document that came with your email)
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:14:40
- you will see you have a spellbook you looted from some poor unfortunate dead shmuck
- Ember: 14:14:44
- pearl was taken by the man at the back.
- lynkster: 14:14:45
- just saw it. How much of this list is still here?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:14:51
- all of it
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:14:54
- I mean
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:14:57
- all of the spells
- Emily: 14:14:59
- and the scrolls? oryndiel or ryu gonna learn/keep them?
- Ember: 14:15:03
- and the ship
- Ember: 14:15:12
- scrolls are gone too methinks
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:15:15
- so if you want any of those spells in your spell list, you can take them
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:15:21
- Oryndiel has the scrolls
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:15:24
- that list is now empty
- lynkster: 14:15:37
- So the treasure list is empty now?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:15:41
- yep
- Emily: 14:15:48
- cept for tapestry and exploding bullets
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:15:50
- but you got the spellbook (it was yours from the last adventure)
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:15:58
- you get to take spells from it and put them in your spellbook
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:16:08
- tapestry goes in teh captains cabin
- lynkster: 14:16:15
- Ok. I'll go do that then shall I?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:16:15
- explodign bullets go to Lotho
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:16:18
- okay
- Ember: 14:16:22
- okaysies.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:16:32
- so in your character sheet you should see a "Divine Magic" worksheet
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:16:42
- that contains your spell list
- Ember: 14:16:44
- And I got the Charm Person (Scrolly Thing).
- lynkster: 14:16:48
- yessum
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:16:57
- any spells in the spellbook you stole which are not in the spellbook you own
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:16:59
- can be transferred
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:17:01
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:17:03
- you need to do a spellcraft check
- lynkster: 14:17:19
- Do I roll dice?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:17:21
- aye
- lynkster: 14:17:28
- d210?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:17:31
- you can use the die rolly thingy in the link above
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:17:33
- 2d10
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:17:36
- + spellcraft total
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:17:39
- this applies to Ember too
- lynkster: 14:17:53
- Bugger. I rolled a 10.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:18:00
- add your spellcraft skill
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:18:10
- and tell me what spell it is for BEFORE you roll the dice
- lynkster: 14:18:39
- Intelligence = spellcraft?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:18:47
- on your skills and abilities worksheet
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:18:49
- bottom left
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:18:51
- in teh skills table
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:18:54
- the s section
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:18:57
- should be spellcraft
- Ember: 14:19:04
- 20 - engorge member, I mean, enlarge person
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:19:04
- it's more than your intelligence
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:19:07
- the total is there
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:19:13
- on the right
- lynkster: 14:19:22
- hee.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:19:24
- Oryndiel just added Engorge Member to her spellbook
- Ember: 14:19:26
- Bravo! I got the enlarge person spell. Here's to a bigger me.
- lynkster: 14:19:37
- Total is 8.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:20:18
- You rolled 10 and got 8?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:20:26
- your spellcraft skill should be a little better htan -2!
- lynkster: 14:21:17
- It says on my sheet that the total is 8.
- lynkster: 14:21:19
- I rolled 10.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:21:21
- oh right
- Ember: 14:21:21
- I got 21 for Touch of Idiocy.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:21:25
- so then you get 18 in total
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:21:35
- Oryndiel has learnt Touch of Idiocy, and can add it to her spellbook
- Ember: 14:21:52
- fwaffsmudgeonpffftttt?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:21:56
- Oryndiel, those two spells are now wiped from teh scroll, but it retains teh Charm PErson spell. So you have s croll of Charm Person
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:22:04
- and don't touch yourself with that spell on you!!
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:22:14
- So Eden, which spell was that 18 for?
- Emily: 14:22:16
- btw, in the group treasure with the stones, we also have 2 armours and a shield
- lynkster: 14:22:18
- whoops. Too late. Heeheh
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:22:26
- yep, they're sold already
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:22:31
- mastework chain and a shield of fortification
- Ember: 14:22:42
- Like, ewww.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:23:08
- So Eden, whcih spell was it for?
- Emily: 14:23:17
- oh ... so how much did we get?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:23:25
- 1200 for the shield
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:23:28
- 300 for the armour
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:23:33
- it's already included in that total
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:23:38
- fo 31110
- Emily: 14:23:41
- no, altogether.. i thought you said it was only 31000 or something
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:23:42
- Eden?
- Emily: 14:23:48
- nm
- lynkster: 14:23:49
- I was actually going to go through all the spells, but looks like that's not right?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:23:50
- altogether you got 31110
- Ember: 14:24:00
- Jackpot!
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:24:09
- no you can have any of the spells that are in the list but not in your spellbook already
- Emily: 14:24:12
- but,
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:24:15
- so for example on that list is
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:24:32
- Detect Secret Doors
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:24:43
- you can take that from the Spell book and add it to your own spellbook
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:24:46
- if you can roll over 17
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:24:50
- what's up Lotho?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:24:53
- someone rob you?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:06
- Eden?
- lynkster: 14:25:14
- Detect doors
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:17
- okay
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:20
- add it ot your spellbook
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:21
- so
- lynkster: 14:25:21
- I'll take that thanks Jerry.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:25
- Arcane Magic worksheet
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:27
- Level 1
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:29
- add
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:32
- "Arcane Magic"
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:35
- sorry
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:38
- Detect secret doors
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:40
- to the level 1 list
- lynkster: 14:25:50
- done.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:55
- okay
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:25:57
- next spell?
- lynkster: 14:26:13
- I thought I had burning hands beforE?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:26:23
- if so, it can't be taken from the spellbook
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:26:36
- whatever is left in the spellbook after you are finished can be used as a scroll
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:26:41
- we will get to that next
- lynkster: 14:26:44
- Oh wait I do.
- Emily: 14:26:46
- I don't remember you ever using it Ryu
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:26:50
- so what is the next spell you want to learn
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:26:51
- ?
- lynkster: 14:26:58
- I've used it before, on several ratties
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:27:13
- so what is the next spell you want to learn?
- lynkster: 14:27:21
- Jump
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:27:29
- right! roll
- lynkster: 14:27:39
- Wow. A "1".
- lynkster: 14:27:54
- No wait.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:28:15
- you can't roll a 1 on 2d10
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:28:42
- Eden?
- lynkster: 14:28:53
- 13.
- lynkster: 14:28:59
- I forgot to hit the button twice
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:29:03
- is that with your spellcraft skill added on or not?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:29:33
- Eden?
- lynkster: 14:29:35
- That would make it... 13 + 8 = 21.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:29:36
- Right
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:29:41
- you learnt that spell
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:29:43
- add it to the list
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:29:45
- and choose the next one
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:30:07
- Eden?
- lynkster: 14:30:10
- only Level 2 spells now
- lynkster: 14:30:14
- got the other two
- Emily: 14:30:24
- while he does that, this thing says need to be 8th level to levitate the ship... none of us are 8th level anything are we?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:30:32
- some of you are
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:30:35
- I think Oryndiel is
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:30:46
- so are you Lotho
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:30:50
- Eden?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:30:56
- are you with us?
- lynkster: 14:31:04
- Hey Em, if you use that Touch of Idiocy attack, should it called a "Spazz Attack"? Sorry - I'll try Melf's
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:31:10
- okay
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:31:10
- roll
- Emily: 14:31:14
- so i can add my cleric and theif levels?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:31:18
- yeah
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:31:23
- AD&D is a game of many levels
- lynkster: 14:31:23
- 6 + 8 = 14
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:31:25
- right
- lynkster: 14:31:28
- melf's
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:31:39
- with your spellcraft?
- lynkster: 14:31:42
- yep
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:31:44
- okay
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:31:55
- you don't learn that spell, and the disc on which it is written crumbles to dust
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:32:01
- next
- lynkster: 14:32:13
- disguise self
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:32:20
- go
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:32:22
- roll
- lynkster: 14:32:26
- 16 + 8 = 24
- lynkster: 14:32:32
- with spellcraft
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:32:35
- okay, you learnt it, add the spell to your book
- lynkster: 14:32:54
- whispering wind
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:32:59
- okay, roll
- lynkster: 14:33:06
- 17 + 8 = 25
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:33:10
- learnt, add
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:33:12
- next?
- lynkster: 14:33:26
- that's it
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:33:31
- right
- lynkster: 14:33:35
- oh wait. can I do lkv 3?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:33:36
- there are 3rd level spells in the book
- lynkster: 14:33:38
- lv 3?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:33:42
- you can't cast lvl 3 spells yet
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:33:47
- so to learn them will require that you roll over 26
- Emily: 14:33:52
- .. did you do lvl 2, protection from arrows?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:33:55
- i.e. will be really hard
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:34:06
- so you should probably keep them and wait until you gain the power to use level 3 spells before you learn them
- lynkster: 14:34:12
- I've got protection from arrows already thanks
- lynkster: 14:34:17
- ok
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:34:18
- So now Eden
- lynkster: 14:34:27
- yes dungeon master?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:34:36
- all the spells which remain in the list can be treated as a scroll, i.e. you can cast them directly from the stolen spellbook
- lynkster: 14:34:49
- anyone else want them?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:34:49
- so you should write it down on your character sheet in the Magic Items section
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:34:54
- no one else can have them
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:34:59
- that's not how magic items work
- lynkster: 14:35:01
- mine. My precious.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:35:07
- okay,
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:35:09
- so right that down
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:35:14
- Emma has written the money down
- lynkster: 14:35:17
- done.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:35:23
- Lotho wants to buy some potions of freedom of movement
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:35:37
- and you probably need to hire a crew for your ship, which will take a few days
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:35:57
- if you want a safe crew for your ship, you need to hire a lot of people. see the document
- Emily: 14:36:22
- so is the ship mainly how we're going to get around ?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:36:32
- at times you may have to go by other means
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:36:35
- but it will be a lot quicker
- Emily: 14:36:36
- can you do without your hippothings oryndiel?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:36:44
- and it has an excellent escape mechanism
- Emily: 14:36:46
- then we need a safe crew
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:36:48
- i.e. the tleeport
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:36:53
- so you need to hire all those people
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:36:58
- how much will that cost, Oryndiel?
- Ember: 14:37:14
- give me a tick
- Emily: 14:38:29
- why can't we just get slaves? after all, it is a slave ship
- Ember: 14:38:38
- 190gp per month
- Emily: 14:38:53
- assuming we can navigate/levitate etc
- Ember: 14:38:56
- is there room for hippogriffs, can they be tethered?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:39:06
- aye, there is room for 2 horses in the cargo hold
- Ember: 14:39:09
- Could be useful in an outside "probe"
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:39:18
- 1 freedom of movement potion will cost 750gps
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:39:22
- how many do you want to buy?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:39:24
- 1 each?
- Emily: 14:39:28
- yes
- Emily: 14:39:29
- 3
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:39:33
- okay
- Emily: 14:39:34
- maybe 4...
- Emily: 14:39:41
- ?
- Ember: 14:39:43
- Okay, I want to take the two hippogriffs with us in the stables.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:39:52
- okay, Emma, could you reduce the party gold by perhaps 3000gps
- Ember: 14:40:01
- aye aye
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:40:03
- to account for 4 freedom of movement potions and the crew
- Emily: 14:40:08
- eep
- Emily: 14:40:16
- freedom of movement is expensive
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:40:17
- I don't think at this stage you need to worry about buying other equipment
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:40:18
- but
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:40:26
- you should knock 500gps off your total gold
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:40:28
- to account for
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:40:34
- food expenses
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:40:37
- various equipment
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:40:39
- for the ship
- Emily: 14:40:46
- do we have that much left from the kitty ?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:40:49
- materials for the crew to live in (e.g. hammocks)
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:40:59
- and a small rail-mounted ballista for the front fo the ship
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:41:02
- just in case...
- lynkster: 14:41:17
- It's like buying a car with optional extras...
- Emily: 14:41:22
- notes the ballista
- Emily: 14:41:28
- cept we stole it
- lynkster: 14:41:37
- oh yea
- Ember: 14:41:37
- We now have 27,910.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:41:48
- and it has the optional extra of teleportation
- Ember: 14:41:49
- gold pieces (not the chocolate coin variety)
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:41:51
- speaking of which
- Emily: 14:41:52
- okay, i guess that's still alot :)
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:42:17
- do you think perhaps you shoul dbuy a couple of 1000 gps of gems
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:42:29
- as cover against the possibility of needign to make a sudden teleportation?
- Emily: 14:42:34
- we we have one freedom of movement potion each, who wants the extra one?
- Emily: 14:42:40
- and yes, gems, definately.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:42:49
- and perhaps Ryu needs to use his navigation skills to mark the location of Ost in Eidhil, so you can teleport back to it
- Emily: 14:42:51
- we can always sell them again right?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:42:53
- yep
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:42:55
- at a loss
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:42:57
- of course
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:43:09
- so who wants the extra Freedom fo Movement?
- Emily: 14:43:14
- well, what kind of distances are we travilling from here?
- Emily: 14:43:19
- me! ;)
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:43:23
- it'll be no more than 100kms
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:43:30
- so maybe the current gem stock is sufficient?
- Ember: 14:43:34
- FoM goes to the short man in the hat!
- Emily: 14:43:35
- yes
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:43:37
- okay Lotho, note your 2 thing
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:43:42
- hat?
- lynkster: 14:43:43
- Yea I'll do what Stu says about nav whatever
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:43:47
- okay
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:44:06
- Eden in your character sheet you should have the skill Profession (navigation)
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:44:14
- use it now please, to mark in the ship a nav-point
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:44:16
- as it were
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:44:24
- we shall call them "mystical embolations"
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:44:27
- for lack of a better term
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:44:35
- this mystical embolation shall be placed at Ost in Eidhil
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:44:41
- in future if you need to, you can teleport the ship back to it
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:44:43
- handy
- lynkster: 14:44:59
- right. I'll note that I've done... that.. thing.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:44:59
- if you like you don't need to roll fo rit
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:45:12
- since you aren't under threat
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:45:13
- so it is done
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:45:19
- in future you can telport th eship back here
- lynkster: 14:45:23
- Yay.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:45:38
- btw everyone, this means that Ryu is your navigator.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:45:40
- If he dies
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:45:47
- no-one can teleport the ship
- Emily: 14:45:49
- we're screwed?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:45:55
- though you can fly it normally
- Emily: 14:45:55
- bugger, can neither of us do it?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:46:05
- incidentally, Lotho, you are the pilot
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:46:06
- because
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:46:13
- Ryu is not quite high enough level to levitate the ship
- Ember: 14:46:28
- What a bottomer!
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:46:32
- I'm not sure if I gave Lotho navigate skill
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:46:50
- right
- Ember: 14:46:56
- And I can't tell my arse from my elbows. Better look after yerself, Ryu!
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:46:56
- are there any other arrangements to be made?
- Ember: 14:47:11
- Are we buying gems now then?
- Emily: 14:47:15
- and why cnope, i don't have navigate
- lynkster: 14:47:16
- Ember: oh shit.
- Ember: 14:48:09
- Gems are 1000 gps each, we have 27, 910. How many shall we get, kids?
- lynkster: 14:48:27
- what are the gems for again?
- Ember: 14:48:37
- to fuel the ship
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:48:38
- they power hte teleport power of the skyship
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:48:46
- also later on, it's self-powered movement ability
- Ember: 14:48:49
- special precious skills, that is
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:48:49
- invisibility
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:48:50
- etc.
- Ember: 14:49:00
- most impotent!
- lynkster: 14:49:00
- hmm. 27 would be good.
- Emily: 14:49:08
- heh, 2
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:49:12
- perhaps 2 is better
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:49:17
- you laready have that 4000gps gem
- Ember: 14:49:20
- my lucky number is 3.
- Ember: 14:49:22
- How about 3?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:49:23
- Idon't expect you to be using them a lot
- Emily: 14:49:28
- we're not going further than 100k, for which we'd only need 1000 gps
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:49:33
- until the dragons come, anyway
- lynkster: 14:49:39
- Dragons?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:49:43
- did I say that?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:49:44
- oops
- Ember: 14:49:46
- or dragoons?
- lynkster: 14:49:54
- Or drag goons.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:49:56
- well
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:49:58
- 2 or 3?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:50:00
- gems
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:50:02
- Imean?
- Emily: 14:50:03
- 3
- lynkster: 14:50:07
- 3
- Ember: 14:50:16
- OK, I'll knock it off the kitty then chaps
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:50:27
- and right the gem totals in the campaign notes or your gems box or something
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:50:41
- maybe since Ryu is the navigator he should record the gems?
- Ember: 14:51:07
- So, now we have 24, 910 in the kitty.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:51:15
- that's a goodly whack of money
- Emily: 14:51:16
- Ryu:
- lynkster: 14:51:23
- What do I call them?
- Emily: 14:51:26
- emerald (4100 gp),
Bloodstone (50 gp),
Amber (65 gp),
3 x 1000gp - Emily: 14:51:36
- gems
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:51:38
- Ryu cna choose the form of the 3 1000gps gems
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:51:42
- diamond, ruby, etc.
- Emily: 14:51:44
- or "ship movey thingies"
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:51:45
- doesn't matter
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:51:49
- they all turn to glass when they're done
- lynkster: 14:52:08
- Obsidian diamonds. How's that?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:52:11
- good
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:52:23
- so now
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:52:26
- we are ready to begin
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:52:28
- at last
- Ember: 14:52:34
- I need to go to the lave!
- Ember: 14:52:40
- only joking :)
- Ember: 14:52:48
- let's commence ...
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:52:51
- Okay, are we all ready?
- Ember: 14:52:56
- hai!
- Emily: 14:52:56
- i'm worried about bob :(
- lynkster: 14:52:58
- yes!
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:53:01
- how so?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:53:06
- what's up with the littel blighter?
- Emily: 14:53:24
- he's flying around again, and he's got a bloody stump for a thumb
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:53:30
- ow!
- Emily: 14:53:35
- so i cringe every time he lands
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:53:41
- do you need ot go check on him?
- Emily: 14:53:49
- no
- Ember: 14:53:52
- (Eden - Lotho has a cute birdie that goes tweet)
- lynkster: 14:53:53
- Who is this?
- lynkster: 14:53:55
- aaah
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:53:56
- right
- lynkster: 14:53:58
- awwww
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:53:59
- shall we begin?
- Ember: 14:54:04
- hai!
- lynkster: 14:54:12
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:54:38
- there will come a day when your dice shall break! But it is not this day! nerds of the west, to glory!
- Emily: 14:54:38
- k
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:54:44
- Right
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:54:59
- After you have been carousing in Ost-in-Eidhil for 5 days, a tall and mysterious Elf
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:55:06
- (who happens to be well known to Oryndiel)
- Ember: 14:55:11
- oo err...
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:55:12
- comes to visit in Oryndiel's apartments
- lynkster: 14:55:17
- slut!
- Ember: 14:55:26
- *blushes*
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:55:34
- You are all seated on her balcony sipping elven mead when he is shown in by the Housemaid
- Ember: 14:55:46
- (with a plant up her jacksie)
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:55:50
- He introduces himself to Lotho and Ryu as "Firiolena"
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:55:54
- Firiolena
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:56:03
- is the elf who is in charge of Ost in Eidhil
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:56:12
- and the chap who gives Oryindiel her tasks
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:56:22
- He is typically Elf-tall, maybe 7' and very skinny
- Ember: 14:56:33
- *swoons*
- lynkster: 14:56:34
- looks yaoi?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:56:40
- He is wearing a robe of golden silk, and has silver hair that falls to his shoulders
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:56:46
- so maybe a little yaoi
- lynkster: 14:56:53
- ew
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:56:54
- he has a scimitar belted at his waist, however
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:57:18
- and although he is courteous to you, he seems quite business like in his demeanour.
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:57:29
- Having greeted you, he asks
- Emily: 14:57:37
- *me glances up at the pompus looking thing and returns to the mead*
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:57:52
- "Would the two of you, Lotho and Ryu, care to join Oryndiel in assisting our fledgling kingdom?"
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:58:05
- Your wonderful ship of the skies would be of much assistance to us
- Ember: 14:58:15
- *I rearrange my tresses and ponce about a bit*
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:58:18
- as would your undoubtedly formidable fighting skills
- Emily: 14:58:35
- hrrmm
- lynkster: 14:58:37
- *ryu been the strong silent type, says little, betrays little emotion*
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:58:49
- he waits a moment for you both to look glum
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:58:52
- and then says
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:59:11
- "I understand a little of hobbit life, Mr. Sandybanks, so I shall take that grunt as murmured assent."
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:59:15
- As for you, Honourable Ryu
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:59:22
- Perhaps my question has insulted you?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:59:36
- I do not wish to impugn your loyalty to your friends by even asking unnecessary questions
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:59:41
- I shall take your silence as assent
- Emily: 14:59:49
- *clears throat* why would I want to help a group of elves
- Emily: 14:59:50
- ?
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:59:58
- Ah...
- Stuart Gilmour: 14:59:59
- he pauses
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:00:04
- Well,...
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:00:11
- Elves have always been the friends of your race
- Emily: 15:00:17
- oryndiel has told me little of what you do and I dont see how it could be of interest to me
- Emily: 15:00:29
- s/and/but
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:00:30
- and when this kingdom is established and strong, perhaps there will be a place within it ...
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:00:36
- for...
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:00:49
- those who could represent the Shire and the interests of hobbit kind here
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:00:51
- also
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:01:07
- perhaps there would be a place for a churc devoted to your capricious gods?
- Emily: 15:01:09
- *hrms with interest*
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:01:22
- In any case,
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:01:25
- if you do not wish to join us
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:01:37
- I shall bid you good day, and return with the gifts I brought here to my Castle
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:01:38
- ...
- Emily: 15:01:44
- I didn't say that..
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:01:45
- he pauses, as if about to bow himself out...
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:01:53
- oh
- Ember: 15:01:55
- Come now, Lotho, the chap means well.
- Emily: 15:02:08
- but you have to agree, one usually wants to know who and what they're agreeing to join
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:02:13
- "well, perhaps I should stay then?"
- lynkster: 15:02:23
- And who they are fighting against.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:02:27
- YOu would merely be agreeing to work for a time with a kingdom of elves
- Emily: 15:02:29
- here
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:02:33
- a nascent kingdom forming in our ancestral home
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:02:40
- with the intention of reclaiming it
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:02:50
- and eeking out an existence devoted to Good, Freedom and Law
- Emily: 15:02:56
- elves don't generally need hobbit help for those sorts of tasks
- Emily: 15:03:01
- form my experience
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:03:08
- Well, these are unusual times my friend
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:03:19
- and the world has changed since the different races isolatedhtemselves from one another
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:03:28
- we of Eregion view other races as our allies and friends
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:03:44
- and look to our friends for assistance in defending freedom in these dark times
- Emily: 15:03:45
- who then is the enemy?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:03:53
- the Orcs in the mountains, of course
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:04:02
- remnant forces of Sauron
- Emily: 15:04:03
- ... of course
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:04:08
- who have gathered there
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:04:14
- Also we are concerned about the Dunlendings
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:04:23
- though we are not at war with them, and hope to forge treaties in time
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:04:33
- So you will join us?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:04:45
- There are no secret pledges or dishonourable societies
- Emily: 15:04:52
- looks to Ryu to see what his response will be
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:04:58
- you merely need to agree to help us when we ask
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:05:05
- [btw how do you do those little tings?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:05:07
- ]
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:05:13
- /looks askance?
- Emily: 15:05:15
- "/me doe sstuff"
- lynkster: 15:05:18
- As long as the others agree, I have no problens.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:05:19
- nods
- Ember: 15:05:25
- I'm already in.
- Emily: 15:05:46
- looks fondly at his mead
- Ember: 15:05:50
- tosses back hair
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:05:58
- well then
- Emily: 15:06:04
- is there anything urgent?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:06:15
- Firiolena takes a seat, and clicks his fingers
- lynkster: 15:06:16
- how thedo you do those things
- lynkster: 15:06:26
- I mean, the action things.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:06:29
- a Dwarf walks in
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:06:32
- dragging a case
- Emily: 15:06:34
- type /me blah
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:06:35
- and lays it before you
- Ember: 15:06:48
- lays what?
- Emily: 15:06:53
- it
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:06:54
- Firiolena opens it, and pulls out a bolt of silk, which he puts aside
- Emily: 15:06:55
- IT
- Ember: 15:06:56
- fook, oops.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:07:04
- he looks askance at Oryndiel
- lynkster: 15:07:05
- ah, thanks Lotho
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:07:24
- and pulls out a smaller case, of sandalwood embossed with silver. From it he pulls out an amulet
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:07:26
- This,
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:07:28
- he says
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:07:31
- is proof against poison.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:07:38
- Which of you is least resistant to poison?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:07:59
- The amulet sparkles with light reflecting from 4 pearls embedded in a silver disc
- Emily: 15:08:03
- (um, is it a skill?)
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:08:20
- [to see if you are good or bad at resisting poison, look in"skills and abilities", and find saving throws]
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:08:26
- you want the fortitude save
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:08:31
- this will add 1 to your fortitude save
- Emily: 15:08:48
- 7
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:08:49
- it's just above the "skills" table
- lynkster: 15:08:50
- Mine will be 6
- Emily: 15:09:28
- oryndiels?
- Ember: 15:09:32
- 4
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:09:44
- so will Ember ask for it?
- Emily: 15:09:46
- haha, give the pretty pendant to the woman
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:09:52
- Oryndiel's a boy I think
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:09:54
- from memory
- Emily: 15:09:57
- oh
- lynkster: 15:09:59
- A bit yaoi?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:10:04
- elf, gotta be
- lynkster: 15:10:05
- still fits :)
- Ember: 15:10:10
- I'm of a weak constitution, say I, so it must be mine.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:10:20
- "Okay", says Firriolena, and hands it over to oryndiel
- Emily: 15:10:23
- so are we all male?
- lynkster: 15:10:36
- Funny how we only find out now. :D
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:10:42
- [write it in magic items, then put a 1 in the amgic colmn of that save]
- Emily: 15:10:52
- (find out = realise/remember)
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:11:05
- next he pulls out a pair of finely tooled leather boots, and says
- Ember: 15:11:22
- (aye, a pretty boy I am)
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:11:23
- "These improve one's power to move silently in even the most unsuited of environments"
- Emily: 15:11:34
- pft, who needs boots for that
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:11:43
- they adjust their size automatically to suit the size of the wearer
- lynkster: 15:11:54
- [is this dexterity?]
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:11:54
- who should wish to wear such boots?
- Ember: 15:11:57
- (Aside - Lotho, are ye a clumsy one? I cannae recall)
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:12:05
- [no it's move silently]
- Emily: 15:12:08
- (it's skill: move silently)
- Emily: 15:12:24
- my total is 11
- lynkster: 15:12:26
- 7 for me
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:12:37
- Finally Firiolena pulls out a belt of string entwined with silver crosses
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:12:41
- "This,"he says
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:12:48
- "when worn against the skin"
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:12:57
- grants the wearer additional power over undead
- Emily: 15:13:01
- oryndiel, what's your move silently?
- Emily: 15:13:15
- additional? meaning you need to have the power to start with?
- Ember: 15:13:19
- (my m.s. is 12, so Ryu should take the silent socks)
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:13:20
- aye
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:13:26
- Ryu gets the boots
- lynkster: 15:13:41
- takes the boots gravely with a slight bow
- Emily: 15:13:51
- they oryndiel gets the string methinks
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:13:58
- what?!!!!!
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:14:06
- you're a cleric, Lotho
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:14:11
- it's your special power!!!
- Emily: 15:14:33
- it is?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:14:42
- "Turn Undead, 4 times a day"
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:14:45
- look in your special abilities
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:14:48
- you've used it before!
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:14:52
- This string will take that up to 5
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:14:54
- times a day
- Ember: 15:14:57
- Lotho bags the fancy string, then.
- lynkster: 15:14:58
- "If undead persists, please see your doctor."
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:15:07
- that would be .. UndeaTH
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:15:13
- Okay, so
- lynkster: 15:15:18
- *crackly lightning*
- Emily: 15:15:23
- and where do I see this, capability?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:15:30
- write in your character sheet, belt of turning - 1 extra turn per day
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:15:36
- it's in your special abilities list
- Emily: 15:15:53
- oh
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:16:00
- and Ryu, add the "boots of stealth", "+1 to move silently"
- lynkster: 15:16:01
- decorates his new shoes with red ribbons
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:16:11
- You put the 1 in the magic column of your move silently skill
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:16:17
- it should add automatically to the total
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:16:19
- okay?
- lynkster: 15:16:25
- done
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:16:33
- everyone cool?
- lynkster: 15:16:39
- icy.
- Ember: 15:17:19
- gives frosty glare to Ryu for bad punning.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:17:24
- Lotho?
- Emily: 15:18:05
- yes
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:18:07
- Okay.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:18:12
- Firiolena then sighs, and says
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:18:27
- "I am afraid I cannot afford you much time to rest on your laurels, Oryndiel, for I have a new task for you"
- Ember: 15:18:42
- "I await your instructions."
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:18:47
- Aha.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:18:57
- Well, then I shall explain the task.
- Ember: 15:19:09
- Right-e-o.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:19:22
- It would appear that a small tribe of Orcs encamped in the Eastern Mountains near the source of the Glanduin has been terrorising some nearby Dunlending villages
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:19:28
- this in itself would be of no concern to us
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:19:43
- except that the Orc band is very small, and has never been very strong
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:19:50
- but it has defeated several Dunlending war bands
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:20:05
- Further, it is attacking villages and farms in order to steal food (and slaves, of course)
- Emily: 15:20:18
- do you know what their advantage is?
- Ember: 15:20:19
- frowns and strokes chin in thoughtful manner
- lynkster: 15:20:22
- eyes narrows in anger
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:20:28
- it is strange that an Orc band so hungry it has to steal food is also able to defeat Dunlending war bands
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:20:36
- we think they ahve an advantage, as you suggest Lotho
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:20:41
- but we don't know what it is
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:20:45
- we want you to go and find it
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:20:53
- and steal it, kill it, or destroy it
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:20:55
- also
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:21:07
- we are worried that the Dark Chieftain may also realise that they have an advantage
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:21:31
- we want you to find out what the advantage is and neutralise it before he finds a way to take advantage of it
- Emily: 15:21:32
- um, Dark Chieftain?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:21:36
- head of the Dunlendings
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:21:40
- discussed extensively above
- lynkster: 15:21:51
- Have we?
- Ember: 15:22:02
- Do the attacks take place at night?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:22:04
- he takes an interest in problems on the borders, because it is an opportunity for him to prove how loyal and ferocious he is
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:22:07
- night and day
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:22:11
- but mostly night
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:22:15
- Orcs do not like daytime much
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:22:27
- You can fly your ship there quickly, and then hide it and scout the area to find out what is happening
- Emily: 15:22:36
- do you know of any surviving witnesses?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:22:40
- If you discover they have a monster aiding them, you must kill it
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:22:49
- we have heard of some people surviving the attacks
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:22:53
- they may be in local villages
- Emily: 15:22:55
- .. or master it
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:23:05
- if hteir advantage is an item of some kind, you must steal or destroy it
- lynkster: 15:23:12
- Should we expect some trouble from the Dark Chieftain
- lynkster: 15:23:14
- ?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:23:18
- if they are hiding a secretly larger army than we know about
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:23:21
- you must rush back to warn us
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:23:30
- Ii do not expect the Chieftain would come in person
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:23:34
- hope for your sakes he does not
- Emily: 15:23:49
- why? he's only a Dunlending... ?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:23:51
- But he may send a large or more powerful force to capture or kill whatever is giving these Orcstheir advantage
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:23:59
- He is inded, only a Dunlending
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:24:14
- contemplates the power of a 20th level Barbarian Dunlending with half demon powers
- Emily: 15:24:22
- haha, oh
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:24:36
- no-one knows the truth about the Dark Chieftain
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:24:43
- but he has great power to sway others to his cause
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:24:48
- and is undefeated in battle
- Ember: 15:24:56
- A shady character, he seems.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:25:00
- It is saidthat he can control wolves, and his mother was a demon
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:25:13
- some say that he consumed his firstborn child to gain power over dark forces
- lynkster: 15:25:19
- Long indeed, is the reach of the foul and fallen.
- Ember: 15:25:24
- Like Baby-cham?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:25:35
- and that his axe was carved from the bones of a living dragon
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:25:48
- Thusly, ,do some call him "Dragon Axe"
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:25:54
- nods sagely: All these things are true
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:26:13
- Firiolena stands
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:26:17
- "I must away, to council"
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:26:20
- Will you do this thing for me?
- Emily: 15:26:34
- sure, sounds like a blast
- lynkster: 15:26:38
- also stands.
- Ember: 15:26:44
- We will do our utmost. (Ignore my friend here.)
- Ember: 15:27:05
- gives a low respectful bow. Then ponces about.
- lynkster: 15:27:12
- Though we Easterlings have been of Sauron's army, we bear no love now for the dark.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:27:21
- Thank you very much. I look forward to your successful return
- lynkster: 15:27:34
- bows
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:27:35
- [the less said ofthat the better, Ryu]
- Emily: 15:27:37
- scowls at Oryndiel and offers a hand to Firio
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:27:54
- Firiolena bows to Lotho and takes his proferred hand (from a great and superior height)
- Ember: 15:28:03
- (is he going to kiss it?)
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:28:19
- "I am sure it will be a pleasure to have a representative of such a brave race to bolster Oryndiel's work"
- Emily: 15:28:31
- nod/bows
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:28:35
- Then he swirls his silk robe and leavs
- lynkster: 15:28:40
- ooooh.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:28:41
- leaves
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:28:45
- so
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:28:54
- is it to the batmobile, and up the Glanduin to fame and glory?
- lynkster: 15:29:27
- What says you, mine swishy brethren?
- Ember: 15:29:28
- Tally-ho, then, lads?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:29:39
- Lotho?
- Ember: 15:29:49
- To the ship, mateys?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:29:52
- back in a mo
- Ember: 15:30:02
- Stuart is weeing.
- lynkster: 15:30:09
- hehe. thanks Emma.
- Ember: 15:30:10
- (but not right here)
- Emily: 15:30:16
- goodo
- lynkster: 15:30:20
- Ron's asleep right here
- Ember: 15:30:33
- Let's all snipe about the DM behind his back.
- Ember: 15:30:38
- snipe snipe snipe
- lynkster: 15:30:46
- He exposed himself to us!!
- Ember: 15:30:49
- snipes some more
- Emily: 15:30:52
- speaking of... if we go off shippingright now, how long will it be before we get to leave these nerdy creatures for today?
- Ember: 15:31:24
- (Stuart has returned from the lav)
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:31:30
- what?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:31:36
- we will finish in half an hour right?
- Ember: 15:31:42
- *clears throat* nowt.
- Emily: 15:31:43
- okay
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:31:50
- so
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:31:54
- to the ship and away up the Glanduin,
- Emily: 15:31:55
- i just thought if we started something we might not be able to stop for a bit
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:32:06
- well, probably
- lynkster: 15:32:07
- sorry. my fault
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:32:18
- so we could stop now if you like
- Emily: 15:32:24
- thats okay, I had time to have bkfast/lunch
- Ember: 15:32:27
- Let's just hove into areas orcish, and have a wee gander.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:32:33
- alrighty
- Emily: 15:32:34
- half an hr is okay,m but i leave then nomatter where we are
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:32:39
- cool
- Ember: 15:32:48
- brillo-pads.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:32:54
- we shall stop before then if it looks like an unavoidable confrontation which will stretch past Lotho's bedtime
- lynkster: 15:32:55
- huzzah.
- Emily: 15:33:10
- (parent-time)
- Emily: 15:33:15
- so, i get to pilot
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:33:20
- so you retire to the ship, cast off the mainstays and keelhaul the rapscallions, me hearties, and sail off over Ost-in-Eidhil
- Emily: 15:33:21
- puts on his pilot cap
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:33:29
- the ship rises gracefully to just below the level of the clouds
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:33:42
- and then you sail with the wind along a course just north of teh Glanduin river
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:33:55
- (which you can see winding its way east on your maps)
- Ember: 15:33:59
- polishes the brass wheel and other nautical knobs
- Emily: 15:34:05
- it's rather like a pirate cap, but is a brilliant green and sports a beautiful blue feather
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:34:19
- ahead of you the Misty Mountains gleam in the sunlight, and the Glanduin sparkles far below
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:34:30
- to your south are stretches of open grassland, scattered with thick green forests
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:34:37
- and occaisonal dunlending settlements
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:34:44
- North of the river lie the wastelands of Eregion
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:34:53
- a mixture of scrub heaths, and small patches of forest
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:34:57
- with occasional ruins in between
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:35:19
- It takes 2 days to reach teh headwaters of the Glanduin, where the misty mountains spring from the earth in a great snowy rampart
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:35:31
- it is dark and cloudy about their peaks as you approach the area, so your ship has to descend
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:35:48
- you drift over a huge forest, which stretches up into the valleys and foothills of the mountains
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:36:09
- to the south in clearings of the forest are small settlements, and you can see in the distance that the easternmost settlements are partially destroyed
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:36:26
- in that area, the forest thins out and teh foothills of the mountains only have low scrub covering them
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:36:32
- it is from there that the Orcs come
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:36:36
- where shall you go first?
- Emily: 15:37:00
- where looks like they have a pub?
- Ember: 15:37:01
- check out the destroyed settlements for clues?
- lynkster: 15:37:03
- The tall one says that some survive and are in the villages. Shall we ask them?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:37:14
- the villages would have a pub
- Ember: 15:37:19
- Aye, let's ask the witnesses
- Ember: 15:37:22
- and have an ale
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:37:29
- there is only one destroyed settlement, a small one really close to the foothills
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:37:38
- there are a couple of partly damaged settlements closer to teh dunland
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:37:46
- do you wish to go to them first?
- Emily: 15:37:56
- the partially damaged ones, yes
- lynkster: 15:37:57
- Partially destroyed?
- lynkster: 15:37:59
- yes
- Ember: 15:38:03
- OK.
- Ember: 15:38:10
- Let
- Ember: 15:38:17
- Let's put on our walking boots.
- lynkster: 15:38:27
- i've got red ribbons on mine.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:38:29
- okay, so you drift your ship towards one of these towns, cruising over a couple of ruined farms and coming to rest near a small stream just outside the town's walls
- Emily: 15:38:29
- where can we leave the ship?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:38:44
- it is a fairly poor, dirt little collection of hovels
- Emily: 15:38:47
- will the ship be safe alone?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:38:48
- clustered around a small square
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:38:53
- the ship has a crew of 27
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:39:00
- it's unlikely to be in too much trouble
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:39:05
- especially a km up
- Emily: 15:39:08
- yeah, but they're so lowly paid, as if they'd put up much of a fight
- Emily: 15:39:13
- oh, good
- Emily: 15:39:18
- i um, can't fly though
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:39:19
- actually it can't be a km up
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:39:26
- you gusy are needed to raise it
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:39:28
- however
- Ember: 15:39:32
- hippogriffs?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:39:34
- if you double hteir pay they might defend it
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:39:59
- they certainly can't steal it!
- lynkster: 15:40:05
- is that an option or an observation? :)
- Ember: 15:40:10
- shall we shove a hippogriff between our well-toned thighs and go down-diddly-down?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:40:18
- there's only one hippogriff
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:40:20
- you will have to land the ship for now
- Emily: 15:40:26
- i thought there were 2
- Ember: 15:40:32
- me too
- Emily: 15:40:38
- 2 too
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:40:42
- there are 2, good point
- Emily: 15:40:43
- okay,
- lynkster: 15:40:43
- me 3
- Emily: 15:40:44
- lands
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:40:55
- so you ride down, leaving the boat hovering 100 m up.
- Emily: 15:40:57
- lands not too gracefully
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:40:59
- how's that?
- Emily: 15:41:03
- hey, i'm still getting used to this thing
- Emily: 15:41:13
- thought it couldn't levitate without us
- Ember: 15:41:19
- cajoles as Lotho lands arse over tit
- lynkster: 15:41:26
- jumps from ship and gracefully swings his way down the trees using the branches
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:41:27
- you can leave it fixed to levitate
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:41:32
- just can't go down and tehn have it go up again.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:41:34
- i think
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:41:43
- fucking poncy monks
- Emily: 15:41:43
- oh
- Ember: 15:41:57
- nimbly hops down and files his nails whilst waiting for the others.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:41:58
- anyway, so you ride the hippogriffs down, and walk on them to the town
- lynkster: 15:42:08
- Fear my leet skillz
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:42:23
- as you approach, 3 Dunlending warriors come out of the gate, looking about nervously and pointing crossbows at you
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:42:37
- "stop there!" They yell in harshly accented Westron
- lynkster: 15:42:38
- [who speaks for us?]
- Emily: 15:42:51
- stops and faces them, eyebrow raised
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:42:56
- I think in theory that Lotho is the charmer?
- Ember: 15:43:05
- I have terrible social skills.
- Emily: 15:43:05
- yes gentlemen?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:43:10
- "Who are you, and what do you want?"
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:43:29
- "there's bin trouble hereabouts o'late, we dun need no more o'same!"
- Emily: 15:43:33
- we might ask the same of you, since you are the ones interested in us
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:43:38
- "so speak yer name and peace!"
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:43:52
- "No smart lips, little'un" the dunlending yells
- Emily: 15:43:54
- relax, at the moment we're simply looking for a pub. I'm lotho, this is Oryndiel and Ryu
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:43:57
- "we been under attack these last days"
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:44:05
- Aye?
- Emily: 15:44:08
- so I hear ... Orcs?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:44:10
- He lowers his crossbow
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:44:14
- "How'd you hear?"
- Emily: 15:44:25
- bad news travels fast
- Ember: 15:44:34
- So, what happened here?
- Emily: 15:44:37
- and we're not so fond of Orcs
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:44:37
- a second dunlending mutters to teh first, who says
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:44:47
- "We really shn't let you in, suhs"
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:44:51
- "Defense 'n all."
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:44:55
- "you gotta have a good reason"
- Emily: 15:45:00
- i'm sorry?
- Emily: 15:45:16
- by whose orders?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:45:25
- [lotho, this is a situation where you have to tell me what tactic you will use to sweet talk your way in, and then make a diplomacy check]
- Ember: 15:45:33
- (shall we pay 'em a bribe?)
- lynkster: 15:46:11
- [let's see what Lotho comes up with]
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:46:11
- taps his fingers, waiting for Lotho's suggestion
- Emily: 15:46:23
- (well, they're dunlendings, so we can't tell em much right? incase it gets back to the dark cheif person?)
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:46:29
- aye
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:46:37
- but you can come up with something I'm sure
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:46:40
- bein' the diplomat and all
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:46:47
- e.g. "we're treasure hunters eager for a fight"
- Ember: 15:46:50
- ( we could say we're here to trade things they might need, like food?)
- Emily: 15:46:51
- dons his diplomatic hat
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:46:52
- "an orc ate my mother"
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:46:53
- etc.
- lynkster: 15:47:04
- [an orc ate my mother too!]
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:47:14
- [no, your mother was an orc!
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:47:16
- ]
- lynkster: 15:47:29
- [and yours smelt of elderberries!]
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:47:36
- looks askanc e at that diplomatic hat, which is notbeing used
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:47:46
- Lotho?
- lynkster: 15:48:05
- [pssst - tell them we're a bunch of testosterone adventurers]
- Emily: 15:48:06
- um
- lynkster: 15:48:11
- [who are looking for a challenge]
- Emily: 15:48:29
- what trouble can a hobbit and a couple of dwarves do?
- lynkster: 15:48:48
- [I'm.... I'm not a dwarf]
- Emily: 15:48:53
- oops, elves
- lynkster: 15:48:59
- [um... nope]
- Emily: 15:49:05
- oh, whatever then
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:49:05
- [is that your tactic lotho?]
- Ember: 15:49:06
- [shall we offer them a sweetner, like giving them weapons or summick? we can say we'll return to the ship and get them later]
- Emily: 15:49:10
- yes
- Emily: 15:49:25
- we are simply looking for a drink and a hearty meal
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:49:29
- so lotho, please lay out your argument briefly, and then make a diplomacy roll
- Emily: 15:49:46
- what do i hve to roll?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:49:51
- 2d10
- lynkster: 15:49:52
- [we're here to bed your wimmin
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:49:54
- plus diplomacy
- lynkster: 15:49:58
- !]
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:50:01
- slaps lynkster with a sausage
- Emily: 15:50:08
- besides, as if we could get anything by you fine boys
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:50:21
- okay roll
- Emily: 15:50:46
- 21
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:50:56
- "well, I can see as you mean no harm and all..."
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:51:01
- so you can come in for a meal and a drink
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:51:06
- but ye'll nay stay the night
- Emily: 15:51:12
- aw
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:51:17
- not wi'em gawky bird-horses snapping at yer heels
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:51:32
- me bruvva runs the crooked crow tavern
- Emily: 15:51:43
- whats the time?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:51:46
- ye go there and tell 'em I vouched for ye, and 'll join ye in an hour u 2
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:51:50
- it's afternoon
- Emily: 15:51:56
- ok
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:51:58
- you would have maybe 4 hours before dark to get in some ales and chattin'
- Emily: 15:52:04
- nods
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:52:09
- okay
- Emily: 15:52:12
- much obliged
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:52:30
- so you wander in to the town, and find yourselves in a rundown and smelly little village, typical of dunlending outposts
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:52:43
- sadly, half of it has been burnt and damaged, and a haybarn and some fields destroyed
- Ember: 15:52:44
- applies peg to nose
- lynkster: 15:52:50
- wrinkles his nose
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:52:58
- there is also a gibbet hanging in the middle of the town, with 2 orcs hanging from it
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:53:06
- and a smell of burnt flesh lingers over the town.
- Emily: 15:53:12
- walks up to the orcs
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:53:16
- from the burial pit for their own dead
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:53:26
- what does Lotho do to these Orcs?
- Emily: 15:53:39
- walks around them, examining-like
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:53:46
- looking for anything in particular?
- lynkster: 15:54:02
- do we roll?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:54:07
- dunno
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:54:12
- what's Lotho looking for?
- Ember: 15:54:21
- all worthy items would've been stripped, I spose
- Emily: 15:54:27
- just anything abnormal
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:54:30
- aye
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:54:33
- nothing abnormal Lotho
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:54:56
- their tribe appears to be a pair of crossed fangs, painted on their faces with pigs blood
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:55:00
- charming creatures, really
- Emily: 15:55:11
- how long dead are they?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:55:17
- 2 days
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:55:20
- about
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:55:29
- they're not Uruk Hai
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:55:33
- ie not special orcs
- Emily: 15:55:36
- turns his back and looks for the pub
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:55:40
- just your average scungy creature
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:55:53
- okay, so you head to the crooked crow, where you are greeted at the door by the two patrons and the tavern owner
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:55:58
- it's a small town, not much happens.
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:56:22
- the tavern owner asks you to post your hippogriffs back at the town square, which you do, and then gives you all some fairly good quality ale "on the 'ouse, for travellers and all'
- Emily: 15:56:24
- greetings, we were advised you have good ale and digestable meals
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:56:28
- he doesn't have food to spare
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:56:41
- "sorry folks, ain't got no bread, only a little meat and there ain't much of that"
- Emily: 15:56:56
- why?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:56:57
- Orcs took most ofour supplies, and what little is left we're sellin' on in the next few days
- lynkster: 15:57:00
- is vegetarian, so that is fine.
- Emily: 15:57:20
- sellin on?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:57:24
- this 'eres a big problem for us, if we don't get them Orcs slain by Autumn they could take our harvest this year
- Emily: 15:57:28
- don't you all need it here?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:57:38
- need the money from sellin' our latest crops to get some mercenaries in and help us fight these orcs
- Emily: 15:57:55
- ah, difficult orcs are they?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:58:06
- the towns around here are forming up our few fightin' men and sending 'em to Catherm, South East of here
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:58:16
- should send a big band of warriors up against 'em in the next few days
- Emily: 15:58:23
- don't seem right them sucessfully attacking a well-guarded town like this
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:58:28
- aye little chap, they've bin mighty raucous and dangerous
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:58:46
- that's what we'd a thought, but they seem to come from all sides at once. And people are saying .... things
- Emily: 15:58:56
- ... what kind of things?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:58:59
- sayin' as how...
- Emily: 15:59:08
- ... I have an interest in orc-killing myself...
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:59:20
- well... see... it ain't just orcs you'd be a killin'
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:59:24
- if what people says is true
- Emily: 15:59:36
- some other beast a friend of the orc?
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:59:39
- me, I weren't there to know, and it were dark and the attack happened so fast, maybe what people says is all rot
- Stuart Gilmour: 15:59:43
- that's what I think
- Emily: 15:59:56
- .. tell me,.. what is it people are saying?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:00:05
- well, crazy stuff.
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:00:15
- Ask about if you like, I ain't of a mind to repeat such stupid rumours.
- Emily: 16:00:27
- oh, but when it comes to orcs, nothing is too stupid..
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:00:29
- Just 'cause we cain't beat some orcs, ain't no call to mekkin' up tall stories
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:00:31
- ...
- Emily: 16:00:33
- in my experience
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:00:43
- [this is a hint for all of you to do some gather information checks]
- Emily: 16:00:59
- [hrm?]
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:01:10
- check your character sheet, it's a skill
- lynkster: 16:01:11
- [I've got 0]
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:01:14
- you're all crap at it
- lynkster: 16:01:24
- [yes. yes I am.]
- Ember: 16:01:37
- (I got 6. blah!)
- Emily: 16:01:42
- yes
- Emily: 16:01:50
- roll 2d10?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:01:52
- aye
- Emily: 16:02:04
- 18
- lynkster: 16:02:09
- 9
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:02:21
- well, Lotho, you were able to make something of the conversation after all.
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:02:39
- You learn from a seedy chap in the back of the bar that the rumour going about is that the orc badn was small
- Emily: 16:02:41
- is there anyone else in the room?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:02:45
- but it was bolstered in numbers considerably
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:02:51
- by a large squad of skeletal Dwarves
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:02:58
- the dead walked, and slaughtered as they did so
- Emily: 16:03:03
- are they so rare here?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:03:10
- if you don't believe it, check the town of Ergrel, near the foothills
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:03:16
- completely destroyed it was ...
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:03:26
- but maybe some o' them undead was crushed in the battle
- Emily: 16:03:27
- by these dwarves?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:03:30
- Lotho...
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:03:33
- did you mean to ask
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:03:41
- "Are skeletal dwarves rare?"
- Emily: 16:03:44
- if undead are rare, yes
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:03:47
- aye
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:03:57
- I'd be thinkin' that skeletal dwarves are particularly rare
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:04:06
- they would have to be ... created.. from a dwarven cemetery
- Emily: 16:04:11
- why dwarves particularly?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:04:13
- Dwarves live a long time and bury their dead deep underground
- Emily: 16:04:18
- oh
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:04:23
- "That," says your contact
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:04:27
- "be a mystery to usall"
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:04:47
- and the weirdness o'it be the reason as them folks like this 'ere tavern's boss don't believe what they 'ears
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:05:00
- now could all of you make a spot check please
- Emily: 16:05:04
- so who is going to try and fight these dwarves/orcs
- Emily: 16:05:06
- ?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:05:10
- 2d10 + spot
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:05:16
- aye, that's a question that is
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:05:19
- innit?
- Emily: 16:05:30
- 15
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:05:30
- we be fieldin' a large squad to fight the orcs in the next few days
- lynkster: 16:05:32
- 17
- Emily: 16:05:37
- yes
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:05:38
- find their nest and hunt 'em down
- Ember: 16:05:57
- 20
- Emily: 16:06:01
- but given the rumours, will anyone from the villages around here be joining the squad?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:06:03
- Em, it's 4pm
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:06:06
- so we should probably stop
- Emily: 16:06:09
- i know
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:06:12
- "aye" says the cahp
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:06:19
- me own son be joinin' t'morra
- Emily: 16:06:26
- brave man
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:06:30
- indeed,
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:06:32
- says the chap
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:06:41
- You guys aren't able to learn any more than that, I"m afraid
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:06:47
- you're kicked out of the tavern 2 hours later.
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:06:55
- and can return to the ship.
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:07:00
- We should probably end there, eh?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:07:01
- Emily?
- Emily: 16:07:02
- to sleep
- Emily: 16:07:04
- yup
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:07:08
- okay folks
- Ember: 16:07:10
- And have a pot of elderflower tea.
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:07:11
- can we do this again soon?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:07:16
- it was muchly fun!
- lynkster: 16:07:33
- yes
- Emily: 16:07:36
- mm, as long as Mr finch doesn't have another injury
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:07:45
- I'm sure the events are not related
- Ember: 16:07:47
- 'Twas funsome (giggle)
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:07:51
- so shall we arrange by email?
- Emily: 16:07:51
- i don't have many plans for the next while
- Emily: 16:07:54
- yup
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:08:04
- I would like to do it in, say, 2 weeks, but Emma would prefer 4 I think
- lynkster: 16:08:19
- wasn't there another?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:08:24
- another?
- Emily: 16:08:26
- well, you tell us when you two are available, and we'll try and find a coimmon time
- Emily: 16:08:31
- another person
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:08:32
- okay, we'll discuss over email.
- lynkster: 16:08:34
- another player
- Ember: 16:08:36
- emailifications ahoy! sounds fine.
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:08:37
- oh him
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:08:39
- we'll see about that
- Emily: 16:08:49
- bye
- Ember: 16:08:52
- btw may 13th is mother's day so could be busy for family stuff for some ppl
- lynkster: 16:08:58
- bye Emily
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:09:08
- oh, and just for the record, here is my email:
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:09:09
- Okay, Sunday 22nd it is, Leon`s character is not available for this session. We will play from 1pm - 5pm Australian time, which is 12-4 Japan time.
- lynkster: 16:09:17
- Right.
- lynkster: 16:09:20
- Sorry again.
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:09:23
- hrmph
- Ember: 16:09:27
- btw
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:09:27
- anyway
- Ember: 16:09:32
- great blogging, eden
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:09:33
- 3 or 4 weeks time
- Ember: 16:09:35
- enjoyed muchly
- lynkster: 16:09:40
- thanks Emma
- lynkster: 16:09:51
- you'll have to send us a notice closer to the date
- Ember: 16:10:00
- are you going to "wake up Ron" now?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:10:06
- hey Eden
- Ember: 16:10:10
- :*
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:10:12
- do you know if there is some way to save these chats?
- Stuart Gilmour: 16:10:19
- that's a really weird face Emma!
- lynkster: 16:10:35
- hehe
- lynkster: 16:10:36
- um
- lynkster: 16:10:40
- let me see